Meeting of the Parochial Church Council of St Mary’s Embsay with Eastby

at 7.00pm on Thursday 18th February 2016

at Elm Croft.

Present: Louise Taylor-Kenyon (Chair), Tony Stearn, Carol Smith, Simon Smith, Sue Davies, Justin Gartland (from 8.00pm.), Sylvia Hodgkinson, Liz Roodhouse, and Peter Edwards (Secretary).

Papers which were tabled at the meeting will be added to the PCC Members’ section of St Mary’s website where that is appropriate.

1 / LTK - Welcome and opening prayer.
2 / Apologies for absence: Linda Gartland, Bridget Edwards, Anthony Luce, Sue Stearn, David Jones, Christine Stewart-Jones
3 / Minutes of recent meetings:
Acceptance proposed by Simon S, seconded by TS and agreed by all those present who had attended the meeting.
4 / Matters arising from the minutes of the PCC meeting on PCC 11th January 2016and not covered elsewhere in the agenda:
CSJ had contacted Jenny Savage, former training officer in the Bradford diocese and had been referred to Narinder Lyon, the training officer for Ripon, who had reported that training would in future be provided only in regional centres; the advertised programme offered little of convenience for Skipton. As an alternative, LR drew attention to the online training offered by local government. LTK would check whether the NYCC online system would be appropriate. / LTK
5 / Finance Report – Presentation of the accounts for 2015:
  1. SD had circulated the accounts in advance of the meeting. LR asked for clarification over the receipts from Smiley Faces.
  2. Simon S proposed and SH seconded approval of these accounts, which was unanimously agreed.
  3. Members present expressed appreciation of SD’s report for the APCM.
  4. The Vicar’s report, Churchwarden’s report and PCC Secretary’s report had been circulated in advance. Acceptance was proposed by Simon S, seconded by SD, all were in favour.
  5. SD warned that there were indications that numbers at the Town Hall café might be low this year and she expressed concern at the number of usual helpers who would be away.
  6. Balances at 18thFeb:
Current a/c 1276.87
Restoration 22903.33
Bursary 1656.20
Parish Dep. 11688.80
Roof for our Future 52292.42
Share Paid 3500.00
Balance to pay 28386.00
6 / Planning for Growth:
LTK circulated an updated version of the Plan which had been previously discussed by the PCC and at the away-day at Airton. In the course of thediscussion, the Plan was refined with the agreement of priorities, timescales and areas of responsibility. A copy of the revised document is attached to these minutes.
7 / Application for Charitable Status for St Mary’s:
PE outlined the recommendation from the diocesan finance office that St Mary’s PCC should apply for charitable status. Members had previously been circulated with information about this. Following some discussion, Sylvia Hodgkinson proposed and Carol Smith seconded that the secretary should submit an application to the Charitable Commissioners. / PE
8 / Approval of a quotation for the replacement noticeboard:
Three quotations had been received for the replacement of the main noticeboard at the church gate. Brent Thompson, who had been separately commissioned to do work on the churchyard interpretation board, had been recommended but the PCC was not able to make a direct comparison between his figure and that of Clive Naylor as the former omitted a cost for the signwriting of the new board. Consequently, the PCC resolved to authorise giving the work to Brent Thompson conditional on his providing a further estimate to cover the cost of signwriting and that the additional sum would not result in a total greater than the £1765 quoted by Clive Naylor. This was proposed by JG, seconded by Simon S and agreed unanimously.
9 / Review of storage in the church – report back:
TS and PE reported that they had met with AL to review storage provision in the church and offered the following recommendations:
The existing “sideboard” on the North wall of the Crossley room should be replaced by fitted storage shelving to maximise the use of that space. The shelving would be designed around the sizes of the storage boxes used for Smiley Faces and other purposes.
A second and upright cupboard should be built to back on to the screen, to the left of the door looking from inside the Crossley Room.
Once that storage had been constructed, all those with an interest in items storedin the Crossley Room should agree a convenient date when everything
would be removed from the room, items which were no longer in use would be appropriately disposed of and a re-organisation of all the storage spaces would be agreed before they were returned. The aim would be to provide safe and convenient access to all regularly used items while keeping the floor space as clear as possible.
SD proposed and LR seconded the acceptance of these recommendations and the authorisation of TS and PE to spent up to £200 on material to construct the new storage. This was unanimously agreed. / TS, PE
10 / Any Other Business:
Churchyard Interpretation Board. The Project Group tabled a copy of the final design for the board which will be located on the South side of the path leading from the lych gate. This was approved nem. con.
11 / Date of the next meeting:
The APCM will be on Sunday 13th March 2016 at 11.00am.

