Wednesday, February 3, 2016

VPA Office

Members Present: Pavel Dvorak, Paul Wheeler, Amy Molina, Geoff Benett, Buddy

Hayford, Joe James, Chip Langmaid, Dennis Barcomb, Bob



-  motion by Dennis, second by Joe, to have Paul W./ Amy M. to serve as Chairs

of the Track Committee. Vote - Approved unanimously.

-  Motion by Joe, second by Buddy, to approve minutes of 1/30/15. Vote –

Approved Unanimously.

-  discussion on 4 vs. 6 scoring last year. Was discussed at coaches meeting on

March 24th. # of entries not limited, # scoring is limited. No action taken. Further action will depend on coaches association survey.

Should we make this a permanent solution? Clarifies # of events you can enter. Consensus that we should make it permanent.

Discussion or requirement of entering results on Athletics.net.

Motion by Joe, second by Dennis, to recommend that all results be posted on Athletics.net (put in bold, next year this may be required). Vote – approved unanimously.

-  Correspondence – letter from South Burlington HS on relays and split times

(FAT times vs. hand held times).

Motion by Joe, second by Paul, that relay splits may not be used for qualification times at any meet in VT unless specifically allowed by the host school.

Vote – Yes-5, No-1 motion passed.

Questions about the scheduling of meets. Consensus that this is a NVAC.MVL issue and not a committee issue. Refer back to Coaches Association.

-  review of 2015 season. Noted that St. J. only allowed teams and not individuals. Number of individual request is going up substantially and is presenting issues for schools hosting meets. Host schools try to be as cooperative as possible. No further action.

-  Discussion on standards. Low numbers in discus (B & G) and javelin (Boys).

Do we consider an A/B standard? Survey schools to see about numbers in javelin.

Motion by Dennis, second by Buddy, to have D1 Boys javelin standard set at 120’ for 2016. Motion -0 approved unanimously.

-  NFHS rule changes – no major changes noted.

-  2016 Dates – May 28th New England Qualified @ Essex HS.

- June 4th – D1 @ Burlington, D2 @ Fair Haven (U-32 back up),

D3 @ Green Mountain UHS (June ¾)

-  Guide to be updated – note – page 8, remove Independents.

- adjourned.