Meeting of the Moorings Bay Citizens Advisory Committee
February 20, 2007
The minutes of the January 19 meeting were approved as issued and the Financial Report was received.
Roger Jacobsen, the Natural Resources Marina Compliance Specialist, reported that the Doctors Pass monitoring has been completed and the report from the engineers is in preparation. We expect it to be received very soon. The contract for repair of the North Jetty is in the Purchasing Department.
The committee passed a motion to install “No Wake” signs on both sides of the three bridges in the Bays. The exact location and means of fastening are to be determined by the staff.
Each committee member was assigned a portion of the Bays to compare the depths from the survey of 1998 with that just completed. The consensus of these evaluations was that the depths have changed very little except at the pass itself, which was to be expected due to the recent completion of the dredging. However, we did note that the depths at the two extremes of the bays, Banyan Bay and adjacent to Seagate Drive, are about one foot shallower now than in 1998. We are going to ask Dr.Lazear whether there could be an error in the tidal reference in either survey, due to the fact that travel time from the tidal reference point in the pass to those locations could have affected the reference.
We heard about the recent discussions on the water quality in Upper Clam Bay and the loss of sea grasses there from Dr. David Buser, President of the Seagate Properties Owners Association, and about the planned dredging of Clam Pass and renourishment of the Beach south of the pass from Chairman Pennington. The committee moved that the City Council should not allow anyone to reinstall the flapper valves on the conduits under Seagate Drive.
We received the report from Roger Jacobsen that a new officer has been hired by the City’s Police & Emergency Services Department and he will be regularly patrolling the Moorings Bay system.
By Bill Kroeschell