The meeting closed with the Grace at 9.25 pm.

Planning for Growth - the plan is detailed on the following pag

St Mary the Virgin, Embsay with Eastby

Plan for Growth 2016

Action Area Two
To develop our worship for children and families, to help our church grow
Short term: 3-6 months (by July 2016) / Person with oversight/responsibility / Review
Aim for 45 minutes 3rd Sunday service and advertise in order to integrate young families into parish communion services. Starting 17th April. / LTK / July 2016
Consult parents about what they want (activities/Sunday school/ timing...) Feb - April. / LTK / July 2016
Tidy up Crossley Room to provide children’s space during services. (After new storage shelves built.) / PCC and all with items stored there. / July 2016
Medium Term: 6-12 months (by end 2016) / Person with oversight/responsibility / Review
Consult parents about mid-week service/discussion group / LTK / Aug 2016
Investigate possibilities re providing warm, safe, fairly sound-proof space for children’s activities during services. / Architect & PCC / Aug 2016
Recruit people to help with children’s activities / LTK & volunteers / Aug/ Sept 2016
Involve Year 6/older children in worship, including inviting to sing with choir. / LTK / Aug/Sept2016
Longer Term: 12-24 months (by end 2017) / Person with oversight/responsibility / Review
Following on from Action One, re-order Crossley Room to provide better storage and children’s space. / PCC
Following on from above, provide warm, safe, fairly sound-proof space for children’s activities during services. / PCC
Action Area Three
To increase community involvement and ecumenical links
Short term: 3-6 months (by July 2016) / Person with oversight/responsibility / Review
Develop new fundraising ideas - new to community as well as to church. e.g.:
Buy A Tile (LTK & SD) / PCC / April/May 2016
Involvement in Embsay Good Neighbours scheme / LTK, Ann Shaw / Ongoing: Launch event April 9th 2016
Ecumenical Lent Groups / LTK & CTSD / Ongoing Lent 2016
School connecting with church more often / LTK / Ongoing: review in April/May 2016
Medium Term: 6-12 months (by end 2016) / Person with oversight/responsibility / Review
Churchyard Survey / Sue, Tony & Jennifer Stearn & Churchyard Survey Group / Ongoing: review in April/May 2016
More church tours and history talks / Sue Stearn & Churchyard Group & History Group / Update on progressP
May/June 2016
Possible summer treasure hunt/ HLF Open Day in churchyard? July/August (connected to HLF projects) / HLF Project Group / Update on progress May/June 2016
Maintain and develop links with Methodist Chapel; building on existing links. / LTK & Sylvia Hodgkinson / July/August 2016
Longer Term: 12-24 months (by end 2017) / Person with oversight/responsibility / Review
Action Area Four
To deepen our spirituality (Finding the right words to talk about God)
Short term: 3-6 months (by July 2016) / Person with oversight/responsibility / Review
Ecumenical Lent Groups / LTK & CTSD / Ongoing Lent 2016
Pilgrim Course (May - June 2016) / LTK / July 2016
What’s the Story about Easter?’: all age workshop on Good Friday / LTK & team needed / April/May 2016
Medium Term: 6-12 months (by end 2016) / Person with oversight/responsibility
Step Up discipleship course possibly shared with Bolton Priory or Christ Church, starting September 2016 / LTK/ SC/ RH plus Step-Up team / Update on progress, June 2016
Consider offering 10.30am Tues Communion service as opportunity for more people ( eg. ex-Smiley Faces mums) / LTK & / October 2016
Longer Term: 12-24 months (by end 2017) / Person with oversight/responsibility