AZ AER Fall Conference 2016

“Breaking New Ground:

Meeting the Diverse Needs of Individuals who are Blind or Visually Impaired”

Thursday, 11/3/16

7:30-8:30 Registration

8:30-8:45 Welcome

8:45-9:45Keynote General Session –Haben Girma: Joining Journeys: The Teacher and Student Team – Haben will be available most of Thursday to meet with attendees individually or in small groups to talk with her and answer questions.

9:45-10:15 Networking and Exhibitor Visits

10:15-11:15 Concurrent Session 1

A. Jennifer Wheeler - Braille and Technology Instruction for Children with Visual Impairments and Multiple Disabilities

B. L. Penny Rosenblum - Experiences of Youth with Visual Impairments Using an App to Increase Math Word Problem Solving Skills

C. Cynthia Woods and Susan Williams - Where Do Guide Dogs Come From?

11:30-1:30 Lunch/Business Meeting/Margaret Bluhm& Mary Jo Martinez Awards

1:30-2:00 Networking and Exhibitor Visits

2:00-3:30 Concurrent Session 2

  1. Megan Mogan - Tactile Learning and Communication for the Blind/VI Learner with Multiple Disabilities: Part 1
  2. Julie Rock, Tom Brew, Laura Brieschke, Cynthia Woods, Matthew Bullis, Ryan Hanford, Melissa Garcia, Nikki Jeffords - The Journey of a Client Through the Adult Comprehensive Program
  3. Spencer Churchill – Adapting Regular PE for Students who are Blind/Visually Impaired

3:30-4:00 Networking and Exhibitor Visits

4:00-5:00 Concurrent Session 3

  1. Megan Mogan - Tactile Learning and Communication for the Blind/VI Learner with Multiple Disabilities: Part 2
  2. Jonathan Graves - Navigating the Learning Curve: Developing Technological Literacy in Students and Their Teachers
  3. Monica Turner - APH Products for Transition to Independent Living

Friday, 11/4/16

7:00-7:30 Memorial Service

7:30-8:30 Breakfast Buffet

8:00-8:45 Business Meeting (Meet the Newly Elected Board and Resolutions)

8:45-10:15Concurrent Session 4

  1. Ed Gervasoni - Services, Activities and Initiatives Specifically for People Who are Deaf-Blind in the State of Arizona: What is Currently Happening for Them and What We Hope to Achieve in the Near Future
  2. Ryan Hanford, Julie Rock and Matthew Bullis - Voice Recognition and the Smart Home Movement: A Comparison of Recent Smart Home Advancements and their Applications for the Visually Impaired Community
  3. Sandra Stirnweis - Going with the Flow - Being a Volunteer in South Africa

10:30-11:30Concurrent Session 5

  1. Jaime Brown - Literacy and the Expanded Core Curriculum:Integrating Compensatory Academic Skills in Your Itinerant Lesson Plans
  2. Kevin Hughes and Marsha Bork - A Day with The BrailleNote Touch: A Student’s Accessible Means to Teacher Resources and Classroom Curriculum using the BrailleNote Touch
  3. Brooke Voss and Susan Williams - Supporting Successful Post-High-School Students

12:00-1:00 Concurrent Session 6

  1. Jaime Brown - Engaging Activities for Elementary Students with Cortical Visual Impairments
  2. Carol Green - Introducing the Navajo Braille Code for All Braille Users!
  3. L. Penny Rosenblum - Building Self-Determination Skills for Students with Visual Impairments