ABATE of Ohio

Franklin County Minutes

September 7, 2014

Meeting was called to order by Randy Paul at 12:05.

Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence and the mission statement.

No Guest and one new member, Trent Cowgill.

Welcome by Kolman Fuzy who presided over the meeting in Harley Stocks absence.

Motion to waive the reading of the minutes from the August meeting by Cindy Balach – second by Tony Lasego. Motion carried

Officers Reports

Treasures report – Kim Chafin

Begin Balance / $1003.00
in / $148.00
out / $101.00
earmark / $60.00
ending balance / $990.00

Motion to accept the Treasurers report made by Cindy Balach - second by Randy Paul

Motion carried.

Legislative Report – J.R. Gantner

·  President Obama signed H.R. 5021 – Aug. 8 – The Highway and Transportation Funding Act of 2014. While skipping many needed reforms, it will extend highway funding until May of 2015. Without enactment the Federal Highway Trust Fund would fall below fiscally safe levels and payments to the state would be slow. This would cause states to delay or possible cancel many highway and maintenance projects.

When Congress begins to write a new long-term highway bill AMA will work to include language to ensure continuation of successful Recreational Trails Program, prohibit federal tax dollars from funding for motorcycle-only check points and extend the ban on federal agencies lobbying state government.

·  EPA sends ethanol regulations to White House. – EPA sent its final regulations for the President’s approval as reported by the MRF. This is the final step in the approval process before the mandate can be revealed. MRF testified at an EPA hearing in favor of more study on the effects that E-15 can have on the components of a motorcycle. The EPA will release the final rule after the White House and other federal agencies weigh in. The White House has 90 days to review the proposal and issue a response.

·  AMA - Kids N Kamp - 10 days, 10,000 Miles Event is being held today with live entertainment, auctions and Police-escorted Ride around 270. Event will be held at the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame in Pickerington beginning at 11 am till 4 pm. The event is to raise awareness for Kids N Kamp a non-profit organization devoted to the social, educational and emotional needs of families touched by childhood cancer.

Products – no report

Technology – Tony Losego

·  Post events to the www.abate.com or see Tony with questions.

Regional – Kolman Fuzy

·  MRF Meeting of the minds Ride out information is printed in the Outspoken. The group will be leaving on Wed. the 24th.

·  Iron Pony will be holding an Open House on Sept 20th and would like to have volunteers to man the Abate products trailer at the event. Any volunteers see Kolman. The open house will be the same time as the Pickaway Run.

·  Foundation Bike Raffle – the winner of the raffle lives in Oak Harbor, Ohio but was not present at the drawing. Over 5700 tickets were sold and a big Thank You to all who sold tickets, or was present for the drawing. The proceeds will benefit the Safety and Education efforts of The Abate Foundation. It was speculated that the $10 price for tickets will be continued next year.

MRF – no report

New Business:

·  Nominations for Winter Meeting Location Nominations and voting will be done next month, and the meeting will move to the new location beginning in November.

Ø  Sticks and Stones – 1355 Briarcliff St, Reynoldsburg. Trent Cowgill, owner and new member was present to confirm his establishment would be willing to host meetings.

Ø  Colombinis Sport Diner – 894 West Broad St, Columbus

·  Nominations for 2015 Officers Nominations will be taken through the November meeting with voting at the December meeting. New officers will take office in January 2015.

Franklin County Officers

Ø  Coordinator – no nominations

Ø  Deputy Coordinator – no nominations

Regional / County Officers

Ø  Secretary – Kathy Gantner nominated – (defers to next meeting)

Ø  Treasurer – Kim Chafin nominated– (defers to next meeting)

Ø  Products – no nominations

Ø  Sgt. at Arms – Randy Paul – (defers to next meeting)

Ø  Regional Director – Kolman Fuzy – (defers to next meeting)

Ø  Deputy Regional Director – Kathy Gantner – accepted

Ø  Legislative – J.R. Gantner – accepted

Ø  Membership – Chris Winchester – accepted

Ø  Safety and Education – (new office) no nominations

Old Business:

·  Toy Run - date November 8th – same route and locations as 2013

Report by Melissa Anderson

Ø  4 volunteers will be needed to collect waiver signatures as riders enter the parking lot at Toys R Us.

Ø  Contacts have been made with Eldorado and Rafters to donate items for the grab bags.

Ø  Boyd’s Tire has donated $200 to help with the cost of the event and has given a gift certificate for the auction.

Discussion as followed:

Ø  Question was raised - to lessen the cost of the food that we research smoking our own meat rather than buying it from a restaurant.

Ø  Sticks and Stones – donated $400 to help with the cost of the event.

Ø  Kim Chafin – raised the question that the cost for the food line should be increased given the amount of meat and other food that is provided.

Ø  Kathy Gantner - to send the contact information to Melissa for City BBQ who has been the meat provider for the last several years.

Ø  Sorting of auction items on the Thursday before the run will still be done. The location has been tentatively set for Xclusive’s but will be confirmed at a later date.

Ø  Kathy Gantner - will send the Donation form and letter to Tony so that he can post them on the Abate.com Region 9 website for all to access.

Discussion on the Proceeds distribution:

Ø  It was suggested that we again donate to both Firefighters 4 Kids and local Military families. Further discussion has been tabled until the October meeting.

Other upcoming Abate events:

Sept 20th – Pickaway Anniversary run – Begins at Station House 81. Jeff Bowersock

needs volunteers to man the stops. See Kolman or call Jeff. Flyer available.

Oct. 4th – Region 10 – First Annual 100 Mile Run Starts at the Heritage Lounge and ends

at The Barrel Bar in Buckeye Lake. Request donation of items to be given to the

Veterans at the Chillicothe VA Medical center - see the back of the flyer for a

list of items needed. Flyers available.

Year Pins:

Chris Winchester – 2 years

Non-ABATE Announcements or Events:

Sept 20th – Legion Post 490 – Fun Run Begins and ends at Legion Post 490. Flyers available.

Sept 16th – Legion Post 490 - will be riding to Dayton to escort the remains of veterans to the

Veteran Cemetery in Dayton. If you would like to ride with Post 490, contact Terry

Wright with any questions.

Comments for the good of the Order:

Ø  Kim Chafin – Those that did not attend the Covered Bridge / Night Run missed a good ride. All those that could not attend can see the pictures in the September Outspoken.

Ø  October Meeting

v  Come prepared to discuss the designation for the Toy Run proceeds.

v  Last chance to nominate a location for the winter meeting.

v  2015 Officer nominations will continue.

Motion to Adjourn by Tom Kelly – second by Randy Paul. Motion passed

Special Draw – won by Tom Kelly – money was donated back to buy a day.

Buy a day at the office $100.00 collected

Submitted by – Kathy Gantner