Supplementary Materials for “Vertical waveguides integrated with silicon photodetectors: towards high efficiency and low cross-talk image sensors,” by Turgut Tut et al

Supplementary Figure S1. a).Sine condition: each ray converging to focus of aplanatic system intersects its conjugate ray on a sphere of radius f, where f is focal length of lens. b). Surface area element dA of reference sphere. c). Ray tracing model of light pipe device. d). Ray tracing model of light pipe free device.

To model the fabricated devices fully rigorously, one would need to use numerical electromagnetics simulations, for example the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method. While the results obtained in this manner would be rigorous, they would not necessarily provide physical insight. We instead therefore use ray-tracing, as while it is not as exact as full-field simulations, it facilitates physical interpretation of the differences between the devices.

Our method is as follows. We assume the sine condition, which states that each ray converging to the focus of an aplanatic optical system intersects its conjugate ray on a sphere of radius f, where f is the focal length of the lens.1This is illustrated as Supplementary Figure S1a. This sphere is also referred to as the Gaussian reference sphere.1 The conjugate ray is the incident ray propagating parallel to the optical axis.1 In Supplementary Figure S1a, θNA denotes largest incident angle available from lens with numerical aperture NA, i.e. . The goal of our ray tracing analysis is to predict the ratio between the photodetectorsignal occurring in the light pipe device to that occurring in the light pipe free device. We assume that this can be done by integrating the power collected by the photodetector for rays with incident angles ranging from zero to θNA. The way in which this is performed can be understood by considering the reference sphere (Supplementary Figure S1b). The power incident on the photodetector for a surface element of the reference sphere is assumed equal to , where is the Poynting vector of the illumination striking the reference sphere, and is the normal to the surface element . With the magnitude of the Poynting vector normalized to unity for simplicity, , and we have . As we describe below, this must be modified to account for the transmission coefficient at each interface. In addition, for the light pipe free device, some of the rays at larger angles are incident on the metal portion of the bottom surface of the device, and therefore not collected by the photodetector. These rays are therefore not included in the power calculation. It should be noted that this method differs from the vector diffraction theory of Richards and Wolf ,2,3 in which the fields at the focus of a lens are found by summation of plane waves converging at different angles. We instead integrate intensities, rather than amplitudes, and polarization is therefore not accounted for. This simplifies the analysis. It should be noted that, even with its additional complexity,one would also need to make simplifying assumptions if one were to use vector diffraction theory, as its basic formulation is for focusing in a homogeneous medium.

We now consider the application of this ray-tracing model to the light pipe and light pipe-free devices. The former is illustrated as Supplementary Figure S1c. Incident rays from air (n1 =1) are focused onto top surface of SiO2, and transmitted with intensity transmission coefficient Ta1. These rays then encounter the light pipe, where they are transmitted with coefficient Ta2. The light pipe comprises an SiNx cylinder (n3 = 1.8, determined by ellipsometry) with diameter 5 µm and height 7 m. This is surrounded by SiO2 (n2 = 1.46), which is 8.7m thick. Snell’s Law is applied at each interface to determine the refraction angle. θmax1 denotes the incident angle of the ray that strikes the Si at the edge of the metal aperture. A metal layer is formed at the bottom of the device, with a circular opening whose diameter matches that of the light pipe. Rays incident within this opening are transmitted into the underlying silicon with intensity transmission coefficient Ta3. Ta1, Ta2 and Ta3are dependent on angle, and determined from the Fresnel reflection coefficients in a manner described below. The path of the ray incident at θNA is shown. It can be seen that rays with incident angles from zero to θNA(≈64o) are collected. It is assumed that rays transmitted into the silicon are absorbed and converted to photocurrent.The photocurrent signal is therefore given by:


where is a constant that accounts for the laser power and photodetectorresponsivity.

In Supplementary Figure S1d, we consider the case of the light pipe free device. The geometrical parameters are identical, except that the light pipe is omitted. Rays with incident angle between zero and θmax2 (≈23.8o ) are collected, i.e. transmitted into Si. Tb1 and Tb2 denote intensity transmission coefficients at the air-SiO2 and SiO2-Si interfaces. The photocurrent signal in this case is given by:


We now discuss the method by which the transmission coefficients are modeled. We begin with the Fresnel reflection coefficients. These specify the amplitude reflectivity for plane waves incident from a medium with index upon a medium with index at angle , for polarization in the plane of incidence () and perpendicular to it (). These are given by



The transmission coefficients are then found using:



The transmission coefficients are therefore polarization-dependent.To simplify matters, in determining Ta1, Ta2, Ta3, Tb1, Tb2, we average these, i.e.


As discussed in the main body of the paper, the ratio of the photocurrents () found in this manner, for the case of the input beam focused at the SiO2 surface, is ~3.6 times. We also perform calculations for the case of device moved vertically upward by 6 m, so that the focus is within the device. The ray tracing analysis predicts that the photocurrent for the light pipe device is ~1.2 times larger when the focus is at the SiO2 surface than when the device is translated 6 m. Similarly, the analysis predicts that the photocurrent for the light pipe-free device is ~2.3 times larger when the device is translated 6 m than when the focus is at the SiO2 surface.

Supplementary Materials References

1 L. Novotny and B. Hecht, Principles of Nano-Optics Cambridge UniversityPress, Cambridge, (2006).

2 E. Wolf, Proc Roy. Soc.A 253, pp. 349-357 (1959).

3 B. Richards and E. Wolf, Proc. Roy. Soc.A 253, pp. 358-379 (1959).