Members of National Council

(Upper House)

BUMTHANG: Tshewang Jurmi (1,965 votes)

Not a public figure before being elected to the National Council. He ran a private business before entering politics.

Date of Birth: January 01, 1981

Place of Birth: Ura (Toepa), Ura, Bumthang

Designation: Member of Parliament

Constituency/Dzongkhag: Bumthang

Qualification: B.Com Honours

CHUKHA: Tshewang Lhamo, 27 (6,140 votes)

Daughter of a contractor Tshewang did her schooling in Chukha High School and had lived there for more than two decades. While studying in college in Shillong, India, she was the first female to be chosen as the president of the students association.

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Designation: Member of Parliament

Constituency/Dzongkhag: Chhukha

Qualification: B.Com

DAGANA: Sonam Dorji, 33 (4,112 votes)

Sonam Dorji, 33, from Kana gewog, is brother-in-law of the village’s gup. In addition to the strong family connection and influence that Sonam Dorji's family has in the villages, he has eight years of work experience and speaks fluent Lhotshampa and Dzongkha. His grandfather served as the national assembly member. He worked with Bank of Bhutan Ltd, Phuentsholing (Head Office) in 1999- 2007

Date of Birth: July 04, 1973

Place of Birth: Khagochen, Kana, Dagana

Designation: Member of Parliament

Constituency/Dzongkhag: Dagana

Qualification: B.Com, St. Joseph’s College, North Point, Darjeeling, India

GASA: Sangay Khandu, 29 (636 votes)

Sangay Khandu, 29, is the son of former Royal Advisory Councilor. Sangay Khandu has a B.Com honors from Kanglung Sherubtse College and an MBA from Thailand. He worked in various organizations like the RMA, BPCL and International Trade Centre in Geneva before resigning to contest for the post of a councilor. He was the only candidate from the district. He worked with National Project Coordinator, International Trade Centre (UNCTAD/WTO), Geneva, Switzerland in 2006-2008 and Manager-Performance Management System and Performance Based Incentive System, Bhutan Power Corporation Ltd (BPC) in 2005-2006, Assistant Foreign Exchange Officer, Royal Monetary Authority (RMA), Central Bank in 2001-2002

Date of Birth: December 15, 1978

Place of Birth: Choling, Khatoe, Gasa

Designation: Member of Parliament

Constituency/Dzongkhag: Dagana

Qualification: Master in Business Administration (MBA), University of Assumption, Bangkok, Thailand, 2005 (Concentration Organizational Behaviour)

Bachelor of Commerce (Hons), Sherubtse College, Trashigang, Bhutan, University of Delhi, 2001

HAA: Tshering Dorji, 33 (2,242 votes)

Tshering Dorji, 33 was the only candidate from the district contesting the polls. Dorji from Bji gewog was a former lecturer at the Sherubtse College in Kanglung. He declared immovable property worth seven million, of which a bungalow and a building in Lobesa worth six million is under process to be transferred in his wife's name. He also owns shares worth Nu 48, 400 in the Bhutan National Bank, half of which is owned by his spouse. Dorji has Prado worth Nu 1 million, a Maruti WagonR worth Nu 450,000, registered in his wife's name.

Date of Birth: September 23, 1974

Place of Birth: Haa, Chumpa

Designation: Member of Parliament

Constituency/Dzongkhag: Dagana

Qualification: M.Sc, (Wildlife Ecology) University of New England, Australia, 2002

PGCE, National institute of Education, Samtse, Bhutan, 1998

Post graduate Diploma in University Teaching, University of Newbrunswick, Canada. 2005

B. Sc (gen), Sherubtse College, University of Delhi, 1998

LHUENTSE: Rinzin, 39 (4.046 votes)

The dzongkhag elected Rinzin, 39, from Goenpa Karp in Khoma gewog. He was the only candidate for the district. The voters cast ‘yes’ or ‘no’ votes. Earlier, the election commission had said it would not hold elections until two candidates vie. Rinzin has immovable property worth Nu 4.615 million, of which land worth five hundred thousand is registered in his wife's name and a handicraft shop registered in his wife's name, worth Nu 3.5 million.

