IASFAA Executive Council Teleconference Minutes

January 15, 2015

Members present: Julie Haack, Jen Sassman, Kristi Fuller, Tristan Lynn, Chad Peters, Bethany Rinderknecht, Molly Weber, Todd Brown, Pam Perry, Carol Schwendeman, Lisa Croat, Kathie Aswegan, Mary Jacobsen, Chris Ditter, Brandi Miller, Amy Norton, Julie Dunn, Brittany Peterson, Gary Adams, Michele Dunne, Sara Harrington, Renea Armentrout, Jen Schroeder

Meeting called to order by President Julie Haack at 10:40

Approve minutes from December 11, 2014

·  Motion to approve by Beth Rinderknecht

·  Seconded by Carolyn Schwendeman

·  Minutes approved as written

Treasure’s Report – Beth Rinderknecht

1.  Profit/Loss

  1. $31,456.66 in income as of 1/15/2015. $350 of this is due to the collection of Spring 2014 and Drive-In Director’s workshop late payments in the month of July.
  2. $23,621.86 in expenses as of 1/15/2015.
  3. Given our expenses and income to date, we currently have a net income of $8206.80.
  4. All expenses from the Fall conference have been paid.

2.  Balance Sheet

  1. We currently have $76,085.73 in our money market checking account.
  2. We have 4 CD’s worth $59,589.99.
  3. Total Assets = $135,675.72.

3.  We currently have no outstanding payments for member dues or the fall conference. Kudos to Molly for doing an excellent job recording payments and making sure everyone has paid!

Past President – Jen Sassman

I want to commend Kristi Fuller, President-Elect, for putting together a wonderful ballot for the recent election of 2015-16 IASFAA officers. Thanks to everyone who agreed to be on the ballot. I know that is not always an easy decision, but appreciate the candidates making the leap. It was one of the best decisions I ever made. Congratulations to those elected. As always, remember that I would be happy to help any of you as officers and/or committee chairs.

President – Julie Haack

Only a few things since our last meeting:

MASFAA seeking Iowa reps for Program committee. Janice Cordell will be volunteering this year.

The next MASFAA Exec Board meeting is January 22-23 in Coralville. Kristi Fuller will be attending the meeting in my place as I will be on vacation. Thank you to her for stepping in for me.

We have had some people vacate some positions due to job changes:

Mindi Bucklin has stepped out of her role as Secretary and Brian Eben has stepped down as Chair of Professional Development. Due to these moves, I would like to propose that Chad Peters steps into the role of Secretary for the remainder of this term and that Jen Schroeder steps in as Chair of Professional Development.

·  Motion to approve new members

A special thank you to Kristi for handling the Brian Eben’s replacement on Professional Development and especially to both of them for stepping in!

President Elect – Kristi Fuller

I want to congratulate the following people that were elected to serve on the Executive Council for 2015-16: Chris Ditter, President-Elect; Amy Norton, Vice-President; Chad Peters, Secretary; Tristan Lynn, Treasurer-Elect; and Erick Danielson, Delegate. I was very thankful and pleased with the number of people that so readily agreed to put their name on the ballot. I have also recommended to Chris that she try to hold elections again next year in December as the webinar for the new President-Elect who will be traveling to the Leadership Conference in Washington D.C. has moved to mid-January.

I will be attending the MASFAA Board meeting January 22 and 23 in place of Julie as she will not be able to attend. On January 28-30 I will be traveling to Indiana to attend their state winter conference in Indianapolis. I am also currently looking for a Program Committee co-chair and have a phone call out to someone. My goal is to try to have someone in place very soon so they can get involved with the spring conference planning that will begin soon.

Ballots from the Executive Board for 15/16 need to be destroyed.

·  Motion – Julie Haack

·  Second – Beth Rinderknecht

·  Motion carries

Vice President – Tristan Lynn

·  Setting up conference calls for various committees.

·  Continuing to reconcile. – Done through November

Secretary – Chad Peters

·  No report

Delegates – Todd Brown, Pam Perry, Carolyn Schwendeman

Delegates are still working on updating the Fact Book we recently added 2014 Year in review information. It will be posted soon

Iowa College Student Aid Commission Report – Todd Brown

·  Legislative session began on January 12, 2015.

·  Governor’s proposed appropriations for Commission-administered programs were announced this week. Todd provided an overview of programs with proposed appropriation increases.

·  As of this morning, approximately 4,900 applicants have accessed the 2015-16 Iowa Financial Aid Application. A total of 2,533 of these applicants came directly from the FAFSA Confirmation Page. Just under 2,000 applications have been completed since January 1, 2015.

Awards Committee – Mary Jo Smith/Brittany Peterson

The Awards Committee presented three awards at the Fall conference:

·  Meritorious Service Award to Gary Adams – Iowa Student Loan

·  John Heisner Memorial Lifetime Achievement Award to Joan Meyer, formerly of La’ James College

·  John C. Parker Distinguished Service Award to Linda Schwinn, Capri College

The committee will meet in late January to begin preparing for the Spring conference awards, which include Outstanding New Professional, Committee Member of the Year and the John Moore Award.. A message went out on the listserv this past week to remind the membership that we will be awarding the Student Success Story at the Spring Conference and to be thinking about a deserving student that they could nominate.

