(ZZUSIS) (Official Gazzete of the Republic of Slovenia, No.52/00, 42/02)


Article 1

This Act shall lay down the health and hygiene requirements of foods, food additives, and materials and articles intended to come into direct contact with foods, and shall regulate the health control of their production and trade with a view to protecting public health and the interest of consumers, ensuring free movement of foods on the internal market and abroad, and monitoring the health and hygiene of foods, and of materials and articles intended to come into contact with foods. This Act shall also regulate the interministerial and international cooperation in the areas of food-related health problems and food policy.

Article 2

For the purposes of this Act:

Foods shall mean any substance or product intended for human consumption, whether processed, semi-processed or unprocessed, and shall include water and beverages intended for human consumption. It shall also cover food additives, technological aids, substances for the enrichment of foods, and chewing gums. Tobacco and tobacco products, medicinal products and psychotropic substances shall not be considered foods.

Foods of animal origin shall mean parts of animal bodies and processed, semi-processed or unprocessed products made of animals or of parts of animal bodies for which an international veterinary certificate (hereinafter: certificate) is required in accordance with international treaties.

“Novel foodsshall mean foods and their ingredients which have not been used so far to a significant degree for human consumption, and which fall under the following categories:

a) foods and food ingredients containing or consisting of genetically modified organisms within the meaning of the Act regulating the handling of genetically modified organisms;

b) foods and food ingredients produced from, but not containing, genetically modified organisms;

c) foods and food ingredients with a new or intentionally modified primary molecular structure;

d) foods and food ingredients consisting of or isolated from micro-organisms, fungi or algae;

e) foods and food ingredients consisting of or isolated from plants and food ingredients isolated from animals, except for foods and food ingredients obtained by traditional propagating or breeding practices, which are already considered safe foods;

f) foods and food ingredients obtained by a production process giving rise to significant changes in the composition or structure of the foods and food ingredients, which affects their nutritional value, metabolism or level of undesirable substances, and has not been used so far.

Water intended for human consumption shall be all water supplied from public water supply systems, and water in bottles or containers for public use.

Materials and articles intended to come into contact with foods during their production and trade shall be:

- containers and receptacles, work tools, equipment, devices and food packaging manufactured from substances which have been authorised for use;

- cleansing agents and disinfectants used in the production and trade of foods.

Production shall be the manufacture, preparation, handling, processing, and packing of foods, and of materials and articles intended to come into contact with food, in order to obtain a finished product, and the storage of foods at the site of production. The preparation of food for public catering shall also be considered production.

Trade (placing on the market) shall mean any operation after production, including the storage, transport, distribution and sale of food products, and including the import and export of such products, with a view to supplying a consumer with the products either against payment or free of charge, with the exception of supply for the purposes of scientific research.

An additive shall be any substance not normally consumed as a food by itself and not normally used as a characteristic ingredient of food, whether or not it has nutritional value, the intentional addition of which, for technological or organoleptical purposes in the production, packing transport and storage of such food, has a direct or indirect effect on the properties of such food, thus becoming a component part thereof.

A technological aid shall mean any substance not normally used or consumed as a food by itself, the intentional addition of which in the processing of foods for technological purposes may result in unintentional but expected residues or products of their decomposition remaining in the foods.

A contaminant shall be any biological, chemical, physical or radiological substance not intentionally added to foods which is present in such foods as a result of the primary production, manufacturing or processing methods of such foods, as a result of the production and trade of such foods, or as a result of environmental contamination.

Foods for particular nutritional uses (dietetic foods) shall be foods which, owing to their special composition or manufacturing process, are clearly distinguishable from foods for normal consumption, and which are suitable, because of their specific nutritional value, for consumption by certain categories of persons whose digestive processes or metabolism are disrupted, by persons whose physiological conditions required the controlled and directed consumption of certain substances in foods, or by infants and young children.

Nutritional substances (nutrients) shall be proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, mineral substances and other essential components of foods which affect the energy and biological value of foods.

Biological value shall mean the level of usability of nutritional substances contained in the food in the organism.

Energy value shall mean the energy released during digestion by the nutritional substances contained a specific amount of the food.

