The General Education Council met on Friday, November 20, 2009 at 3:00 pm in room 1118 of Anne Belk Hall. Members present were: Dr. Joby Bell, Dr. Gabrielle Katz, Dr. Sue Keefe, Dr. Rick Klima, Dr. Paulette Marty, Dr. Mike Mayfield, Ms. Kelly McBride, Dr. Tom McLaughlin, Dr. Terri Mitchell, Dr. Georgia Rhoades, Dr. Lynn Moss Sanders, Dr. Jim Toub, Mr. Zach Grier, Mr. Peter Rowe, Dr. Elaine Gray, Dr. Dave Haney, Ms. Kristin Hyle, Ms. Lynne Waugh, Ms. Sheryl Mohn (Scribe). Guests: Dr. Victor Mansure and Mr. David Huntley.

Members excused were: Ms. Carter Hammett-McGarry and Mr. Delvon Blue.

Dr. Mike Mayfield called the meeting to order at 3:05 pm when a quorum was reached.


1.  The minutes of the October 30, 2009 General Education Council meeting were approved without changes.



1.  Local to Global Perspective:

Performance of Culture and Regions in Global Context Themes:

Amendment to motion to approve change to FL1060 to combine two classes in any foreign language – 6 hour combination (1040 & 1050). Amendment clarifies this is 3 hour credit for the purposes of general education. Note will be added to GenEd checksheet and course catalog. Change is effective Spring 2010. REMINDER: No retroactive credit.




2.  Aesthetic Perspective:

Traditions and Innovations Theme:

Proposal of three Music courses (MUS2611/MUS2612/MUS3611) that have been revised for non-majors (previously for music majors only). Discussion centered around the concern that these course would be too restrictive for non-music majors. Explanation was given that course description will be very clear that study will be notated music and prior knowledge of notated music would be advantageous, but not required. School of Music is confident that students outside of music, those with active experience in notated music prior to college, will be interested in taking courses. Other concerns expressed were: the courses are only two hours each, which makes satisfying the number of hours to complete a theme more complex; only two electives are allowed in some majors and additional hours in this theme that would not count toward major could require an additional semester; seems to serve music majors much more than non-music majors, even if it is open to non-music majors; SACS language prohibits General Education courses from being major-specific, so great care will need to be given to redesign of textbook and inclusion in class and assignments – the invisible problem of intimidating non-majors in classes predominated by majors. These courses would be offered effective Fall 2010.

VOTE: YES = 13 NO = 0 ABSTAIN = 0

3.  Historical and Social Perspective:

This American Life Theme:

Proposal to add SW2020 – American Social Welfare System. Concern was expressed about the statement in the proposal that the purpose of the course is to prepare social work majors with a basic understanding of social welfare policy. The Council requests further clarification and assurance that this course is designed to give students from any major general liberal education. Social welfare policy is a great GenEd topic, but some of the language in this proposal sounds pre-professional, rather than general education in focus.

VOTE 5: YES = 0 NO = 11 ABSTAIN = 1

Motion failed. Dr. Keefe will take Council concerns and request for revisions back to Social Work.

Cultural Diversity Theme:

Proposal to add MUS2023: Music & Gender/Race/Class. This proposal has been revised and resubmitted to the FCC at the urging of the FCC to expand scope from gender to gender, race, and class. Effective Fall 2010 (offered only in Spring).

VOTE 6: YES = 12 NO = 0 ABSTAIN = 0

4.  Watauga Global Community:

Cultural Diversity Theme: WGC 3205 - Who, What Is Black; a junior spring course number was omitted from those up for approval. No changes have been made to the course. Discussion was held on the need to change the numbering of WGC courses, as there is variable content under one course number, depending upon which semester it is being offered under. Mr. Huntley explained to the Council that a total revision of the numbering system for WGC courses is in progress for Fall 2010. This approval of WGC3205 would be for Spring 2010 only.

VOTE: YES = 11 NO = 0 ABSTAIN = 1


1.  PE1719 – Water Safety Instruction

HLES Department is requesting removal of the GenEd credit for this course. Effective Fall 2010.

VOTE 8: YES = 12 NO = 0 ABSTAIN = 0

2.  BIO4601 – Animal Behavior

BIO Department is requesting removal of the WID credit for this course. It is dual listed with a 5000 level course. Graduate school informed the department that they can’t have a graduate-level course dual listed with undergraduate course.

VOTE 9: YES = 11 NO = 0 ABSTAIN = 0


Themes for Watauga Global Community:

David Huntley reported that it is difficult to make some WGC courses fit within existing themes and even those that appear to fit quite well are not gaining approval in a timely manner. Dr. Mayfield stated that a meeting of the Perspectives Executive Committee was held on 11/13/09 to address those problems. The Executive Committee recommended that Watauga Global Community develop its own themes for the Historical and Social and Aesthetics Perspectives. It was agreed that this will much better suit the needs of the WGC curriculum which already displays deep integration of truly interdisciplinary courses. David Huntley will have theme proposals ready for the FCCs by mid-January.


Dr. Gray reviewed that the FCCs were asked to submit three names of faculty to participate in the Walvoord workshop in February – these participants do not need to be a member of an FCC. We are still in need of participants – FCCs were urged to get names in to Dr. Gray as soon as possible. Participants will be given stipends for the workshop. They will also receive a copy of Dr. Walvoord’s book before the end of the semester so they have time to familiarize themselves with this prior to the February 25 workshop. Dr. Gray will be working with identified participants between now and the workshop and participants will receive additional materials from Dr. Walvoord. Dr. Gray clarified that Designation FCCs are not being asked to participate at this time.


·  Dr. Gray announced that 50 GenEd sections are participating in the artifact collection pilot.

·  Dr. Mayfield announced that faculty teaching in GenEd will be asked to submit syllabi of their GenEd courses.

·  Dr. Mayfield reminded members that we are moving very quickly to accept course proposals ONLY through CurricuNet – no more written proposals after January 1st. The link to the CurricuNet tutorial is on the GenEd website and Toni Becvinovski (project coordinator of CurricuNet implementation) is available to assist anyone who may need help.

·  The meeting schedule for Spring 2010 will be as follows:

Friday, January 29th; Friday, February 26th; Friday, March 26th; Friday, April 16th

All meetings will be held from 3:00 – 4:30 in Room 1118, Anne Belk Hall.

·  Agenda items (to date) for January Meeting:

-Discussion of need to divide themes, as they are getting too large.

-Science Inquiry FCC issues (see handout from November meeting).

·  Dr. Mayfield announced that we’ll be setting a submission deadline for agenda items for future meetings so that information can be sent out far enough ahead to give members ample time to review and prepare for voting.

The meeting adjourned at 4:35 pm.

Submitted by: Sheryl M. Mohn, PHR

Program Associate

General Education