Minutes of the Corbett Residents’ Association
Committee Meeting
held on Wednesday 1 October 2014
at Uptown, Sandhurst Parade, London SE6
Present:Mekor Newman (MN) (Chair)
Yvonne Drysdale (YD)
Bernie Tweed (BT)
Natasha Clarkson (NC)
Julia Burke (JB)
Flavia Bertini (FB)
Roz Lascaris (RL)
Karen Cooke (KC)
Jane Gillis (JG)
Sandra Smith (SS)
Matthew Conroy
- Minutes of the previous meeting
- Fundraising Meeting still to be arranged.
- Ardgowan Road – was formally incorporated as part of the CRA at the Quarterly Meeting. MN suggested informing each household in the road about the above. Action: Natasha/Bernie
- Neighbourhood Forum – Keep on the Agenda
- Afro Caribbean Health Care – Keep on the Agenda
- Julia to send YD email re Gardening Group – JB/YD to organise for 15/10/2014 – will also include the same in the Chair’s update. KC happy to lead/coordinate this group.
- Quarterly Minutes and Elections to be discussed at next Committee meeting.
- Crossing at Brownhill Road – NC has been in touch with Hither Green Forum, Alan Smith and Heidi Alexander who have given their backing for a petition. NC will set up an E-petition and will also leave leaflets in the local shops to draw attention to the campaign. It is hoped that 1,000 signatures will be collected over the course of a 4 week period. Action: NC
- Mayor’s Fund - £2,000 has been awarded for the Arts project to beautify the shop shutters.
- £750 has been awarded to the CRA for the Christmas Market.
- The CRA has applied for £1,000 for more trees but are awaiting the outcome of this bid. The CRA would like to thank Jeanette Kenyon who prepared and submitted the bids.
- High Visibility Jacket – at the moment we do not have access to the Pavillion and JB offered to lend RL one of her snow warden jackets.
- Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting
Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting to be discussed at the next Committee Meeting.
- Teachsport
There has been a slight delay to the project at Abbotshall Road as Lewisham Council are insisting on BREEAM regulations and consequently are requesting more money. BREEAM sets the standard for best practice in sustainable building design, construction and operation and has become one of the most comprehensive and widely recognised measures of a building's environmental performance. The CRA have scheduled a meeting to meet with Teachsport on 21 October 2014. Attendees are Barbara, Matthew, Mekor and Natasha. Action: BG/MN/MC/MN/NC
- Structure chart of the Committee for the CRA website (updates re executive committee, committee/street reps and CRA roles)
- Executive Committee – Natasha Clarkson is the new Vice Chair.
- Membership of Roads – FB wanted clarification on individuals from any road joining the CRA. She will email MN a list of questions and MN to provide appropriate wording to be added to the website. Action: FB/MN
- CRA Structure – JG to undertake this task for the CRA website. Action: JG
- Events Update
- Walking Dinner – 15 November 2014 – FB reported that there had not been much response so far. JB to put an advert on the noticeboard in Sandhurst Parade. JG will draw it to the attention of the Book Club members. Action: JB/JG
- Date for Quiz Night – Monday 1 December 2014, Bernie to confirm venue. Once this information is known, JB will post it on Facebook and it will also be included in the Chairman’s update. Action: BT/MN/JB
- Local Vulnerable Old People Project
Keep on agenda for next meeting.
- Any Other Business
- The CRA needs access to the pavilion to get gazebos for Christmas Market.
- Potholes in Birkhall Road – BT to send email to SS from Councillor Rani regarding this matter. Action: BT
- CRA to organise a meeting to discuss/generate ideas as to how Lewisham Council may be able to save money and to submit to Councillor Smith. BT said that Newham Council generate a lot of income from licensing of property within the borough. MN to speak to Councillor Smith re the above. Action: MN
- MN to send minutes with chair’s address re a meeting on Saturday 8 November 2015 at Torridon Road Library between 11:00 and 12:30 to discuss Lewisham Budget Cuts. Action: MN
- Plan for Noticeboard – JB showed the Committee an advert to be placed on the noticeboard which shows CRA charges for advertising across all platforms.
- Karen Cooke spoke about her ideas for helping the elderly with their garden, accompanying them on walks, meeting up for a cup of tea and a chat. She also spoke about the PAT dog scheme. KC to start off the project and hopefully other residents may get involved. KC spoke about needing to organise public liability insurance. MN suggested contacting Age UK to tell them about our proposals and the roads within the CRA. Action: KC
- Dates of future Meetings
Wednesday 12 November 2014 at Uptown, Sandhurst Parade, London SE6.
There will be no meeting in December and the January meeting will take place on Wednesday 14 January 2015.