Meeting of the Presbytery of Riverside


June 10, 2017

10:00 a.m.

Palm Springs Presbyterian Church

Palm Springs, California


The stated meeting of the Presbytery of Riverside was called to order by Moderator Melodee Kistner at 10:00 am on Saturday June 10, 2017, at Palm Springs Presbyterian Churchin Palm Springs, California, and was opened with prayer by Rev. Christine Dickerson.


The roll was taken by registration as follows:

(Tan shading indicates in attendance)

Beaumont / Scott Mason (101) / 3 / Marty Mangan
Beverly Webster
Big Bear / Roger Beukelman (158) / 2 / Richard Stanton
Cathedral City / Lee Ireland (101) / 2 / Jeffrey Kramer
Corona / Henry DeGraaff (299) / 2 / Terrie Burbank
Pete Mittelstadt
Crestline / Vacant / 2 / Bob Holding
Alt / Grace Holding
Fontana / Vacant / 2 / Marie De Lus Hernandez
Hemet / Kent Leydens ( 101) / 3 / Pat Shetler
Susan Gray
Jacquie Lyman
Indio / Julie Hodges (105) / 2 / Steve Stiles
Desiree Coulson
Alt / Sue Steding
Lake Arrowhead / Bill Stanley (101) / 3 / Cathleen Coombs-Stephens
Gary Tompkins
Alt / Carrie Black
Ontario / Curtis Webster (105) / 2 / Ginny Mansfield
Beverly Johns
Alt / Jesse Rose
Palm Springs / Christine Dickerson (101) / 2 / HarrietieGriffeth
Pauline Greg
Alt / WM Miller
Rancho Cucamonga / Martin A. Smith (101) / 2 / Pam Sickman
Ronn Campbell
Redlands Community / CRE Jan Opdyke (107) / 2 / Connie Brennan
Redlands First / Cheryl Raine (101) / 3 / Jean Vieten
CRE Hart Tan (107) / Jerri Rodewold
Grace Baldwin
Rialto / Andrew Parnell (108) / 2 / Peggy Hill
Wendy Hill
Ridgecrest / Ralph Mueller (101) / 2 / Jo Mueller
Riverside, Calvary / Erin Thomas (101) / 3 / Robert Spitzer
Alfred Graise (103) / Sam Hynds
Robert Spitzer
Riverside, Magnolia / Claire Schlegel (101) / 3 / Dick Kirby
Paul Knopf (101) / Adam Martinez
Cherylyn Thornton
Riverside, Victoria / Nancy Richmond (108) / 2 / Jon Hussey
James Williams
San Bernardino, First / Sandy Tice (101) / 3 / Amy Smith
John Garten - Shuman
Mary Bolanos
San Bernardino / No Pastor / Vacant / 2 / Margarito Ramos
Good Shepard / Andy Ramirez
Temecula, Grace / Neal Neuenschwander (101) / 3 / Jeff Mague
Julie Stouse
Larry Libeu
Twentynine Palms / Patricia Stout (108) / 2 / Cynthia Libby
Larry Libby
Upland First / Noel Anderson (101) / 3 / Jim Smirl
Jim Richardson
Upland Taiwanese / Joshua Hsieh (101) / 2 / Sue Chen
Wildomar / Joe Mazzela (101) / 2 / Jerry Baynard
Yucca Valley / Wayne Morrow (105) / 2 / Dave Jenskins
Anne Smith
permanently excused / in attendance
Alam / Azeem / 797
Allen / Dan / 797
Barkat / Hameed / 797
Berry / Sue / 299 / Excused
Bishop / Les / 797
Blair / Tina / 797
Budi / Musiko / 797
Choi / Mickie / 405
Christy / Wilbur / 299 / Excused
Copeland / Brad / 299
Davis / Steven Jay / 797
Duvall / Ronald / 797
Eisenhower / Will / 299 / Excused
Falconi / Noe / 299 / Excused
Frasher / Diane / 303
Gamm / Marilyn / 304
Gammons / Kenneth / 299
George / Matthew / 797
Grande / Nelson / 797
Griffin / Darel / 299 / Excused
Hangen / Jerry / 299
Harrison / Rick / 305
Huffstutler / James / 299 / Excused
Huntley / William / 644
Ibrahim / Rafik / 797
Jackson / Julius / 644
Johnson / William / 299
Karcher / James / 299
Karcher / Sylvia / 299
Kennedy / Lynne / 797
King / Thelma / 299 / Excused
Kovar / Albin / 299 / Excused
Lee / William / 751
Lloyd / Karen / 795
Loleng / David / 403
McGuigan / William / 299 / Excused
Munyi / James / 791
Nelson / William / 299
Park / Noah / 797 / Excused
Rassieur / Charles / 299
Rennard / Tom / 797 / Excused
Roberts / Sam / 771
Schutte / Jack / 299
Shin / Esther / 797 / Excused
Taulbee / Sandra / 797
Tucker- Bishop / Narcissis / 797
Wang / Chai Seng / 299
Willette / Jan / 299
Williamson / Don / 299
Wright / Diana / 299
Wu / Caleb / 301
Wu / Paul / 703
Yang / In / 797
Yu / Thomas / 701
Entler / Carol / Past Moderator
Kistner / Melodee / Moderator
Laflin / Pat / Past Moderator
Law / Debbie / PWP Moderator
Mague / Jeff / Polity and Records Chairperson
Merhoff / Margaret / Property & Finance Chairperson
Mittelstadt / Marilyn / Past Moderator
Mueller / Jo / COR Chairperson
Reierson / Don / Past Moderator
Richardson / Jim / Past Moderator
Shepard / Jim / Past Moderator
Skoglund / Susan / Nominations Chairperson
Smith / Anne / Past Moderator
Stanley / Carol / Certified Christian Educator
High / Rev. Timm / Presbytery of Lake Erie
Johnson / Joyce / Palm Desert
Mwangi / Joyce / TMCF/ Apple Valley
Neusenschwander / Judy / Grace, Temecula
Mague / Judy / Grace, Temecula
Myers / Rene / Moreno Valley

