- Found in ponds
- Member of a group called green algae
- No roots, stems, or leaves
- Uses light to make food
- Live in water or damp surfaces
- Cells live in colonies of 1,000 to 3,000 cells arranged in a hollow sphere
- Each one has two flagella—a whiplike tail that helps them move
- The colony is held together by a clear jellylike substance
- Some large colonies contain daughter colonies; these are released from the parent when they become big enough
- Benefit of living in a colony—protected from outside predators that are larger
- Found in ponds
- Single-celled and pear-shaped
- About 160 micrometers
- Rosy colored
- It eats bacteria & other microbes; sometimes they eat each other=cannibals
- Belongs to a group called ciliates=body is covered with short, moveable, hairlike extensions called cilia which act like paddles to move
- Reproduces by dividing itself in half to produce 2 equal halves; this is called binary fission
Vinegar Eels
- a harmless roundworm about 1.5 to 2 mm long with points at both ends
- smooth, slender, almost transparent body
- Made up of many cells
- Large enough to be seen without a microscope
- One of the lowest animals to have a digestive system
- The embryos develop in the female and are born alive and wiggling
- Can live in a very acidic environment
- Live in unpasteurized cider vinegar
- Eat bacteria and apple
- Pasteurization is a process of heating a liquid at a high temperature to destroy microbes and produce a sterilized liquid
- Whole body has muscles that help them move very rapidly
Topics to study for the
Microworlds Test
Microorganisms (Volvox, Blepharisma, & Vinegar Eels)
Two properties of Magnifiers (transparent & curved
Be able to draw a convex lens
- Magnification-how many times something is made to look bigger compared to its real size
- Transparent-clear; it can be seen through
- Convex-curved outwardly
- Nucleus-the control center of a cell
- Cell wall-found only in plant cells; protects the cells
- Observations-Information that you gather by using your five senses
- Protoplasm-clear liquid inside a cell
- Inference-a conclusion based on observation
- Cell-the smallest whole parts of living things
- Cilia-short, movable, hair-like extensions that act like paddles to move
- Properties-observable characteristics of an object
- Microscope-instrument with a lens or lenses used to make objects look bigger
- Bacteria
- Blepharisma
- Volvox
- Vinegar eel