Holy Family – St. Anthony – St. Mary

Meeting Minutes January 23, 2014

Members Present: Pastor – Father Steve Brice.

Holy Family Finance Council –Bernard F. Artac; Lonna Rakovec; Joan Guenther; Robert Trunkel; Sarah Trunkel; Diane Perko.

St. Anthony Finance Council – Tom Zettler; Coni Meyer; Rick Szymanski; Joan Knack; Shannon Toufar; Mitch Malm; Grace Genteman (Finances).

St. Mary Finance Council – Dick Adler; Sharon Streib; Edna Kappers; Connie Bushman; Richard Lindner.

I.  The meeting was held at St. Mary’s at 7:00 pm. Father Steve led us in prayer and the meeting was called to order by Dick Adler, chair.

II.  Evaluation of decisions made thus far.

a.  Father Steve inquired if there were any concerns or feedback on how things are going? Dick Adler questioned the changes that had been made regarding bookkeeping procedures in paying their percentages of the parish expenses. It is necessary for each parish to pay their portion as per Diocese policies. The Diocese recommendations do not allow employees to opt out of insurance and receive the premium cost as wages. Father suggested he talk with the Diocese about his concerns.

b.  The move to common software is going okay according to Lonna and Grace.

c.  Each parish has noticed a decrease in giving.

III.  Developing our financial management.

a.  Father Steve proposed a meeting schedule for the parish Finance Councils. The proposal was approved by consensus and the schedule follows:

Jan 23, 7 pm Joint meeting; Feb 27, 4 pm St. Mary; Mar 27, 6:30 pm St. Anthony;

Apr 24, 7 pm Holy Family; May 29, 7pm Joint mtg; June 26, 4 pm St. Mary; July 24, 6:30 pm St. Anthony; Aug 28, 7 pm Holy Family; Sep 25, 7 pm Joint Mtg. Oct 23, 4 pm St. Mary; Nov 20, 6:30 St. Anthony; Dec 18, 7 pm, Holy Family.

IV.  Building parish operating budgets.

a.  Rick Szymanski suggested that in the next three months all parishes prepare a budget. He explained how St. Anthony’s has built a budget in past years.

b.  Greenwood Budget Committee: Connie Bushman, Edna Kappers, Sharon Streib.

c.  Bernard Artac will select his committee.

d.  Dick Szymanski invites whoever can come from the Finance Council.

e.  We were also reminded we are responsible for the audits in July.

V.  It was determined that everyone understands and will complete the Catholic Mutual School Financial Review Form due July 31st.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. following a prayer led by Father Steve.

Submitted by


1 / Finance Councils: Holy Family, St. Anthony, St. Mary – Meeting Minutes May 30, 2013