Meetings attended from May 10th 2016

Date of meeting / Who attended / Meeting with / Purpose / Next steps/outcomes
10th May / AMK / Caroline Barraclough CPPE / To discuss current and next semester. Discuss planned sexual health day in November and upcoming HEEM workforce strategy meeting / Send CB contact details for CCG’s and hosp as promised and service spec for hospital xfer proposals. Decide if attendance at HEEM day appropriate and valuable?
11th May / AMK / Sonal Mehta MK CCG / Review MAS and bring up any problem areas in MK between GP surgeries and pharmacies eg adherence to SOP’s for repeat prescription / Sonal to conduct audit and feedback. Also send me details of Kings Fund meeting re urgent care in pharmacies
12th May / AMK / NPA Webinar / Funding cuts…the facts / Review transcript
13th May / AMK / Michael Ellis MP / Pick up on points raised by an independent in Kingsthorpe. Mr Ellis replied but I wanted to encourage attendance at speed briefing session May 24th and fill in some details about his reply / Follow up meeting in diary for 27th May in Guildhall with Rob Morris from Healthwatch and Michael Ellis. He is to go and review the points I made in response to his letter to the concerned contractor in Kingsthorpe.
16th May / AMK / North NHSE Flu meeting / Initial call to identify areas of concern for improvement /
  1. Will it be possible to use Pharmoutcomes as a locally commissioned service for reporting the activity?
  2. Comms:safety and choice
  3. Damage limitation. Already entering the season with a lot of negativity around CP being re-commissioned
  4. Data evaluation
  5. Catch up call in few weeks

17TH May / AMK / Barry Myles from Tillots / POCT / Catch up after Barry has met with Giles Owen at CCG to learn if there is scope and desire to drive this innovation forward
20th May / AMK and SSM / Russell Parsons, Duane McLean and Maxine Foster / Hospital xfer funding streams / To consult with committee and ascertain if engagement with Simon Mathias of Aspire Consultancy is a good plan to get a robust proposal and service spec to put fwd to CCG. Explore monies available for funding innovative pilots through egHEEM.Contact IOW re reablement service
24th May / AMK / MP’s speed briefing in Westminster and petition / Met with 4 MP’s or PA’s at PSNC speed briefing event / Follow through conversations. Meeting with Michael Ellis again 27th May and to write to Iain Stewart with MK specific issues should pharmacies close.
27th May / AMK / Michael Ellis MP and Rob Mason Healthwatch / Follow up post speed briefing / Mr Elis to write to Jeremy Hunt
6th June / AMK and SSM / Meet Simon Mathias / Firm up hospital transfer engagement / Simon to provide refreshed document outlining the exact requirements of his work for the hospital xfer in scope 1 and 2
8th June / AMK / Public Health MK / Observing the training of 14 HLP champions to level 2 / Meeting arrange with CF, Moneim and Beccy to discuss what next 16th June
10th June / AMK / Public Health Akeem Ali Northants / To meet Akeem’s team and introduce community pharmacy / Meeting to be arranged with Peter Barker and Janet Doran re HLP
10TH June / AMK / Andrea Leadsom MP / To provide Andrea with the info from the Speed Briefing session which she was unable to attend / Provide stats for Northants on effects resulting from closures
13th June / AMK / Kerry Murphy and Asha Panchal of Pfizer and Julia Banham Smokefree MK / Update on MK PGD for Champix, removal of black triangle and progressing training for pharmacies ahead of implementation. Scoping whether a funding opportunity for Pfizer to engage with the Northants Hospital xfer /
  • Update meeting to be planned with Darush Attar as speaker for Level 2s and community Pharmacists ideally an evening in September (not 25/26 or 28th). Asha to get dates, and Julia will support with the communication of the event.
  • Update Julia and team on latest product data, and information to support the engagement of localities in smoking cessation, eg COPD emergency admissions and smoking related ill health admissions. Asha and Kerry to send over possible appointment times from Lynne our Clinical Effectiveness Consultant
  • Request for medical information on e cigarettes. Asha to liaise and get reply forwarded to Julia.
Hospital Discharge service: Kerry to discuss this pilot with our Strategic Account Manager to assess whether we can add any value