Thursday, Sept. 23, 2010

Campus Center 6

2:00 p.m.

Present: Margarita Padilla, Gerald Scheib, Yolanda Ramil, Walter Bortman, Afri Walker, Jim Liko, Louise Barbato, David Pardess, Richard Rains, Eloise Cantrell, Maria Fenyes

Guests: Guillermo Aviles-Rodriguez, Deborah Paulsen

Absent: Gloria Daims, Victor Renolds, Stephanie Atkinson-Alston

1. The meeting was called to order at 2:06 by Richard Rains

2. Yolanda Ramil moved to approve minutes of the May meeting. Afri Walker seconded. Passed unanimously.

Louise Barbato moved to put item 4a to the top of the agenda for the convenience of guest Guillermo Aviles Rodriguez. Margarita seconded, passed unanimously.

4 a. Guillermo related to the committee how hewent through all the normal channels to report insects in LRC basement restroom, without resolution to the problem. He submitted five or six facilities requests about lack of cleanliness and presence of fecal matter.

Maria Fenyes: we should take it to the college council as an action item.

Louise Barbato: We need a sign-in sheet for janitors, to show when the rest rooms have been cleaned. Walter Bortmansays it’s in progress.

Maria Fenyes introduced a motion, which was amended by Eloise Cantrell, Louise Barbato seconded the motion:

Whereas , due to increased enrollment, (a) the Campus faces on-going sanitation and health issues in all restrooms on campus and (b) overuse of restrooms results in unsanitary work environment for Faculty, staff and students. (This is a violation of the AFT contract: Article 9A) The Work Environment Committee, in consultation with Walter Bortman, have identified a need for additional staffing in order to meet the increasing sanitation needs. Therefore, the Work Environment Committee strongly recommends the hiring of additional janitorial staffing.

Discussion: Gerald Scheib suggested we check for accountability of janitorial staff first.

The vote: All in favor except Gerald Scheib. Motion passed and will be presented as an action item to the College Council at the October meeting.

Guillermo stated that he feels the problem is really a supervision issue, and that if the problem is not resolved it should be reported to OSHA.

Walter responded that suspected staff problems can be reported to Julius Walker.

Walter related that for big sanitation issues, immediate action is taken.

Maria Fenyes suggested we draft a memo about the procedure to address sanitation issues, so that Faculty will know what steps to take.

3. a) Walter Bortman reported on the issue parking structure usage. There are two maintenance vehicles, three sports vans, and three sheriff’s vehicles parked on the ground level.

Two WEC members related instance of receiving notices from the Sheriffs about parking on upper levels. Walter said notices are inappropriate and that he would take the issue to the Sheriffs.

General discussion: Sheriff Santos was present at the May WEC meeting when Faculty parking issue was addressed. The resulting decision was that Faculty may park in metered parking and upper levels. Laura Murphy sent a memo to all Faculty and staff asking them not to park in metered spots. Faculty are receiving notices for parking in upper levels.

Walter Bortman suggested that two members of the WEC (Bortman and Rains) meet with Deputy Santos to discuss the parking policy agreed upon in May. At this meeting Deputy Santos will be asked to send out a general memo to the effect that Faculty parking in metered spots is allowed (thereby correcting a previous memo from Laura Murphy) and that Faculty parking in upper levels is also allowed.

4.b New Blinds: Many Faculty are complaining about the new window blinds letting in too much light, overwhelming the smart classroom projector images.

Walter Bortman says a solution is being worked on he will report on it at the next meeting.

In order to reassure Faculty that the problem is being addressed, Louise suggested sending a memo reminding Faculty of where to find the WEC minutes online.

Maria requested Richard to send an email about the blinds to her so she could present that to the Faculty at the AFT meeting.

5. Future Meeting dates: Because of Thanksgiving and Christmas, Walter Bortman moved to change the WEC meeting dates for November and December to: November 18 and December 16. Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Richard Rains