Total in attendance: 67, Total voting present: 61


Greeting & PrayerModerator Melodee Kistner

Quorum and Docket ApprovalStated Clerk, Rev. Diane Frasher


New Commissioners

Corresponding members


All new commissioners, corresponding members and guests are listed within the enrollment section.

Presbytery moved and voted to approve to seat and grant voice to the Corresponding Members.

WELCOME FROM HOST PASTORRev. Christine Dickerson

QUORUM AND DOCKET APPROVAL: Stated Clerk, Rev. Diane Frasher reported. The Stated Clerk declared that a quorum was met. The docket has (1) addition: 1) A report from the Personnel Committee within the Stated Clerk report. Presbytery moved and voted to approve the revised docket with a two-thirds majority. The consent agenda was approved.


STATED CLERK – The Stated Clerk moves that the Presbytery: Consent agenda approved.

  1. Approve the minutes of the March 18, 2017, stated meeting of Presbytery held at Northkirk Presbyterian Church of Rancho Cucamonga.
  2. Express the Presbytery’s thanks and appreciation to the session, staff, and volunteers of Palm Springs Presbyterian Church for their warm hospitality and assistance, in hosting this meeting of Presbytery.
  3. Receive the written report on information items from the Stated Clerk. The report follows. (1A)
  4. Receive the written report of the May 6, 2017 Synod meeting from the presbytery’s Synod Commissioners. (1B)
  5. Receive the written report from the Presbyterian Women, provided by moderator, Debbie Law. (1C)
  6. Receive the written report from the Polity and Records Committee. (1D)
  7. Approve the recommended Ordination Readers presented by CPM:

By CPM action, TE Neal Neuenschwander is recommended to grade the Standard Ordination Examinations for the tests being taken in November 2017 and TE Tom Rennard and RE Pat Shetler are recommended for grading the Standard Ordination Examinations in August and November 2017.

