Hamlin Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
December 3, 2014
Members in attendance: C. Hungerford, D. Emens, L. Schuler, K. Keck, B. Beardsley, S. Evans
Librarian – Kay Hughes-Dennett, Liaison – D. Rose, Perspective member – Jeannie Brightly
Meeting called to order at 7:09
Minutes approved after an amendment from S. Evans to change last month’s minutes reflecting a discussion with E. Peters involving block grants. Amendment done
1. Financial Report: C. Hungerford.
· Carolyn would like to hold back $2,000 from Whitney East but pay them the balance.
· At this time we are still $4,953.58 to the good which should enable us to light up the sign on the outside of the library.
Motion to approve treasurer's report: K. Keck, seconded, D. Emens
2. Financial Report: K. Hughes-Dennett.
· Our librarian distributed budget statistics including expenses to the board.
· We are now at 80 percent off the annual budget and Kay feels we should be all right.
Motion made to accept report, D. Emens, K. Keck seconded. Carried
3. Director's Report:
· Circulation is huge, with many new patrons. Very exciting numbers.
· There is to be a book review on Saturday, December 6, 2014 in the community room by Elizabeth St. Michael, the former Betsy Dollard, daughter of Gene Dollard. Betsy has written an historical novel, “The Winds of Fate.” The Dollard family is very involved having door prizes along with refreshments. Advertising for this event has also been the responsibility of the family.
· Kay presented the suggested library closing dates for the 2015 calendar year .
Motion by C. Hungerford to approve, seconded by D.Emens. Carried.
· Kay also presented guidelines for used book donations. Board reviewed with no objections.
Motion by L. Schuler, seconded by D. Emens. Carried.
A motion was made to accept K. Hughes-Dennett's report by D. Emens, seconded by C. Hungerford. Approved.
4. Clerk of the Works C. Hungerford
· Charlie spoke to the board about HVAC and the meeting with CPL. The unit is too large and is out performing. CPL is working on it as they had approved it. The thermostat will be moved to a more efficient location at no cost.
5. Budget News:
· It looks larger however we are now responsible for FICA and Workman's compensation. Contractual- $70,897.
6. State of URL website:
· Library staffer, Susan is working on it
Election of Officers for the 2015 year: S.Evans made a motion, L. Schuler seconded for the secretary to cast a single vote for the election of officers. This motion was carried.
7. Next year’s board officers are:
Ø President: D. Emens
Ø Vice President: Karen Keck
Ø Treasurer: C. Hungerford
Ø Secretary: B. Beardsley
8. New Business:
· Sue Evans is retiring from the Library Board of Trustees as of December 31, 2014. Sue read to the board her letter of resignation where she has served as a trustee since the creation of the Hamlin Public Library. For the past few years Sue has been at the helm as president overseeing the building of the Margaret McGrath Building.
Motion made to accept with regret the resignation from Sue Evans, by C. Hungerford, seconded by D. Emens. Motion carried.
· We have received a letter of intent to fill the trustee vacancy from former trustee Jean Brightly. Jean read to the board her letter of intent.
Motion to accept J. Brightly as a trustee made by C. Hungerford, seconded by D. Emens. Motion carried.
D. Rose will communicate this change to the Supervisor and town board taking the letters of intent to the administration.
9. Town Liaison:
· Budget is done for the year and approved by the town board.
· A Workplace Violence course is being taken by all town employees.
· The planning board has approved the Partykas proposal for a new restaurant on the property adjacent to Life's Solutions.
· The Zoning Board has had some changes to Dog Licensing.
· Monroe County is in arrears with the town owing snow plowing monies from the 2013-2014 year.
Friends of the Library
· No report at this time.D.Emens, seconded by K. Keck. Carried.
A reception of Appreciation was held for Sue Evans at the adjournment of the December 2014 meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 8:52 with a motion by D. Emens, seconded by K. Keck. Carried.
Hamlin Public Library
Director’s Report
November Program December Programs
Munchkin Monday Munchkin Monday
November 3, 10, 17, 24 December 1,8,15
Thursday Night Story time Thursday Night Story Time
November 6, 13, 20, December 4, 11, 18
Lego Club Lego Club
November 5 December 3
Baby Explore Baby Explore
November 12, 26 December 10
Thanksgiving Craft Christmas Craft
November 8 December 13
Movie Day Tuesday at 2
November 11 December 16
Tuesdays at 2
November 18
Book Sale
November 20-22
Author Visit-Elizabeth (Dollard) Beysiek will be giving a book talk on Saturday, December 6 at 12:30pm. There will be door prizes, cookies and punch and coffee. Please come!
2015 Closed Dates- I have submitted my recommendations of 2015 closed dates.
End of year money-I have a wish list for any end of year money:
· 2 IPADs
· 3 thermal printers
· 1 laptop
· 4 or 5 monitors
· Baby changing table
· Parabolic mirror
· AWE Station
Donation of Goods Policy-I would like approval of the Donation of Goods Policy. It was emailed to you.
Bullet Aid-We have received our $15,000 check from NYS Senator Joseph Robach. I have mailed out at Thank You note. We will use the money for technology and programming. Thank You Senator Robach!!
Christmas Tree -We have accepted the donation of an artificial Christmas Tree from a Mr. & Mrs. Whitney. They will also provide the lights so all we need to do is buy ornaments.
People counter-Our people counter is working great and showing super numbers for us!
Respectfully submitted,
Kay Hughes-Dennett, Library Director
Library Board Meeting Minutes December 3, 2014 Page 2