Stem Cells
Notes - “What’s the BIG DEAL?
What are stem cells?
*”Magic Seeds”
-Cells with the potential to be any kind of cell!
-Can divide without limit.
*Must be given the right chemical signal
Diagram Stem Cell Differentiation:
Fertilization/Zygote up to day 11. What is happening?
- Fertilization in the fallopian tube.
-Sperm meets Egg
- Zygote
-1 cell big
- Days 1 to 5
-Embryo divides over & over (Mitosis!)
*Sphere shaped “blastocyst” (150 cells big)
- Days 5 to 11 (Still a blastocyst)
-Embryonic stem cells are visible & capable of developing into any tissue in the body.
*Ideal to remove totipotent stem cells BUT it destroys the embryo in the process.
- Day 14
-The hollow mass of cells begins to change into three layers: the ectoderm, mesoderm & endoderm.
The first 56 days of life is known as the “embryonic stage.”
Different Types of stem cells:
- Totipotent (Total Potential)
-Can become ANY type of cell in the body if given the correct “chemical message”
*Sources include: -Fertilized egg…Zygote
- Pluripotent (More Potential)
-Can become ALMOST ANY type of cell in the body except those needed to develop a fetus.
*Sources include: Blastocyst Embryonic Stem Cells from an embryo that is just a few days old or Fetal Stem Cells (after the 8th week of development.)
- Multipotent (Much Potential)
-Stem cells that can become a small number or limited range of different types of cells.
*Sources include: Umbilical Cord Blood and Adult Stem Cells
How can embryos be obtained?
-Embryos must be destroyed to get the stem cells.
- Fertility Clinics:
-Thousands of embryos are frozen in time with no intent to use.*Solution: Put these embryos up for adoption for an “opportunity to be born.”
Issue: How much respect does an embryo get?
- Aborted Fetuses:
-Women donated aborted fetuses.
Issue: Possible $ market or promoting an increase in abortions.
- Cloning:
-Human embryo “entities” may be cloned to produce more.
Issue: Possible $ market. *Massachusetts’s lab has already done this.
- Made to Order:
-Intentionally mix sperm and egg to create embryos as sources of stem cells.
Issue: Create life to destroy it? Should we profit from destroying human embryos? Considered the “Culture of Death.” *Virginia lab has already done this.
The BIG Debate: Should federal funds be used in research on discarded embryos?
- Stem cell research destroys living human embryos.
- Embryos are members of the human species from conception and have special moral status.
- There is a difference between embryos’ dying and actively killing them.
- It goes against the medical philosophy & practice of “do no harm.”
- It would desensitize society to the value of human life, which ultimately threatens vulnerable members in our society. (Such as “vegetables” or the old considered “biological remnants.”)
- It would increase a production of surplus embryos simply for research & profit.
- “Parents do not have the moral right to consent to the destruction of the human embryo any more than to the destruction of their own children.”
- Alternative sources of stem cells are not immoral and should be pursued.
- The “promise” of curing incurable diseases out ways any negative.
- There is a great potential for growing replacement organs & tissues. (Huge need.)
- Federal funding means that research is regulated.
- Stem cell research may also help prevent specific disease because of the knowledge gained about differentiation and what can go wrong.
- “AMA” (American Medical Association”) supports the research.