He was Program Director, National Feed & Fodder Development Program, Ministry of Agriculture in 2004-2007, Focal Point Scientist for Bhutan to SAARC Agriculture Information Center (SAIC), Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2005- 2008, National Focal Person for Rangeland to International

Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Kathmandu, Nepal in 2002-2006, Program Officer, Feed & Fodder Research, Renewable Natural Resources-Research Centre (RNR-RC), Jakar,

Bumthang in 1999-2004, Sector Head, Livestock Breeding and Management Research, Renewable Natural Resources Research Centre (RNR-RC), Jakar, Bumthang in 1998-2000, External Examiner, Natural Resources Training Institute (NRTI), Lobesa, Thimphu in 2006-07 and Lecturer, Natural Resources Training Institute (NRTI), Lobesa, Thimphu in 2007.

He has received the following awards

1. The President’s Medal for Academic Excellence, Central Luzon State University, Nueva Ecija, Luzon, Republic of the Phillipines, 1997.

2. The Model Student of the College of Agriculture (1995- 06), Central Luzon State University, Nueva Ecija, Luzon, Republic of the Phillipines, 1995-96.

3. The Most Talented Outstanding International Student in the Philippines (1996), Philippines International Friendship Organization (PIFO), Manila, Republic of the Philippines, 1996.

Date of Birth: October 24, 1969

Place of Birth: Gonpakap, Khoma, Lhuentse

Designation: Member of Parliament

Constituency/Dzongkhag: Dagana

Qualification: Master in Agriculture Science, University of Melbourne, Australia, 2001

Bachelor of Agriculture Science, Central Luzon State University, Republic of Philippines, 1997

MONGAR: Naichu, 42 (4,870 votes)

Naichu, 42, entered the game at the 11th hour, comes from Saling geog. He has investments in various establishment in the country which he said amounts to around Nu 468,000. He said he also has the assets amounting to Nu 645,000 saved from his retirement benefit. He worked as Regional Secretary, Bhutan Chamber for Commerce & Industry (BCCI), Mongar, Bhutan in 2007, Dy. Director (Head), Adm.& Finance Division, BCCI,

Thimphu, Bhutan in 2005-2007, Program Officer, BCCI, Thimphu, Bhutan in 2000-2005, Project Officer, BCCI, Thimphu, Bhutan in 1998-2000 and HRD Officer, BCCI, Thimphu, Bhutan in 1995-1998

Date of Birth: June 10, 1965

Place of Birth: Masangdaza, Saling, Mongar

Designation: Member of Parliament

Constituency/Dzongkhag: Dagana

Qualification: Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.), Sherubtse College, Kanglung, Tashigang, Bhutan, 1991

Diploma in Business Studies, Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec), New Zealand, 2004

PARO: Ugyen Tshering, 43 (2,886 votes)

Ugyen Tshering, 43, is resident of Shari gewog in Paro. He is a former General Manager of Bhutan Broadcasting Service (BBS).

Ugyen Tshering has a B.Com from Sherubtse College. He has undergone a film editing course with the Film and Television Institute of India’s FTT and post graduate course in film studies from the University of Waikato in New Zealand.

After 16 years of service he resigned as the General Manager of Program and Production Department of the BBS. His late father, Dasho Dorji Gyaltshen, alias Ado, who passed away earlier this year, was a Royal Advisory Councilor from 1993 to 1995

He started his career with the then Development Support Communication Services and continued with the BBS where he was instrumental in the launch of television in Bhutan in 1999. He resigned from BBS two years ago as the head of Radio/TV program productions.

