MEMBER: Jenn Lee

Q: In what area is your Christian life growing right now?
Although I've been a Christian for a while now, recently God met me and helped me to really understand just how much He loves me - it's like I really get it now. He also taught me what it means to hope in Christ and gave me genuine hope - something I've struggled with a lot in the past. Going through this has significantly increased my faith and trust in Christ in all things, and right now I'm trying to understand better what it means then to put Christ first in all things and to have Him be the center of my life.

Q: When was the last time you tried something new? What was it and how did you do?
That's tough because I think I'm always trying new things, in part because of my personality and also because of my work and life circumstances. Recently I've been trying a lot of new foods and drinks (which I did great at), and have started to learn Arabic (slow, but hopefully will get there).

Q: What would you do differently if you knew that no one was judging you?
I would probably put myself out there more in social situations - particularly situations where I don't know anyone. People never believe me, but I'm pretty introverted and shy and worry people won't like me if they get to know me, so I really have to push myself to go places where I don't know anyone.

Q: Have you ever taken responsibility for someone else’s mistake? Was it the right thing to do?
Yes - I have at work. I usually take responsibility when my team makes a mistake b/c if I'm leading them then it's my responsibility too. I think it's the right thing to do in most situations.

Q: What do you see as the biggest difficulty in living the Christian life?
One of the biggest challenges for me is the concept of being in the world but not of it, and how to really love others in truth/Christ. I think also being totally dependent on God all the time because it's so easy to rely on yourself or think you can handle things.

Q: What without fail always makes you laugh?
My sister and my family in general. My friends are pretty funny too, especially certain groups of them. But my sister is hands down the funniest person I know.

Q: The thing I like about myself is....
I think I'm pretty understanding of people and give everyone a chance (or lots of chances).

Q: What terrifies you the most?
I've also been reading through Job and it scares me to think that God could do that to me too and wonder if I could remain faithful and in awe of God like he did (Job is amazing). I'm also scared that I haven't shared the gospel well enough with people in my life who don't know Christ and fear them not knowing Him and my responsibility in the result of that. I'm also a little scared of being kidnapped or being in a real attack or conflict situation.

Q: Are you a negative or positive person? Why?
Negative, but these days I think because God has been increasing my faith and hope in Him, I'm becoming more positive. It's a very strange feeling.

Q: If you could ask one person one question (that they would answer honestly), who would it be and what would you ask? Why?
I have no idea, but maybe God (does He count?) and I would ask Him lots of questions about all sorts of things. Or maybe OJ Simpson and I would ask him if he really did it. (I'm trying to think of big mysteries and that's like all that comes to mind right now.)

Q: Who is your inspiration to be a better person?
I honestly don't know, but I've met some pretty amazing people through work - both professionals and the people that we work with in camps/communities. Actually, I think also my family ecause they've done so much for me and it makes me want to honor them in that way. I also really like Puritans and reading their prayers and books, so I guess them or other famous Christians or even many of my amazing Christian friends. I guess I should also say Jesus but that's really not what came to mind (which I'm not sure is a good or a bad thing).

Q: Standing at the gates of heaven, and God asks you “Why should I let you in?” What do you reply? Because you sent Christ to die the death I should have died and live the life I should have lived because you love me (and I love you).

Q: What has life taught you so far?
That nothing goes according to plan and that nothing turns out the way you expect it to, but it's okay because God is making it happen and He loves me. God is crazy (in a good way). My life totally did not turn out the way I thought it would.

Q: When did you cry the last time and why?
I think I teared up this morning watching someone receive prayer at church - something struck me about the humility in asking for prayer and the awesomeness of having such a community in Christ. But I have a tendency to cry while watching movies - like any movie - and it's like all out sobbing, snot, blowing my nose loudly and using multiple tissues, etc. And always when I'm on airplanes so I look completely nuts.

Q: What is one thing about our society would you change?
I think materialism. We (and I'm including me in this) buy and throw away so many things and have so many things we don't need, and in the end it's really not worth it because we'll leave this earth with nothing. I think also just more care or awareness about people and life outside of our own - or maybe a focus on what is really important? I feel like God has given us one special life to live and I always wonder if we are living it focusing on what's really important and the way God has called us or desires us to live.