  1. Receive the Informational Report from CPM moderator, Rev. Tom Rennard:
  2. The CPM has given permission for Inquirer Ashley Reese to take the Standard Ordination Examinations – Worship & the Sacraments and Theological Competence – in late July 2017. She has been prepared by her theological studies at Ashland Theological Seminary, additional courses at Dubuque Theological Seminary the mentorship of Wayne Morrow of Desert Hills and Pat Stout of Little Church, 29 Palms and their Sessions.
  3. A grant was given of $1500 to Inquirer Ashley Reese to take courses at Dubuque Theological Seminary in preparation for the Standard Ordination Examinations. These monies come from offerings taken at Installations and Ordinations in the presbytery.
  4. Approve the transfer of membership for Richard and Patricia Schwartz and for Marianne S. Corey from Idyllwild Community Presbyterian Church to the rolls of the Presbytery of Riverside due to their desire to remain within the PCUSA as the Idyllwild Community Presbyterian Church and its members transferred to ECO. The dismissal agreement gave members until June 16, 2017 to transfer their memberships.

STATED CLERK REPORT: Rev. Diane Frasher reported.

Action items:

  1. Motion from New Worshipping Communities Administrative Commission:
  2. Approve the revised charter document for the AC for New Worshipping Communites as it has been revised at its required 3 year review within its original charter. (1A-1) Presbytery voted to approve.
  3. Recommend the dismissal of the following Administrative Commissions. And we thank the members for their service to the presbytery.
  4. Installation of Rev. Kent Leydens on September 25, 2016 at First Presbyterian Church of Hemet at 4:00 PM: Moderator Rev. James Munyi, Rev. Sylvia Karcher, Rev. Lee Ireland, Rev. Sandy Tice, RE Patrick Shetler, and RE Anne Smith
  5. Installation of Rev. Wayne Morow on October 2, 2016 at Desert Hills Presbyterian Church, Yucca Valley at 1:30 PM: Moderator Rev. James Munyi, Rev. Marilyn Gamm, Rev. Les Bishop, Rev. Christine Dickerson, RE Anne Smith, and RE David Jenkins.
  6. Installation of Rev. Cheryl Raine on March 25, 2017 at First Presbyterian Church of Redlands at 11:00 AM: Moderator’s appointee Rev. Tina Blair, Rev. Sandy Tice, Rev. Lee Ireland, Rev. Nancy Richmond, RE Harry Muaya, RE Don Reierson, and RE Jacquie Lyman.
  7. Ordination of Alexander Aaron on April 23, 2017 at Calvary Presbyterian Church of Riverside at 4:00 PM: Moderator RE Melodee Kistner, Rev. Tina Blair, Rev. Tom Rennard, Rev. Lee Ireland, RE Don Reierson, and RE Anne Smith.
  8. Ordination of Paul Knopf and Installation of Rev. Paul Knopf and Rev. Claire Schlegel on April 30, 2017 at Magnolia Presbyterian Church of Riverside at 3:00 PM: Moderator RE Melodee Kistner, Rev. Erin Thomas, Rev. Bill Stanley, Rev. Bruce Myers, RE Dick Kirby, RE Marion Mildon, and RE Joyce Mwangi.
  9. Installation of Rev. Neal Neuwenschwander on May 21, 2017 at Grace Presbyterian Church of Temecula at 4:00 PM: Moderator Melodee Kistner, Rev. Jack Schutte, Rev. Tom Rennard, RE Jacquie Lyman, and RE Larry Libeau. Presbytery voted to approve items 2a – 2f.

Information items:

  1. All correspondence has been referred to the appropriate Presbytery person or entity.
  2. The Stated Clerk received a thank you card from the Rev. Marilyn Gamm for the beautiful earrings and necklace that the presbytery gave her as a goodbye gift at the March 18th presbytery meeting. She thanked the presbytery for the “honor or serving” here and added that she would continue to pray for the presbytery.
  3. The presbytery received a letter from the Presbyterian World Mission Agency informing us that Rev. Jose Luis Casal has been called as Director for the Presbyterian World Mission Agency.
  4. The Personnel Committee reports that a Communications Specialist has been hired. Her name is Marilyn Kraft, starting July 1, 2017.

