Melbourne City Council

Meeting Minutes

September 10, 2012

Melbourne city council met in regular session on September 10, 2012 at City Hall at 7 pm. Council members present were White, Smith, Russo, Eckhart and Curl. Also present were Stanley C. Randall, Mike Ball, Bob Monroe, Jason Miller, Sharon Greer, Gary Fricke, Deb Mercer and Cookie Purdy.

Councilperson Russo led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Randall called the meeting to order at 7 pm. Motion by White to approve the agenda, 2nd by Russo. Vote was all ayes. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Council members had looked over the bills and a motion was made to approve the bills by Smith, 2nd by Russo. Vote was all ayes.

Jason Miller with MSA was on hand to give the council the rehab plans for the sewer lines and tell them to review those plans. He also told the council that the force main relocation project will go out for bids as soon as the DNR approves the plans. He thought that would happen sometime in September and the rehab plans would be approved about a month after that.

Chief Ball gave his report to the council. He assisted with security when President Obama came to Marshalltown. He had training at ILEA and some new training at the Court House regarding submitting citations online. Clerk asked about the idea of putting a number on orange flags to show that everyone is up to date on registration of their golf carts. Ball will try to find a vendor. He thinks having all cart registrations be made at the same time is a very good idea. He informed council that he retired from the State on September 4th. Clerk asked about the ATV's driving around town. Ball told her that Marshall County has an ATV park in Marshalltown and that they are illegal to be driven on roadways unless it is a farmer coming in to get supplies and straight back to the farm. He said anyone seeing them running around town should call him and he will check it out. The fine for driving them on the roadway is $160. He had 10 calls, 1 arrest, 6 citations, 2 warnings, 1 assist and 68 building checks.

Librarian was not on hand. Clerk told the mayor and council that Erin Propp had submitted her resignation from the Library Board. He was told that Amy Halter had been inquiring about being on the Board. He said he would be happy to appoint Amy. Motion by White to approve Amy's appointment, 2nd by Smith.

Building permit for Webb Nall, 310 4th Avenue for a shed was brought before the council. Motion by White to approve the permit, 2nd by Russo. Vote was all ayes. It was brought to the council's attention that Mark Doe had put up a shed behind the house he is building next to Scott. There was no permit applied for. Gary will check it out.

Superintendent of Public Works gave his report. Cessford's did patchwork and black-topping; Sta-bilt Construction did seal coat work; drained pool, unhooked lines and put supplies away for the winter; flushed sewer mains with pool water; ran lead & copper tests and HAAS & THMM; had pool inspected; Fricke took 1 week vacation; did weed control at lagoon and pushed up brush pile; ordered new snow plow blade; DNR inspected water and wastewater. On his to-do list is seeding ditches; flushing hydrants and exercise valves; trim trees.

Council went over some of the correspondence; Marshall County Landfill sent a letter telling about ways to safely dispose of household hazardous waste. Council thought it would be a good idea to have the “Clean-Up Crew” come to Melbourne during Clean Up Week next year. Motion by White to have them come, 2nd by Smith. Vote was all ayes; Clerk had given the council a letter giving her notice of resignation effective 12-31-12. Mayor Randall appointed White, Russo, Fricke and Deputy Clerk as a committee that will make a decision on a replacement; Letter from Jason Frahm about having to pay for the culvert under his drive. He is trying to sell the property and thinks it looks terrible. We will let him know that it is being seeded this week; an email was received from Kim Elder thanking the council for the flowers she got for teaching the NIMS class; Clerk thanked the council for the plant for her brother's funeral.

The 2nd reading of Ordinance 55-Animal Protection and Control was given. Motion by White to approve the 2nd reading and waive the 3rd, 2nd by Eckhart. Vote was all ayes.

Council looked at changes for the water and sewer ordinances. They agreed to changes that had been made and will formally make the first reading next month. On Ordinance 99, there are two sections that were put in the ordinance many years ago but they were never acted upon. No special sewer accounts were ever set up to put money in to, which is why the sewer is having the problems with getting new work done. Motion by Eckhart to rescind those two sections and remove them from the new language, 2nd by White.Vote was all ayes.

Beggar's Night was discussed. We are trying to co-ordinate with Rhodes and State Center. Council decided to set it for October 31st from 5-7 PM. Motion by Smith to approve this date, 2nd by White. Vote was all ayes. Clerk and Deputy Clerk would like to attend the Data Tech User Group meeting in Des Moines in October. Council asked about the new clerk possibly attending. Clerk will let Data Tech know. Motion by White to approve all three going to this meeting, 2nd by Russo. Vote was all ayes.

Clerk talked to council about the choices for an audit before she leaves. Motion by White to approve an audit, 2nd by Eckhart. Vote was all ayes.

Update on Bob Doe-Greer had with her a memo from her partner about the hearing on August 21. Mr. Doe had given Veldey some paperwork from the corporation and stated he was starting asbestos training on September 10 in Illinois. Veldey reminded Mr. Doe of the October 15 deadline.

Fricke told the council that he had just remembered something he wanted to make them aware of. Some of the lagoon pond barrier is sloughing off and he wants to have Ricken's look at it. He is worried about too much going and having a leak from one pond to the other.

Motion to adjourn by White, 2nd by Smith. Vote was all ayes. Meeting adjourned.

REVENUES: General-$22043.47; Road Use-$8721.61; Employee Benefits-$.30; LOST-Fire Assoc.-$1633.26; LOST-1st Responders-$1633.26; LOST-Pool-$.67; LOST-Rec Center-$287.55; Pool Sinking-$3266.52; Water-$14267.70; Sewer-$13127.04; TOTAL REVENUES: $64981.38. EXPENSES: General-$28578.11; Road Use-$4663.32; Employee Benefits-$2018.12; Water-$8939.29; Sewer-$10002.62; TOTAL EXPENSES-$54201.46.


Stanley C. Randall, Mayor Marilyn K. Purdy, City Clerk, CMC

Published prior to approval.