News /
15 April 2019


The Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Tourism and External Affairs, Fiona Hyslop, today announced the reappointment of three members, Sir Neil McIntosh, Simon Learoyd and Melissa Terras, to the National Library of Scotland Board.

National Library of Scotland

The National Library of Scotland is one of the world’s leading research libraries with a particular focus on the study of Scotland and the Scots. It is the largest library in Scotland with over 25 million items and is one of six Legal Deposit Libraries entitled to claim a copy of every printed and electronic work published in the UK and Ireland under the terms of the Legal Deposit Libraries Act 2013.

Its key priorities take account of its statutory functions of preserving and developing its collections, providing access, encouraging education and research, whilst contributing to the understanding of Scotland’s national culture as a country with a rich heritage and a vibrant future.

Core funded by the Scottish Government, it operates within the context of the Scottish Government’s national outcomes and strategic objectives, including public service reform. It is governed by a Board which is accountable to the public through Ministers and the Scottish Parliament for the discharging of the functions defined in the National Library of Scotland Act 2012, and for the overall vision, strategy and corporate performance of the Library.

Members Reappointment

Sir Neil McIntoshbrings to the Board experience in industry and strategic and operational management in local government in his capacity of Chief Executive of Dumfries Gallowayand Strathclyde Regional Councils. He has Board experience of a number of Scottish and UK Public Bodies. He has also served as Convener of the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations.

Simon Learoydis currently Head of Performance Management at Clydesdale Bank and is a member of the Finance Department with particular responsibilities for cost management and general financial planning. He has worked in Scotland for Clydesdale for over 12 years.

Melissa Terras is Director of University College London's Centre for Digital Humanities and Professor of Digital Humanities in UCL’s Department of Information Studies. She has been working in the area of digitisation within the Culture and Heritage sectors for the past 15 years. She is on the executive of the European Association for Digital Humanities, the executive of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations, is General Editor of Digital Humanities Quarterly and Co-investigator of the EPSRC funded Centre for Doctoral Training in Science and Engineering, the Arts, Heritage and Archaeology.

Ministerial Reappointments

These reappointments, which are regulated by the Commissioner for Ethical Standards in Public Life in Scotland, will run for another 4 year-term from
1 February 2017 to 31 January 2021.

They are non-remunerated and part-time with a time commitment of 12 days a year.

The members currently do not hold any other Public Appointments.

Political Activity Declaration

All appointments and reappointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process.

However, in accordance with the original Nolan recommendations, there is a requirement for appointees’/reappointees’ political activity within the last five years (if there is any to be declared) to be made public.

None of the members have declared any political activity in the last five years.