Budget Advisory Committee


October 10, 2017 | 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Ullsvik 2007

Members Present: Chuck Cornett, Melissa Gormley, Dawn Drake, John Goomey, Wayne Weber, Todd Carothers, John Hammermeister, Molly Gribb

Members Absent: Rosalyn Broussard, Heidi Tuescher-Gille,Cinda Furry, Joanne Wilson

Visitors Present: Sara Voigts, Lori Melby, Julie Rennert, Kerie Wedige

*The next BAC meeting is TBD*

  1. Welcome (meeting called to order at 3:01 PM by Todd Carothers)
  2. Todd Carothers informed the group that it’s continued purpose was to review progress and serve as an advisory group
  3. Review status of UBC reviewing budgets
  4. UBC met on October 9th and voted unanimously to take on the charge of the budget
  5. Advice from BAC is welcomed by UBC
  6. UBC also discussed making changes to how members are selected and amending the committee’s bylaws (changes to go through Faculty Senate; historically through the Chancellor)
  7. Other changes to be considered:
  8. Division leaders who don’t have a voice on UBC – possibility of serving as ex-officio on the committee
  9. Determine how to evaluate requests
  10. This first year will provide UBC with the background it needs to fulfill its preliminary duties (note reflections and make recommendations) before submitted budgets are actually reviewed (Jan./Feb.)
  11. It was noted that budgets have never been submitted to a faculty commission before. Concern about handling recommendations from UBC was brought up. It was assured that the colleges will have an opportunity to explain their budgets to UBC.
  12. The first year of the budget is meant to be an informational process for UBC (i.e. get them involved, provide them with the information they need, and look at new tools and techniques and provide insight for the budget). The executive leadership team will provide the initial direction for UBC to take.
  13. Phases of Five Year Budget Projections (*first year is foundational year – no big decisions are anticipated to be made*):
  14. Provide numbers for Five Year Projections
  15. Update numbers based on spring enrollment and collections
  16. Graduation (May) Numbers
  17. Update applications
  18. Concern arose over documenting financial distributions throughout the colleges, as these are constant and changing throughout the year. It was questioned whether documenting was an effective use of budget dollars.
  19. Each of the colleges has a different purpose to ensure growth and stability. These purposes require flexibility to make data informed decisions.
  20. The objective of tracking money flow was identified as driving more student credit hours and majors so that trends are recognized and quality programs are expanded. In essence, major changes are to be documented to better allocate resources in the future.
  21. It was suggested that the university use our own data to include minors as well – this topic will be returned to at a later date.
  22. Todd Carothers will work with his team in regards to changes in recording every financial distribution.
  23. John Schliesmann, Adam Hess, and Cathy Riedl-Farrey will meet next week to discuss enrollment and student success.
  24. Factors: student credit hours and enrollment (projections – impact of external factors)
  25. The goal of adapting the budget is to embrace the RCM features that are working and to know where to make retractions in other aspects of the model.
  26. In essence, the goal is to move away from the incremental model and review and allow metrics to guide the budget.
  27. Provide updates on progress on the work plan
  28. SLA–it was noted that not every area has Service Level Agreements
  29. Members were reminded of the value of the central (non-academic) units, who are to be held accountable for what is needed across campus.
  30. Metrics
  31. Volume – shows drive for more need in each area (will guide decision-making)
  32. Budget training
  33. Cathy Riedl-Farrey to work with TTC to provide understanding for the budget (training materials).
  34. The committee discussed the need of hands-on training sessions to provide transparency.
  35. These training sessions will be incorporated within monthly/quarterly meetings with budget planners.
  36. Through more transparency, campus-wide decisions will be able to be made in place of centrally made decisions.
  37. Todd Carothers announced that UW System will be coming out with a new budgeting tool in 2020 – this will be an add-on to WISDM.
  38. Budget detail
  39. Salary plans– the campus will begin looking at positions within a five year scope (i.e. identify positions that are up for promotions, etc.)
  40. Enrollment plans
  41. Facilities project prioritization– due date October 20, 2017 (timeline can be worked with if advanced notice is given)
  42. Prioritization will leverage and create transparency for projects already happening across campus.
  43. Overall process
  44. Deferred maintenance(post-budget)
  45. Build-up that is not being funded detracts from campus.
  46. List is needed of all deferred maintenance projects in priority and estimates for each.
  47. Carryover funds will finance strategic initiatives.
  48. Determine additional communication
  49. Discuss next steps
  50. Adjournment (meeting adjourned at 3:51 PM by Todd Carothers)
  51. Dawn Drake welcomed Kerie Wedige to the committee and announced that Kerie will be taking her place on the committee
  52. Next Meeting: TBD

Respectfully Submitted, Amy Jelle