No changes are required to Ruling Elder Commissioner assignments for the presbytery to achieve parity for the 2017/2018 year.

The report follows:


The presbytery is the council serving as a corporate expression of the church within a certain district and is composed of all the congregations and teaching elders within that district. The presbytery shall adopt and communicate to the sessions a plan for determining how many ruling elders each session should elect as commissioners to presbytery, with a goal of numerical parity of teaching elders and ruling elders. This plan shall require each session to elect at least one commissioner and shall take into consideration the size of the congregations as well as a method to fulfill the principles of participation and representation in F-1.0403 and G-3.0103. Ruling elders elected as officers of the presbytery shall be enrolled as members during the period of their service. A presbytery may enroll or may provide by its own rule for the enrollment of ruling elders during terms of elected service to the presbytery or its congregations.

There are 77 resident teaching elder members of the Presbytery of Riverside.

  1. Almost all churches are assigned two ruling elder commissioners and some have been given an additional commissioner based on their membership size. Commissioners from each congregation are:

Beaumont – 3Ontario – 2Riverside, Victoria - 2

Big Bear – 2Palm Springs - 2Temecula, Grace - 3

Cathedral City – 2Rancho Cucamonga - 2Corona – 2

Redlands, Community- 2Twenty-nine Palms – 2San Bernardino, Gd Shprd-2

Crestline – 2Redlands, First – 3Upland, First - 3

Fontana – 2Rialto - 2Upland Taiwanese - 2

Hemet – 3Ridgecrest - 2Wildomar - 2

San Bernardino, First - 3Yucca Valley - 2

Indio – 2Riverside, Calvary – 3

Lake Arrowhead – 3Riverside, Magnolia - 3

Total Ruling Elders from churches: 63

  1. Ruling elders serving an office (VCT or presbytery): 4
  2. Commissioned Ruling Elders serving in pastoral service: 2
  3. Certified Christian Educator: 1
  4. Former Presbytery Moderators still active: 7

Resident teaching elders 77 ruling elders 77

  1. The dates for the upcoming 2017 Presbytery Meetings are:
  2. Sept. 9, 2017 @ 10:00 AM @ Westminster Presbyterian Church, Ontario
  3. Nov. 18, 2017 @ 10:00 AM @ First Presbyterian Church, Redlands
  1. 2017 Required Minimum Salary for Full-Time Pastoral Relationships:
  2. Effective Salary (includes salary and housing)$48,409.00
  3. Pension (36.5%) of Effective Salary (TE+family)$17,669.29
  4. Car Allowance (Reimbursable at IRS approved

Rate for 2016) or minimum allocation of$ 3,000.00

  1. Professional/Business Expense$ 650.00
  2. Study Leave (2 weeks/yr accruable

According to Terms of Call)$ 600.00

  1. Vacation (31 days/yr with a maximum of 5 Sundays. Pastor required to use vacation time each year)
  2. Part-Time Pastor Relationships are prorated except for Study Leave and Vacation.
  1. Board of Pension
  2. The Board of Pension rate is 36.5% for all Called and Installed TEs in 2017.



Administrative Commission for New Worshiping Communities


The commission is created for the purpose of identifying and encouraging new worshiping communities within the bounds of the Presbytery of Riverside.

New Worshiping Communities are described as:

  • New
  • Take on varied forms of church for our changing culture
  • Seek to make and form new disciples of Jesus Christ
  • Worshiping
  • Gather by the Spirit to meet Jesus Christ in Word and Sacrament
  • Are sent by the Spirit to join God’s mission for the transformation of the world
  • Community
  • Practice mutual care and accountability
  • Develop sustainability in leadership and finances


The Commission shall be composed of at least six (6) members, at least three (3) teaching elders and at least three (3) ruling elders nominated by the Presbytery Commission for a period of three years, and representative of the racial, cultural and ethnic diversity of Riverside & San Bernardino counties.