Date of Birth: April 10, 1965

Place of Birth: Dop Shari, Shari, Paro

Designation: Member of Parliament

Constituency/Dzongkhag: Dagana

Qualification: Bachelor of Arts, University of Delhi, India, 1987

Specialization in Film Editing, Film & TV Institute of India, Pune, 1993

Post Graduate in Film & TV Studies, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand

PEMAGATSHEL: Jigmi Rinzin, 37 (6,100 votes)

Jigme Rinzin, 36, resigned the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), where he was the Chief Investigating Officer. He was Chief of Corporations & Financial Institutions Division, Royal Audit Authority (Jan. 2004 – March 2006), General Manager - Admin, Finance & Commercial (On Deputation from Royal Civil Service Commission and Royal Audit Authority), Kuensel Corporation Ltd. (April 2002 – Dec. 2003) and Assistant Chief Auditor, Corporations & Financial

Institutions Division, Royal Audit Authority (Jan. 2001 – March 2002)

Rinzin was the topper of the first B.Com (Honors) batch in Sherubtse College and stood third in civil service exams in 1994. He previously worked in the Royal Audit Authority (RAA) after completing his Chartered Accountancy from London.

Date of Birth: 18 June 1971

Place of Birth: Khothagpa, Shumar, Pemagatshel

Designation: Member of Parliament

Constituency/Dzongkhag: Dagana

Qualification: FCCA (Fellow Chartered Certified Accountant), Emile Woolf College of Accountancy, London, UK. (July 1998 – Dec. 2000)

B.Com (Hons), Sherubtse College, Kanglung, Bhutan (Affiliated to Delhi University), July 1992 – June 1994

PUNAKHA: Namgay Penjore, 41 (3,509 votes)

He hails from Goenshari geog and owns shares in various sectors amounting Nu 282,000. He was the twice-member of the erstwhile Royal Advisory Council and former general manager of Bhutan Power Corporation Ltd. Born and brought up in Punakha, Namgye Penjore has a master¹s degree in marketing and finance and held two general manager posts before he resigned to join politics.

He was General Manager, Bhutan Power Corporation (BPC) in 2006-2007, General Manager, Forestry Development Corporation (FDCL) in 2003-2006, Finance Officer, Penden Cement Authority (PCAL) in 1999-2003 and Officer on special duty, Penden Rock Project, Gelephu (a sister concern of PCAL) in 1997-1999.

He received the following awards

1. Coronation Gold Medal, December 2008

2. Orange Scarf with folds (Lhengye Title) by His Majesty, the King on having elected as the Chairperson of National Council of Bhutan-11 June 2008

3. Blue Scarf (Thuepoen Title) by His Majesty, the King on having elected as the National Council Member from Punakha Dzongkhag-16 April 2008

Date of Birth: May 21, 1966

Place of Birth: Zhelngosar, Goen Shari, Punakha

Designation: Chairperson/Thrizin

Constituency/Dzongkhag: Punakha

Qualification: Master of Business (Marketing and Finance), (MP Birla Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore University, India), 2002

Bachelor of Commerce, Sherubtse College, Kanglung, Bhutan, 1991

SAMDRUP JONGKHAR: Jigme Wangchuk, 28 (4,569 votes)

Jigme Wangchuk, 28, served as a History and English teacher in Phuntshothang Lower Secondary School in Samdrupchholing, Samdrup Jongkhar for two years.

According to the asset declaration forms, Jigme Wangchuk of Jomotshangkha has the outstanding loan of Nu 15,000, least among the NC candidates.

Date of Birth: March 04, 1980

Place of Birth: Momring, Lauri, Samdrup Jongkhar

Designation: Member of Parliament

Constituency/Dzongkhag: Punakha

Qualification: Bachelor in Education, National Institute of Education (NIE), Paro, 2005

Samchi: Dr. M. K. Rai (7,996 votes)

Dr. Mani Kumar Rai, 58, calls himself a bureaucrat, technocrat and a business executive. He is a veterinary doctor and worked in civil service.

He joined the civil service as a Veterinary Assistant Surgeon in 1972 and served in many dzongkhags and was instrumental in much development in the livestock sector. Dr. Mani initiated the present institutional networking of the country's veterinary services with the Regional and International Institutions. He was also instrumental in the Fishery development program at Gelephu during his tenure in Southern Region for increasing the income of the rural population. He retired in 2002.