Food or nutritional value of a food shall mean the energy value of the food and the content of nutritional substances in a specific amount of the food.

Food hygiene shall mean all requirements and measures designed to ensure the safety, health and hygiene of foods, and shall cover all stages of food production and trade.

Personal hygiene shall mean all requirements and measures designed to ensure the cleanliness and tidiness of persons and their clothing, and the absence of pathogenic micro-organisms likely to be transmitted through foods.

HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) is a system ensuring the identification, recognition, assessment, measures and control of the eventual presence of harmful substances in foods which may endanger human health.

Food safety (hygiene safety) shall mean an assurance that foods are not harmful to consumers’ health if they are prepared and consumed with intended use.

Health supervision shall be the supervision of the health and hygiene requirements of foods, food additives, nutritional substances for the enrichment of foods, materials and articles intended to come into contact with foods, laid down by this Act and regulations issued on the basis thereof for the purpose of making sure that they are not harmful to consumers’ health and are therefore suitable for consumption or for their intended use.

The health and hygiene safety of foods shall be hygiene suitability in terms of safety of foods and the suitability of nutritional composition with respect to the contents of essential nutritional substances which may affect the biological and energy value of foods.

The health and hygiene safety of foods of materials and articles intended to come into contact with foods shall be the suitability of their composition, and their hygiene suitability or safety.

Nutrition is the action of food in connection with health which includes knowledge of physiological needs of the body and of processes for satisfying these needs within the meaning of individual nutrients, the methods of providing these nutrients with adequate nutrition regimen and effects, if these nutritional requirements are not satisfied, and of the consequences of impacts of food and nutrition regimens on the human body and health. Moreover, it also includes social, economic, cultural and psychological processes in relation to nutrition.

Nutrition and food policy is a coordinated planning of the competent ministries and of a particular discipline, and the performance of overall measures in the field of provision of necessary quantities of foods which are safe and nutritionally suitable, and of all measures for healthy nutritional habits of different population groups, with the aim of protecting and improving human health.“


Article 3

The production and trade of foods shall be carried out in compliance with the rules of food hygiene.

The production and trade of foods may be carried out only in those premises, rooms and places which meet the hygiene and sanitary-technical requirements.

Provisions on hygiene and sanitary-technical requirements in the production of foods of animal origin and their trade regarding the import, export, transport, transit and wholesale storage shall be issued by the minister responsible for agriculture, food and veterinary medicine.

Provisions on hygiene and sanitary-technical requirements in the production of foods of plant and mixed origin and in the trade of foods shall be issued by the minister responsible for health.

Provisions on hygiene and sanitary-technical requirements in the trade of consignments of raw meat, fish and water organisms which are not prepacked shall be issued by the minister responsible for agriculture, food and veterinary medicine, in agreement with the minister responsible for health.

Article 4

Only those persons who have adequate professional qualifications, or who have been additionally trained for work with foods and who meet the basic requirements concerning their personal hygiene shall be permitted to be directly involved in the production and trade of foods.

Natural and legal persons directly involved in the production and trade of foods shall be obliged to provide for the continuous training of workers who come into contact with foods in the course of their work.

Provisions laying down the basic requirements relating to personal hygiene and the training requirements for work with foods, as well as the programme of training and the persons carrying out the training, shall be issued by the minister responsible for health.

Article 5

No person who is known or suspected to be a carrier of pathogenic micro-organisms which cause diseases which are likely to be transmitted directly or indirectly through foods, thus endangering consumers’ health, shall be permitted to be directly involved in the production and trade of foods.

A provision laying down the health requirements of persons who come into contact with foods in the course of their work shall be issued by the minister responsible for health.

