Meeting Report: Heyford Cricket Club Monthly Committee Meeting 7th May 2013
Present: Ross Cambray, Simon Legge, Alex Kirkbride, Kit Andrews, Matt Baker, Nick Inwood
Apologies: Helen Hopkins, Dave Livermore, Graham Baker
The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as being a fair account of events.
Generally more expenditure than income this month, although money is coming in from annual subs, match fees, fantasy cricket, handbook adverts and quiz night fund-raising (currently £113 plus bar profits to come, then £4£ matching to be applied for). All bills have been paid, a winter nets invoice has arrived, and outgoings for the pavilion project have started and will naturally increase as the project draws to a close. Latest instalment of HSC subs is due this month.
** Captains and vice-captains to remind all players that their annual subscriptions should be paid in before 1st June. Action: DL/MB/AB
It seems all new bonus ball payments have been coming in, though AJK will chase up 4 ‘lapsed’ payments from previously. To notify NI of any ‘gaps’ that he can try and fill as before. Action: AJK
The decking, balustrade, steps and fencing for the mini-pavilion have all been completed (payments have been made or in progress). The buildings arrive on 13th May. Following the completion, further extras will be added – benches, flooring, painting etc. Dom Cawley has offered to rotivate the earth either side of the decking so that grass-seed can be laid. NI and MB have everything in hand. Final costs expected to be slightly over initial budget, but some works can be delayed until ‘Phase 2’ if necessary. Superb effort so far!
The above should be fully complete for an official ‘opening’ on Sunday 2nd June, to be shared with an ‘opening’ of the artificial wicket as well. We would aim to hold this from midday onwards, after the home U11 fixture and open the bar, potentially have a barbecue, bouncy castle etc. to celebrate the occasion and raise some funds. SL to speak to Joan Kirkbride and A.N. Other about ‘cutting the ribbons’. Action: SL
Thanks to Cliff & Sylvia Wilkins (grand-parents of Charles) for their kind donation of £50 to be put towards the pavilion project.
Hevey advertising board has arrived and has been fixed to the fencing to the side of the mini-pavilion.
Tom Pearson Sr has measured up the area around the net matting at the bottom of the ground in order to get some new bays constructed.
RC has bought bails from Chiltern Sports (to pass invoice on to AJK) and has ordered senior playing shirts.
Action: RC
Two friendly fixtures against Bugbrooke CC have been arranged: Sunday 30th June (away) and Wednesday 14th August (home). Exact formats to be decided. SL to speak to JDR and co-ordinate captains, match-day arrangements etc. Action: SL/JDR
Youth cricket training sessions and matches have commenced, with both teams completing victory in their first fixtures. Communication to some parties about training sessions has been delayed and confusing but this should be rectified with e-mail correspondence this week, and a flyer going to the school. Thanks to GB for producing. Action: RC
Darren Bastin has written ‘match reports’ for both opening fixtures, and will try and continue to do so, copying in NI who can publicise on the website. Action: DB/NI
NI has received some CRB forms. RC to work out which coaches/members needs to complete one.
Action: RC
Thanks to David Baker for his excellent efforts with Fantasy Cricket so far – the target of 100 teams has been reached, and weekly updates on the website have begun.
NI has paid a £100 deposit for the ‘Donkey Derby’ fund-raiser on Sunday 18th August and has started initial publicising. He will bring together a sub-committee to get everything going this month, and insert and advert into the next issue of The Prattler. The aim will be to try and obtain as much sponsorship and income beforehand to cover the initial outlay. Action: NI
SL has agreed to act as the CC’s representative at the village fete on Saturday 15th June, as most club members will be involved in fixtures during the day. Action: SL
SL has officially booked the village hall for Saturday 16th November for the end-of-season dinner. As discussed previously we need to promote and market the event throughout the summer. SL to speak to the Allens about possibly providing the catering again. Action: SL
Regular club updates via facebook, website, twitter, The Prattler etc. are continuing apace. NI to share his second ‘Two Please’ newsletter before the end of the month. Action: NI
SL has completed an online survey for the ECB regarding ongoing club strategies.
SL will communicate with the county council to let them know how their recent ‘grant’ funds have been used.
Action: SL
Information regarding the CC’s long term requirements needs to be with HSC before a July/August potential funding window closes. Action: SL/RC
SL and KA to speak with a possible new representative for HSC meetings. Action: SL/KA
Arrangements for the planned HSC fun-day on Sunday 14th July are as yet uncertain, but the CC will be kept updated, ideally by next committee meeting.
The possibility of regular Bingo night at the clubhouse, run by members of a different HSC club each month, has been discussed and will be revisited going forward.
10. AOB
No matters arising
Next Meeting: Monday 3rd June 2013, 7:30pm at the Olde Sun