153 North 100 East

Lehi, UT 84043

(801) 768-7100

Minutes of the Regular Session of the City Councilheld Tuesday, February24, 2015, at7:00 p.m. at the Lehi City Administration Building, 153 North 100 East, Lehi, Utah.

Members Present:Bert Wilson, Mayor

Chris Condie, Council Member

Paul Hancock, Council Member

Mark Johnson, Council Member

Johnny Revill, Council Member

Mike Southwick, Council Member

Others Present: Jason Walker, Interim City Administrator; Robert Ranc, Interim Assistant City Administrator; Ryan Wood, City Attorney; Kim Struthers, Planning Director; Lorin Powell; City Engineer;Dave Sanderson, Finance Director; Darren Paul, Police Chief; Steve Marchbanks, Parks Superintendent;MarilynBanasky, City Recorder; and approximately 63citizens.

1.Welcome, Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Wilsonwelcomed everyone and noted that all Council members were present. Jennison Toddled the Pledge of Allegiance.

2.Presentations and Reports

a.Eagle Scout Awards

Mayor Wilson presented the Eagle Scout Awards

b.Suicide Prevention Presentation by the Lehi High School Hope Squad

Kent Bills, Counselor at Lehi High School, presented the Hope Squads from Lehi High School, Lehi Jr. High, and Willow Creek Jr. High School. The students reported on their activities to help suicide prevention and bullying.

c.Lehi Employee of the Month Award – Rocky Doyle

Jason Walker and Steve Marchbanks presented Rocky Doyle with the Lehi Employee of the Month award.

3.Citizen Input (for public comments on items not listed on the agenda)

Kimberly Coserock reported that she lives in Traverse Mountain and has been struggling with the Alpine School District regarding a new Junior High School for the Traverse Mountain area students. She stated that the junior high school students in Traverse Mountain go to Willow Creek, which is not only far away, but overcrowded. It is also not a feeder school for the new Lehi high school, which the Traverse Mountain students will attend. She has attended the Alpine School District Board meetings and this request has fallen on deaf ears. She discussed a report that was put out by the School Board that states that the junior highs in American Fork are under capacity and that the Lehi junior high schools will only grow by 7 students. She feels this is false data and is asking for any help that the Mayor and City Council can give her to address the Alpine School District and ask them to look at the growth at Willow Creek junior high school.

Barry McClaren reported that he is the district representative for Congresswoman Mia Love. He stated that he is visiting City Council meetings in the area. He stated that it was emotional listening to the Hope Squad as this is what Congresswoman Love is committed to as she feels the city level is where things happen. She would want him to pass on her encouragement and praise for what City Council’s do. She has been working hard on passing legislation in congress that specifically deals with regulations and mandates from federal agencies that cities have to deal with to ensure they are more transparent and the burden is lessened.

Councilor Hancock asked City staff to provide additional data on growth numbers for the Alpine School District. He reported that he brought up this item in December and is hoping to get help to engage the School District. Mayor Wilson reported that City staff has met with the school district several times and the growth is coming faster than the school district thought. He stated that he will visit with them again and see what can be done.

4.Consent Agenda

a.Approval of meeting minutes from:

February 3, 2015 Retreat

February10, 2015Pre Council meeting

February 10, 2015City Council meeting

b.Approval of Purchase Orders.

Motion: Councilor Condie moved to approve the consent agenda. Councilor Southwick seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote:Councilor Revill, Yes; Councilor Hancock, Yes; Councilor Southwick, Yes; Councilor Johnson, Yes; and Councilor Condie, Yes. The motion passed unanimously.

5.Budget amendment for Fiscal Year 2015.

Dave Sanderson reported that this budget amendment is due to the tremendous growth of the City so he is proposing a mid-year budget adjustment. He explained that the largest adjustment is for the Veyo project in order to buy additional power.

a.Public Hearing

Mayor Wilson opened the public hearing.

There were no comments from the public.

Mayor Wilson closed the public hearing

b.Consideration of Resolution #2015-13 amending the budget for the City of Lehi for Fiscal Year 2015.

Motion: Councilor Revill moved to approve Resolution #2015-13 amending the budget for the City of Lehi for Fiscal Year 2015. Councilor Hancock seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote:Councilor Hancock, Yes; Councilor Southwick, Yes; Councilor Johnson, No; Councilor Condie, Yes; and Councilor Revill, Yes. The motion passed with four in favor and one opposed.

6.Consideration of Resolution #2015-15, a non binding resolution in support of making a contribution to Thanksgiving Point Institute, Inc. for the construction of a Butterfly Pavilion.

Mike Washburn from Thanksgiving Point stated that due to the success of the Museum of Natural Curiosity they want to build a Butterfly Pavilion experience. He explained that this exhibit will be a 33,000 square foot indoor facility with butterflies, plants, and other insects. They are requesting that Lehi City commit to $1 million in support over 20 years. He stated that the cost of the project is $18 million and that they have a donor who has already donated $7 million. They want to begin building the project next year with an estimated opening date of May 2017. Mayor Wilson reported that this Resolution is just to decide if this goes into the budget for consideration.

