Meeting Minutes
March 28, 2017
Meeting was called to order at 6:36 pm by Lion Keith Wicklund.
Presidents Announcements- None
Guests: Lion Dennis Nelson. Lion Dennis Nelson took the next few minutes to talk to us about the program that he and his lions club has started, the homeless veteran's assistance program. This has become the Centennial project for the district. He will be collecting various items for veterans that have recently been placed in housing, kitchen stuff, cleaning supplies, bathroom stuff, etc.
Happy Bucks: $8 happy bucks
Secretary update: Due to lack of number of people able to attend tonight's meeting the vote for the January 10th, February 21, and March 14 meeting minutes were tabled. Lion Tracy Fransen reminded everyone of the District convention that was coming up that Friday night.
Treasurers Report: Lion Will Fransen gave out the treasurer’s report. No motion or vote was taken due to lack of quorum.
Committee Reports:
Sight and sound Raffle and 20 for plenty: These were both tabled because Kim Peavy has the tickets and was unable to be at tonight's meeting.
Nomination Committee- Hopefully we will have nominations by next meeting. The committee is sending out e-mails with nomination papers.
Cubs Bus Trip- Lion Will Fransen said go on face book and reserve your tickets. We are still looking for somewhere to park the bus in order to load. Lion Scott Larkin will check with his employer. The trip is May 20th.
Old Business:
Orientation Update: New member orientation was held on Tuesday night. 4 people attended. Lion Keith said that it went great.
Google Hangouts: If you have not given Lion Kim Peavy your Gmail account please do so we can set you up for the Google hangouts. Lion Keith Wicklund asked if there is a record feature to watch the meetings at a later time.
Rose Day: Tickets and money for roses are due to Kim Peavy no later than April 3rd. She will be creating a database so we can know who to sell roses to next year.
New Business-
Steve McLaughlin: Former Lion member Steve McLaughlin passed away this week. Lion Tracy Fransen went through the arrangements for anyone interested in attending.
Roadside cleanup: Roadside clean up will be May 7th. Lion Scott Larkin will be checking with the boy scouts to see if they can help. Lion Tracy Fransen will be checking with Boylan for volunteers.
The only other New Business is whether we can help Lion Dennis Nelson. Discussion if monetary or if collecting items would be feasible.
$1 Fine for Lion Shelly Day-Duer for non-attendance.
Card Game- Lion Mark Mannino and Lion Kathy Mannino won the prize by both getting a Q. They won Dumbo movie and Wine glass. They will bring the prize next time.
Lion Tracy Fransen made a motion to adjourn at 7:35 pm and Lion Randy Dahlenberg seconded it. Passed unanimously.