By-Laws Committee – Delegates

·  No report

Community Outreach Committee – Lisa Croat/Gary Adams

The Governor’s signing of the Financial Aid Awareness Month proclamation will be on Thursday February 5th at 3:30 PM in the Governor’s formal office after the Director’s Drive-in Workshop at AIB. We’ll be wanting 15-20 financial aid representatives to attend. You can sign up when you sign up for the workshop, or let Gary or me know that you want to attend. An email will be sent to the list serve to let members know of this event.

Gary has been working with Erick Danielson on setting up webinars for high school counselors to occur January 23rd and 30th.

Lastly, we have been working with Steve Foster from University of Michigan to have the Real Life Zone event occur during the MASFAA conference. More will be provided when that is set.

Exhibitor Relations – Kathie Aswegan/Michele Dunne

·  No report

Electronic Services Committee – Chris Ditter/Mary Jacobsen

All photos that were received have been added to the IASFAA Directory. Photos can be emailed to Mary or Chris for loading to the Directory. Elections took place on the website. We are working to get Director’s Drive-In workshop registration open. The Federal and State Issues page has been updated with new Legislative Contacts.

Federal and State Issues Committee – Brandi Miller/Sarah Harrington

·  No Report

Finance Committee – Julie Haack

·  No report

Newsletter Committee – Amy Norton/Renae Armentrout

·  No report

Professional Development Committee – Jen Schroeder

·  No report

Program Committee – Julie Dunn/Karen Snyder

·  First planning meeting for Spring Conference will be on 1/22/15 at Allen College in Waterloo.

·  Committee will review evaluations from fall conference to assist will planning. Some comments were:

o  Would like sessions for more advanced users

o  Sessions ran short, lacked content

o  Would like tables for better note taking

·  The program committee welcomes any suggestions for sessions, presenters or speakers.

Site Committee – Chad Olson/Joan Meyer

·  Chad & Gary are visiting the SCI in Johnston today to determine a suitable location for the Vendor area.

·  The Site Committee is working on a location for Fall 2016. Sioux City SCI has given a proposal, but have had to propose new dates.

Approval of Officer and Committee Reports

·  Motion to approve by Jenn Sassman

·  Seconded by Beth Rinderknecht

·  Motion carries

Old Business

New Business


·  Motion to adjourn by Kristi Fuller

·  Seconded by Tristan Lynn

·  Motion carries

Profit and Loss
July 1, 2014 - January 15, 2015
DUES / 14,940.00
Interest & Dividend Income / 517.77
CONFERENCE - Fall / 11,145.00
CONFERENCE -Spring / 310.00
Exhibit Fees - Fall / 4,500.00
Total REG FEES / $15,995.00
Total Income / $31,453.66
Association Travel / 1,146.57
Total ASSOC REP / $ 1,146.57
AWARDS / 411.76
Bankcard Fee / 71.53
FinAid Awareness Month / 500.00
Meals / 84.16
travel / 221.88
Total CMMNTY OTRCH / $ 806.04
EXEC CNCL / 327.48
Food - Summer Retreat / 49.51
Total EXEC CNCL / $ 376.99
FEE / 995.06
FINANCE / 529.38
Legal & Professional Fees / 400.00
Meals / 34.01
On-line Quickbooks Expense / 269.46
Total FINANCE / $ 1,232.85
Charity Efforts / -20.00
Fall Conference Decorations / 75.21
Fall Conference Entertainment / 402.42
Fall Conference Equipment / 633.13
Fall Conference Guest Gift / 72.80
Fall Conference Meals / 13,159.73
Fall Conference Printing / 95.41
Fall Conference Room Charges / 427.00
Fall Registration Refund / 110.00
Hospitality Suite / 276.37
Meals- Planning / 153.26
Travel - Planning / 488.32
Total PROGRM COMM / $15,873.65
Total Expenses / $23,621.86
Net Operating Income / $ 7,831.80
Other Expenses
Reconciliation Discrepancies / -375.00
Total Other Expenses / -$ 375.00
Net Other Income / $ 375.00
Net Income / $ 8,206.80
Balance Sheet
As of January 15, 2015
Current Assets
Bank Accounts
Money Market Checking / 76,085.73
Total Bank Accounts / $ 76,085.73
Total Current Assets / $ 76,085.73
Other Assets
Abn Amro Bank NV -CD- / 14,876.83
Allergan, Inc / 14,713.16
American Express Centurion Bank Salt Lake City UT / 0.00
Capital One Bank Glen Allen CD / 0.00
Capmark Bank Midvale UT CD / 0.00
Discover Bank Geenwood / 0.00
Discover Bank Greenwood DE / 15,000.00
First Bank of Beverly Hills CD / 0.00
GE Moneybank CD / 0.00
GE Moneybank CD (deleted) / 0.00
GE MoneyBank Draper UT CD / 15,000.00
Gold Bank Leawood Kansas CD / 0.00
Rabobank S & P 500 CD / 0.00
WesternBank Puerot Rico Mayaguez PR / 0.00
Total Other Assets / $ 59,589.99
TOTAL ASSETS / $135,675.72
Current Liabilities
Other Current Liabilities
Morgan Stanley / 0.00
Total Other Current Liabilities / $ 0.00
Total Current Liabilities / $ 0.00
Total Liabilities / $ 0.00
Opening Bal Equity / 106,014.78
Retained Earnings / 21,454.14
Net Income / 8,206.80
Total Equity / $135,675.72
Thursday, Jan 15, 2015 09:35:05 AM PST GMT-6 - Cash Basis

Respectfully submitted by Chad Peters, Secretary