Motion:Councilor Condie moved to approve Resolution #2015-15, a non binding resolution in support of making a contribution to Thanksgiving Point Institute, Inc. for the construction of a Butterfly Pavilion. Councilor Southwick seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote:Councilor Southwick, Yes; Councilor Johnson, Yes; Councilor Condie, Yes; Councilor Revill, Yes; and Councilor Hancock, Yes. The motion passed unanimously.

7.Consideration of Ordinance #18-2015 approving a Zone Change on 5.31 acres of property located at approximately 900 North 2050 West from an A-1 to an R-1-22 zone.

Brandon Watson, Edge Homes, stated that he is here to request a zone change from A-1 to R-1-22. He stated that there is a Charter School down the street and they will be improving 2300 West and 900 North by widening the road and adding curb, gutter, and sidewalk.

Motion:Councilor Southwick moved to approve Ordinance #18-2015 approving a Zone Change on 5.31 acres of property located at approximately 900 North 2050 West from an A-1 to an R-1-22 zone; subject to all Development Review Committee and Planning Commission comments. Councilor Condie seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote:Councilor Johnson, Yes; Councilor Condie, Yes; Councilor Revill, Yes; Councilor Hancock, Yes; and Councilor Southwick, Yes. The motion passed unanimously.

8.Consideration of a plat amendment for Platinum Fields Plat D located at approximately 300 North and 2375 West in an existing R-1-22 zone.

Mayor Wilson stated that this request is for an additional home on 2300 West and 300 North. He stated that they are looking to build a replica of what they have now.

Motion: Councilor Condie moved toapprove a plat amendment for Platinum Fields Plat D located at approximately 300 North and 2375 West in an existing R-1-22 zone; subject to all Development Review Committee comments. Councilor Southwick seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote:Councilor Condie, Yes; Councilor Revill, Yes; Councilor Hancock, Yes; Councilor Southwick, Yes; and Councilor Johnson, Yes. The motion passed unanimously.

Item 10 was heard before Item 9

10.Consideration of Ordinance #20-2015 an amendment to the Lehi City General Plan Land Use Element, adding provisions for the R-1-Flex zone.

Motion: Councilor Johnson moved to approve Ordinance #20-2015 an amendment to the Lehi City General Plan Land Use Element, adding provisions for the R-1-Flex zone. Councilor Hancock seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote:Councilor Revill, Yes; Councilor Hancock, Yes; Councilor Southwick, Yes; Councilor Johnson, Yes; and Councilor Condie, Yes. The motion passed unanimously.

9.Consideration of Ordinance #19-2015 an amendment to the Lehi City Development Code Chapter 5, adding a new R-1-Flex zone.

Motion: Councilor Revill moved to approveOrdinance #19-2015 an amendment to the Lehi City Development Code Chapter 5, adding a new R-1-Flex zone. Councilor Condie seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote:Councilor Hancock, Yes; Councilor Southwick, Yes; Councilor Johnson, Yes; Councilor Condie, Yes; and Councilor Revill, Yes. The motion passed unanimously.

10.Consideration of Preliminary Subdivision approval for The Villas at Pioneer Crossing, an 82-unit Planned Unit Development located at 1320 South Center Street in an approved R-2 zone.

This item was heard before Item 9.

11.Consideration of Ordinance #21-2015 amending the Lehi City Development Code Table 05.030 regarding non-municipal utility lines.

Motion: Councilor Hancock moved to approve Ordinance #21-2015 amending the Lehi City Development Code Table 05.030 regarding non-municipal utility lines. Councilor Revill seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote:Councilor Southwick, Yes; Councilor Johnson, Yes; Councilor Condie, Yes; Councilor Revill, Yes; and Councilor Hancock, Yes. The motion passed unanimously.

12.Consideration of Resolution #2015-14 authorizing the Mayor to sign Life Insurance forms transferring the ownership of the policy from Lehi City to the individuals for whom the policy was purchased.

Motion: Councilor Condie moved to approveResolution #2015-14 authorizing the Mayor to sign Life Insurance forms transferring the ownership of the policy from Lehi City to the individuals for whom the policy was purchased. Councilor Southwick seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote:Councilor Johnson, Yes; Councilor Condie, Yes; Councilor Revill, Yes; Councilor Hancock, Yes; and Councilor Southwick, Yes. The motion passed unanimously.

13.Consideration of adjourning into a Closed Executive Session to hold a strategy session to discuss the purchase, exchange, or lease of real property, and to discuss the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual.

Mayor Wilson reported that he would like to call for a Closed Executive Session to discuss real estate and personnel.

Motion:Councilor Revill moved to adjourn into a Closed Executive Session to discuss real estate, and personnel. Councilor Condie seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote:Councilor Condie, Yes; Councilor Revill, Yes; Councilor Hancock, Yes; Councilor Southwick, Yes; and Councilor Johnson, Yes. The motion passed unanimously.

The meeting adjourned into the Closed Executive Session at 7:51 p.m.

The meeting reconvened at 8:18 p.m.


With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, Councilor Revill moved to adjourn the meeting. Councilor Hancock seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:18 p.m.

Approved:March 10,2015Attest:


Bert Wilson, MayorMarilyn Banasky, City Recorder

Lehi City Council Meeting1February 24, 2015