He is the richest among the elected candidates in terms of saving in banks. He and his wife have cash worth Nu 1.55 million in fixed deposit.

Here are details of his work experience

1. Business Executive, Tashi Group of Companies, Phuentsholing, Chukha, Bhutan, 2003-2007

2. Managing Director, Bhutan Agro Industries Ltd., Thimphu, Bhutan, 2000-2002

3. Director, Dept. of Animal Husbandry, Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), Thimphu, Bhutan, 1989-2000

4. Accredited as the first Permanent Delegate of Bhutan to O.I.E. ( World Organization for Animal Health), 1991 - 1999.

5. Joint Director, Dept. of Animal Husbandry, MoA, Thimphu, Bhutan, 1986-1989

6. Superintendent of A.H, Dept. of Animal Husbandry, MoA, Thimphu, Bhutan, 1984-1986

7. Regional A.H Officer, Dept. of Animal Husbandry, MoA, Sarpang, Bhutan, 1977-1983

8. Asst. Director, Dept. of Animal Husbandry, MoA, Bumthang, Bhutan, 1975-1976

Additionally, he was also the Chairman of Bhutan Dairy Limited ( 1996 to 2000), Member of Technical Committee, Planning Commission of Bhutan, Member of the Board of Directors of Druk Seed Corporation and Member of Bhutan Chamber of Commerce and Industries (2001 & 2002)

Date of Birth: June 24, 1950

Place of Birth: Bahunitar, Chargharey, Samtse

Designation: Member of Parliament

Constituency/Dzongkhag: Samchi

Qualification: Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry (B.V.Sc. & A,H),

SARPANG: Karma Donnen Wangdi, 37 (5,968 votes)

Karma D Wangdi, 37, is from Gelephu having legal background. He is from a well to do family. His father, a landlord, owns the maximum land in Sarpang and is a popular and influential figure. He is but a easterner. He is married to Lhotsampa, Kalpana Humagain.

Wangdi's father was the Gelephu dzongda back in the 1980s. Karma is appreciated for his oratory skills and was soccer during the college years.

He has post graduated with distinction from Maastricht School of Management, the Netherlands. He also holds a post graduate in information technology from the University of Technology in Sydney, Australia.

He worked as the deputy director of information and communication division with the Bhutan Chamber of Commerce and Industries and is a topper from a batch of students who undertook militia training in 1989.

THIMPHU: Sangay Zam, 43 (2,923 votes)

Sangay Zam, 43, was the former principal of Gelephu higher secondary school. She has declared land registered in her name and her husband's name but the estimated value of the land was not stated on the declaration form. She has a Toyota Hilux worth Nu 900,000 and a Hyundai Getz worth Nu 300,000, both registered in her name.

TRASHIGANG: Sonam Kinga (6,450 votes)

Sonam Kinga, 34, from Shongphu geog is former executive editor of Bhutan Observer weekly. He has done Ph.D from Kyoto University in Japan and the authored six books, Kinga is the civil service examination topper of 1997. He also worked as Senior Program Officer, Save the Children US, Thimphu, Senior Research Officer, Centre for Bhutan Studies (a government think tank institute), Thimphu, Publication Officer, CAPSD, Ministry of Education, Thimphu, Member, National Film and TV Review Board (1999-2003) and Director, Board of Directors, BBSC-National Radio Television (2002-2004).

Date of Birth: June 06, 1973

Place of Birth: Galing, Shongphu, Trashigang

Designation: Deputy Chairperson

Constituency/Dzongkhag: Tashigang

Qualification: Ph. D in Area Studies, Kyoto University, Japan

M.A (Area Studies), Kyoto University, Japan

B.A (Eng Hons), Sherubtse College, Kanglung, Bhutan

I.B (Diploma), Lestor B. Pearson College, Canada