Article 6

Foods shall be safe when:

1. they are free from any pathogenic micro-organisms, parasites or their developmental forms and secretions that can have a harmful effect on human health;

2. residues of pesticides and veterinary drugs which are, on the basis of good agricultural and veterinary practice, an expected consequence of their use in the primary production of foods, do not exceed maximum limits;

3. they are free from toxic metals, non-metals, other chemical contaminants from the environment, and toxic substances in amounts which may have a harmful effect on human health;

4. they do not contain any additives which are not authorised in food production, which do not meet purity requirements, or whose quantity does not exceed maximum levels;

5. the residues of auxiliary technological agents or other substances used in food production do not exceed the highest permissible concentration, or do not have a harmful effect on human health;

6. radio-nuclides present in foods do not exceed maximum levels, or when the foods have not been irradiated above the limits set by regulations, or under the limit of irradiation efficiency;

7. they have not been mechanically contaminated by any impurities that may have a harmful effect on human health, may be repellent to consumers, or may directly endanger their health;

8. their composition, which can affect the biological and energy value of foods, meets the prescribed requirements;

9. their composition or organoleptic properties (taste, smell, appearance) have not been modified due to physical, chemical, microbiological and any other processes to the extent that they are not fit for the intended use;

10. their date of durability is clearly legible and has not yet expired;

11. foods of animal origin bear a label indicating that they meet health and hygiene requirements.

The provisions referred to in points 1, 3, 6 and 7 of the preceding paragraph shall be issued by the minister responsible for health in agreement with the minister responsible for agriculture, food and veterinary medicine.

The provisions referred to in point 5 of the first paragraph of this Article applying to the purity of technological agents and other substances referred to in point 8 of the first paragraph of this Article shall be issued by the minister responsible for health in agreement with the ministerresponsible for agriculture, food and veterinary medicine.

The provisions referred to in points 2 and 9 of the first paragraph of this Article shall be issued by the minister responsible for health in agreement with the minister responsible for agriculture, food and veterinary medicine.

The provisions referred to in point 5 of the first paragraph of this Article, except for purity requirements, and the provisions referred to in point 10 of the first paragraph of this Article shall be issued by the ministerresponsible for agriculture, food and veterinary medicine in agreement with the minister responsible for health.

The provisions referred to in point 11 of the first paragraph of this Article shall be issued by the the minister responsible for agriculture, food and veterinary medicine in agreement

with the minister responsible for health.

Article 7

It is prohibited to place the foods referred to in the preceding Article on the market if they contain biologic contaminants which may be harmful to human health, or any other contaminants in amounts which may endanger human health, based on the analysis and assessment of the risk a contaminant may represent to human health.

Article 8

Foods placed on the market shall be accompanied with a label which contains information on all the ingredients in accordance with the special provision which governs the general labelling of prepacked foods issued by the minister responsible for agriculture, food and veterinary medicine in agreement with the minister responsible for health.

In the event that a food is accompanied with a label indicating the nutritional value of the food, the latter must be labelled in accordance with the provision of the third paragraph of this Article.

The minister responsible for health, in agreement with the minister responsible for agriculture, food and veterinary medicine, shall lay down the method of labelling and the types of information on the nutritional value of foods placed on the market.

Article 9

The novel food may be put on the market if the authorisation for its placing on the market has been issued.

Authorisations for placing novel foods referred to in point

a) of paragraph 3 of Article 2 of the present Act on the market are issued by the Office for Foodstuffs and Nutrition in agreement with the ministry responsible for environmental protection and the ministry responsible for agriculture, food and veterinary medicine.

The authorisation for placing on the market the novel food, referred to in points b), c), d), e) and f) of paragraph 3 of Article 2 of this Act, shall be issued by the Office for Foodstuffs and Nutrition in agreement with the ministry responsible for agriculture, food and veterinary medicine.

The authorisation for the novel food referred to in point a) of paragraph 3 of Article 2 of the present Act may be issued only if the requirements which a product shall meet to obtain the marketing authorisation have also been fulfilled in accordance with the regulations governing the handling of genetically modified organisms.

The above authorisation shall be issued within 150 days from receipt of a complete request for its acquisition.

Specific requirements which shall be met by novel foods, the method of their labelling, the content of the requestfor obtaining authorisation, and other conditions for issuance of the authorisation, including a more precise determination of the scope of use for nutrition, as well as the requirements from paragraph 4 of this Article, shall be laid down by the minister responsible for health, in agreement with the minister responsible for agriculture, food and veterinary medicine and the minister responsible for environmental protection.

The conditions for the imports and exports of novel foods shall be laid down by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.

Article 10

Food additives may be added to foods during their production.