Application Pack for Employment

ChildHope, 6th Floor, Development House,

56 - 64 Leonard Street, London, EC2A 4LT

Tel: 020 7065 0950 Fax:020 7065 0951

Registered Charity 328434


Every child has the right to a safe and secure childhood, but for many these rights are denied. Born into extreme poverty and violence, they have no-one to protect them. ChildHope believes that no child should face these challenges alone.

All of our programmes work with children who are considered the ‘hardest to reach’ within their communities. During the implementation of our new five year strategy, it is our aim to look at putting more emphasis on the inclusion of more children and young people with disabilities.

Building on our learnings of the past 25 years we have assessed how ChildHope is best positioned to contribute to positive change for the future.

  • We have developed a successful model that draws on local expertise and is dedicated to changing children’s lives for the better.
  • We work with partner organisations who are entrepreneurs and innovators, activists and facilitators who understand the context of the children’s lives.
  • Together, we build initiatives that prioritise the protection, participation and education of children, allowing them to become stronger, more confident citizens.
  • Our model is based on listening, learning and supporting the growth of expertise – of partner organisations and the children themselves. When we find out what works, we aim to share this information as widely as possible.

This role aims to maximise the quality and impact of ChildHope’s work, with a particular emphasis on child protection, safeguarding and children’s participation. It also aims to create opportunities for ChildHope and our partners to share their skills and expertise, knowledge and learning – in protection, participation and education - in an international context.

Principal Objectives of the role

  1. To provide organisational leadership and expertise in the area of child protection and safeguarding and ensure that the ChildHope team and partners are well equipped to deliver safe and effective programmes
  1. To provide organisational leadership and expertise in the area of children’s participation, ensuring that the ChildHope team and partners are well equipped to listen and respond to their views and experiences of children
  1. To build the quality and recognition of ChildHope’s work across the sector through documenting and disseminating best practice in the area of child protection and children’s participation
  1. To support the partnerships and programmes team, when required, with generic programmes support, which may involve programme visits to partners in our countries of operation

Main goals and tasks of the post holder:

  1. To provide organisational leadership and expertise in the area of child protection and safeguarding, ensuring that the ChildHope team and partners are well equipped to deliver safe and effective programmes (approximately 30%)
  • To take a lead role in ensuring the implementation of ChildHope’s strategy in respect of child protection and safeguarding
  • Ensure that ChildHope and partner child protection practices are high quality, keeping up to date with changes in practice standards, policy, legislation and emerging issues
  • Analyse the capacity of ChildHope team (staff and trustees) and then develop and deliver regular training to ChildHope staff and trustees on issues related to child protection and safeguarding
  • To support PPTs in identifying and managing any risks arising from work with children through advising on programme design, implementation and monitoring.
  • Ensure that ChildHope and partners have adequate policies and procedures to protect and safeguard the children they work with, and to support PPT’s in ensuring that these policies are implemented in day to day practice
  • Develop and deliver bespoke training to partners in response to any needs identified by the partners or by the PPT or in response to developments in best practice across the sector
  • To develop tools to support partners and PPT in ensuring the protection and well-being of children is fully considered and prioritised throughout the project cycle.
  1. To provide organisational leadership and expertise in the area of children’s participation, ensuring that the ChildHope team and partners are well equipped to listen and respond to their views and experiences of children (approximately 30%)
  • To take a lead role in ensuring the implementation of ChildHope’s strategy in respect of children’s participation
  • Ensure that ChildHope and partners recognise the importance of children’s participation and are implementing measures to actively listen and respond to the views and experiences of children
  • Analyse the capacity of ChildHope team and then develop and deliver regular training to the ChildHope staff on issues related to children’s participation
  • To support PPTs in identifying and implementing strategies to promote children’s participation through advising on programme design, implementation and monitoring.
  • Develop and deliver bespoke training to partners in response to any needs identified by the partners or by the PPT or in responses to developments in best practice across the sector
  • To develop tools to support partners and PPT in ensuring that children’s participation is fully considered and prioritised throughout the project cycle
  1. To build the quality and recognition of ChildHope’s work across the sector through documenting and disseminating best practice in the area of child protection and children’s participation (approximately 30%)
  • Develop training and consultancy packages for other organisations in order to generate income and increase the profile of ChildHope’s expertise in the area of child protection and children’s participation
  • Coordinate learning opportunities (seminars, webinars, training) for organisations across the sector to share ChildHope’s expertise and disseminate best practice
  • Proactively seek opportunities to engage and network with other agencies to develop new tools, training and other initiatives relating to best practice, securing funding where relevant.
  • Work with partners and ChildHope colleagues to develop ideas into potential research and other knowledge sharing projects, securing funding where relevant.
  • Work with PPT and partners to document learning from programmes, and with communications colleagues to ensure effective dissemination of learning
  • Contribute to the ChildHope ongoing strategic planning process by contributing to team and Board consultation sessions, ensuring that protection and participation retain a high profile and influence in the organisation’s future.
  1. To support the partnerships and programmes team, when required, with generic programmes support, which may involve programme visits to partners in our countries of operation (approximately 10%)
  • Provide support to the PPT where needed including providing temporary cover in the management of individual programmes where necessary
  • Participate in the development and design of new projects and funding proposals, providing expert advice in the area of child protection and children’s participation
  • Participate in strategic development, PPT and other relevant meetings and sessions as appropriate
  • To provide support to the Disability & Inclusion Officer in implementing disability mainstreaming and ensuring the protection and participation of disabled children is addressed fully within this process
  • The role involves undertaking overseas visits (up to 10 weeks per year) to provide support and training to partners and document and share learning across a ChildHope’s programmes.

