European Commission
Luxembourg, 14 April 2014
EU-Tunisia: More steps to deepen cooperation and support
Remarks by Commissioner Štefan Füle to the press following the Foreign Affairs - EU-Tunisia Association Council: 'I would like to add my voice to congratulate Tunisia for the inclusive political process that led to the adoption of the Constitution. We fully support the on-going transition and the efforts of the authorities, civil society, trade unions and businesses to continue the reforms and improve peoples' lives.
Tunisia and the EU share the objective of deepening and strengthening their relations. Today, we endorsed the EU-Tunisia Action Plan for a privileged partnership and its matrix which will provide us with an operational roadmap for our bilateral relations in the next years.
It contains orientations for progressive alignment to EU legal and regulatory acquis in key areas in order to establish closer economic integration with the EU with benefits for Tunisia in terms of foreign investment, market access, competitiveness and job creation. It also contains important objectives for the consolidation of the respect of human rights and democratic principles, improved governance and a more active involvement of the civil society.
Concerning bilateral relations I would like to highlight in particular the following achievements:
The signature of the mobility partnership (3rd of March) that will allow us to better manage migration-related problems and will provide opportunities for both sides.
Today we initialled the Protocol on Framework Agreement on participation of Tunisia in EU programmes with the aim to sign it before the summer. Since new EU programmes have now been approved recently and their implementation is just beginning, it is a perfect time for Tunisia to become involved in EU programs.
We have achieved a more intense technical and financial cooperation. Our assistance reached 485 € million in 2011-2013, more than twice than originally envisaged. In line with the 'more for more' principle, Tunisia was the first recipient of additional funds under the “Spring” programme.
Today, we have reviewed opportunities for further developing our relations, let me mention just few of them:
Launching negotiations on an economic integration agreement (so called deep and comprehensive free trade area).
Launching negotiations on increased trade in agricultural products.
Completing soon the negotiations on the 'open sky' agreement.
We have also offered our support for the reform of the security sector and we hope to develop our cooperation in this important area.
We believe that the cooperation in these areas is mutually beneficial. We are ready to make sure - as there is an ongoing, internal discussion in Tunisia about these agreements – to stand ready to be part of that and make the point about mutual benefits to Tunisian and European citizens. And we are ready to support the Tunisian side during these negotiations both technically and also financially.
We still have an informal dinner to continue our discussions - also about important regional and international issues. And one particular issue is the cooperation between EU and the Arab Maghreb Union.'
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