The commission is created for the purpose of identifying and encouraging new worshiping communities within the bounds of the Presbytery of Riverside, including:

  1. Praying for and with new missional communities
  2. Connecting new worshiping communities with the life of the Presbytery
  3. Networking new worshiping communities within the Presbytery for support and sharing of ideas, resources, and best practices.


The decisions and actions of the Commission shall be reported to the Stated Clerk, who shall report it to the Presbytery Assembly at its next stated meeting. The Presbytery Assembly may rescind or amend an action of the Presbytery Commission. The following powers are granted to this Commission:

  1. Serving as the “Session” for all new worshiping communities and fellowships established since 2012.
  2. Reviewing credentials, arranging clearance interviews in consultation with the Healthy Pastors and Congregations Commission, and recommending membership in the Presbytery for pastors leading new worshiping communities
  3. Assisting in negotiating “nesting” relationships and rental agreements
  4. Approving grant applications to Synod, General Assembly and other potential funding sources
  5. Approving observance of Sacraments
  6. Approving Marriage Services
  7. Approving Memorial and Funeral Services


1.The Presbytery Commission will name a chairperson. The Commission will elect a secretary. Minutes shall be carefully recorded and sent to the Presbytery Leader for Mission and Vision/Stated Clerk. Such minutes will become part of the official record of the Presbytery. “A quorum of any commission shall be established by the designating council but in no case shall be less than a majority of its members…” G-3.0109b.

2.The Presbytery Leader for Mission and Vision/Stated Clerk will provide staff services to the Commission, which will report to the Presbytery Assembly through the Presbytery Leader for Mission and Vision/Stated Clerk.

3.The Commission will make periodic reports to the Presbytery Assembly on the communities being nurtured, and what is being learned from the process. It will report on any grants or funding received. The reports should be transmitted in writing to the Presbytery Leader for Mission and Vision/Stated Clerk.

4.The Presbytery Commission may request a report to the Presbytery Assembly at its discretion.

5.The Healthy Pastors and Congregations Commission will receive quarterly reports from the Administrative Commission. Clear communication with the HPCC will assure collaboration.


  1. The specific function of an administrative commission stated in the Book of Order that relates to this commission is in the 2015-2017 Book of Order G-3.0109: A presbytery is permitted to designate “commissions as they deem necessary and helpful for the accomplishment of the mission of the church.”
  2. Our polity says explicitly that an Administrative Commission may be designated for “developing immigrant fellowships, organizing new congregations…” (G-3.0109b4)
  3. A commission is empowered to consider and conclude matters referred to it by a council (governing body). The designating council shall state specifically the scope of the commission’s powers and any restrictions on those powers (G-3.0109).
  4. Technically, the Administrative Commission has the full authority of the Presbytery Assembly for the limited purpose for which it is created (G-3.0109).


As per the Presbytery Manual of Administrative Operations, Conflict of Interest Policy, paragraph 2, when congregational matters are discussed in which there may be a conflict of interest with any person at the meeting, that person shall be excused for that part of the meeting.


Every three years, the Administrative Commission will evaluate its effectiveness and bring a recommendation to the Presbytery regarding its continuation as a commission.


June 10, 2017

Stated Meeting at Palm Springs Presbyterian Church, Palm Springs, CA

Report from Southern California & Hawaii Synod Assembly May 6, 2017

The Synod of Southern California & Hawaii Synod Assembly was held May 6, 2017, at the New Presbyterian Church in Los Angeles, one of the former Hanmi churches that is now a member of Pacific Presbytery. The Rev. Sam Roberts and Elder Susan Skoglund, Riverside Presbytery Commissioners attended the Assembly where The Rev. Mark Hong was installed as the Executive Presbyter/Stated Clerk of the Synod during opening worship. Barry Peters was introduced as David Suarez’s replacement as Full Charge Bookkeeper.