Description of the knowledge, experience and skills/abilities required to be effective in the job. Linked to recruitment requirements.
Essential / Desirable
Knowledge: Specific knowledge, may be acquired through education, qualifications or life/work learning
  • Relevant degree or professional qualification
  • In-depth knowledge and experience of Child Safeguarding issues, including legal frameworks, policy and best practice within the context of international development
  • I have excellent knowledge of models of children’s participation & strategies for increasing children’s participation in programmes.
  • Knowledge of international development, international partnerships and international grant management
  • Knowledge of monitoring, evaluation and learning
  • A good understanding of the particular safeguarding needs of children with disabilities
  • Good knowledge of different research methodologies and approaches to evidence based practice

Experience: Previous relevant experience, work or life
  • Minimum of 5 years’ experience working directly with children at risk with direct responsibility for child protection and safeguarding
  • Minimum of 3 years’ experience working with international organizations, preferably in a safeguarding or participation advisor/managers role
  • Extensive experience of developing and delivering training and capacity building in child protection/safeguarding/participation and related subjects
  • Proven ability to develop and implement strategies, policy guidelines, practice guidance and other tools to support good practice with children
  • Extensive experience networking and collaborating with a diverse range of organizations , including facilitating the delivery of joint initiatives and providing consultancy support
  • Extensive experience of building personal internal and external networks
  • Experience of conducting primary research with children

Skills/Abilities: Transferable skills and abilities required by the job
  • Excellent written/oral communication skills in English
  • Project and programme management and implementation skills
  • Ability to manage and maximise the benefits of cultural diversity
  • Excellent planning and organisational skills
  • Experience of Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint;

Strong and supportive team player and ability to work collaboratively with all teams within the organisation
  • Understanding and commitment of the strategy and objectives of ChildHope
  • Understanding of and commitment to Equal Opportunities
  • Commitment to and compliance with ChildHope’s Child Safeguarding policy
  • Commitment to social justice for children and young people
  • Ability to travel overseas for approximately 10 weeks per year

Annual Leave:
  • 25 days per year

Probationary Period:
  • Six months

  • Auto-enrolment into the ChildHope NEST on commencement of employment with the organisation
  • Contributions of up to 5% (matched)


Post applied for

Personal Details:

First Name: / Surname:
Post Code:
Telephone: / Mobile:

Do you need a work permit to work in the UK?Yes  No 

If you need a work permit are there any limitations/conditions on the work permit e.g. a visa with limited duration? Yes  No 

If yes, please give details:

Please note that if you are short-listed for interview then you will be asked to produce evidence of your eligibility to work in the UK, in compliance with the Asylum and Immigration Act 1996. Please note that ChildHope is a licensed sponsor but may not be able to obtain Certificates of Sponsorship for individuals unless they are in category that can be extended.Further information on the UK Government's immigration policy can be found on


Please list educational qualifications, working backwards from the most recent.

Institution / Dates attended / Qualifications gained


Please list any training you have received which is relevant to the job you are applying for.

Institution / Dates attended / Nature of training

Salaried employment:


Job Title:
Salary for this role:
Learning from this experience:
Reason for leaving


Job Title:
Salary for this role :
Learning from this experience:
Reason for leaving


Job Title:
Salary for this role:
Learning from this experience:
Reason for leaving


Job Title:
Salary for this role:
Reason for leaving


Job Title:
Salary for this role:
Learning from this experience:
Reason for leaving


Job Title:
Salary for this role:
Learning from this experience:
Reason for leaving


Job Title:
Salary for this role:
Learning from this experience:
Reason for leaving

Please continue on another sheet if necessary.

Voluntary work:

Please describe voluntary work you have done, and how this relates to the job you have applied for.

Please continue on another sheet if necessary.

Your suitability for the post:

Please use the space below to say why you want this job, how your background and experience make you a suitable candidate and what relevant skills and knowledge you will bring to it, referring to each of the skills and experience set out in the Person Specification. Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary.


Please describe your language skills

Language / Written / Spoken / Reading

Please describe any health problems that could impinge on your ability to do the tasks set out in the job description of the post you have applied for. Please give the number of days you have been unable to work because of sickness in the past 12 months. If this amounts to 2 months consecutively or more in the last 24 months, please explain.

This section should inform us of any specific health needs including physical disabilities and/or health problems that could interfere with the travelling abroad required in this post. If you have a disability then please tell us about any adjustments we may need to make to assist you should you be invited to interview.

Child Protection:

Applicants are expected to comply with ChildHope’s Childsafeguarding policy and procedures. This includes:

1)Signing a personal declaration stating any criminal convictions, including spent convictions (see table overleaf)

2)Providing the name and contact information of two character references they have known for no less than two years, excluding family members.

Successful candidates will be expected to comply with the following as a condition of employment:

  • Both acceptance of and commitment to ChildHope’s ChildSafeguarding Policy and Procedures
  • Satisfactory clearance through a police check conducted by the Disclosure and Barring Service.


Please give the names and addresses of two referees whom we can contact regarding both character and work experience in relation to your application. One should be your current or most recent employer.

Please note that we shall only take up references if you are the preferred candidate. An offer of employment will only be made upon receipt of suitable references.

Disclosure and Barring Service:

Because of the sensitive nature of the duties the post holder will be expected to undertake, you are required to disclose details of any criminal record. Only relevant convictions will be taken into account so disclosure may not be a bar to obtaining this position.

Please note. It is ChildHope’s policy that every preferred candidate will be subject to a full Disclosure and Barring Service check.

Declaration of Criminal Convictions

(declaration subject to the Rehabilitation Offenders Act 1974)

Do you have a prosecution pending or have you ever been convicted?

Yes  No

If Yes, please provide details, including those prosecutions or convictions considered ‘spent’, dates, and declare any previous investigations or allegations made against you. These will be kept confidential by the designated Child Protection Officer at ChildHope, who will assess whether they pose any risk or not in relation to child protection

Have you ever changed your nameYes  No 

If Yes, please provide the following information below.

Previous name / Dates when known under this name / Address when known under this name


I declare that the information that I have provided on this form is true and accurate, and in particular that I have not omitted any material facts which may have a bearing on my application. I understand and accept that any subsequent contract of employment with ChildHope will be made on the basis of the information I have provided. Furthermore, I understand that a false declaration that results in my appointment to ChildHope will render me liable to dismissal without notice.
