Jim Lehman, Head, called the faculty of the Department of Curriculum & Instruction to order at 1:30 p.m. on April 4, 2008 in BRNG 3276.
PRESENT: D. Aldridge, B. Capobianco, K. Dietz, J. Dimitt, N. Dolby, D. Eichinger, P. Ertmer, W. Fox,
R. Frisbie, J. Greenan, S. Gunderson, G. Haines, S. Henderson, C. Hofmeyer, C. Hopkins, M. Kim,
C. Knoeller, J. Lehman, E. Malewski, T. Newby, J. Phillion, A. Rapoport, A. Roychoudhury, S. Schaffer,
M. Schmitt, D. Shepardson, J. Staver, P. Staver, A. Tyminski, R. Tzur, P. VanFossen
04:08.1 / Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the February22, 2008faculty meeting were approved as submitted.
04:08.2 / Reports of Standing Committees:
A. Elementary Teacher Education – Terry Wood, Chair, Jim Lehman reporting
  • Terry Wood is at home recuperating from a recent surgery. She would welcome e-mail, phone calls and visitors if you'd like to offer your wishes for a speedy recovery.
  • The committee has not met since the last C&I faculty meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for April 18th. Informationconcerning how specific courses address the programmatic threads that run throughout the curriculum: field experience, portfolio assessment, diversity, and technology has been posted on SharePoint. Committee members should review the documents and make changes and/or additions. Revised and supporting documents such as portfolio assignment descriptions, grading rubrics, etc. should be uploaded to the appropriate course space prior to April 18th.

B. Faculty Affairs Committee – Peg Ertmer, Chair
  • The committee has not met since the last C&I faculty meeting. In response to suggestions received at the last faculty meeting regarding merit reports; Profs. Lehman and Schmitt have offered to present a “think aloud” session on how they arrive at their findings for merit scores. This will be scheduled closer to the time they are due next year.
  • Donna Enersen is the recipient of the Outstanding Teaching Award.
  • Jo Ann Phillion is the recipient of the Outstanding Discovery Award.
  • There were no applicants for the Engagement Award.
  • Prof. Lehman added that Yvonna Lincoln, the distinguished lecturer this year, was forced to cancel her presentation because her husband was critically ill.

  1. Graduate Committee – Tim Newby, Chair

  • Several Form 40’s were approved and will be presented later under new business.

D. Primary Committee – Jim Lehman, Chair
  • A mentoring sessionon grant writing was held earlier this afternoon.
  • Annual review meetings are currently being scheduledfor all nontenured faculty with the department head and a member of the Primary Committee.

04:08.3 / University Senate, Jim Greenan and Phillip VanFossen
Professor Greenan:
  • Howard Zelaznik was elected to serve as vice chairperson of the University Senate for the 2008-09 academic year.
  • The Senate is still discussing the red-lining policy. It will be reconsidered and voted on at the next meeting.
  • The Faculty Affairs Committee has recommended the disbandment of the Collective Bargaining Committee.

04:08.4 / Reports from Academic Services
A. Office of Graduate Studies – Kathy Dietz
  • The registration system will convert to OnePurdue/Banner July 1. All graduate students, including newly-admitted students, are strongly encouraged to register for courses before July to avoid issues that may arise. Students not yet on campus can have the program area secretary or faculty advisor fill out the Course Request Form 23 and submit it to the graduate office without the student’s signature. Students should be encouraged to register as soon as possible.
  • In the Banner system, prerequisites will not be monitored when a student is registering for courses. Courses offered with “instructor approval” or “department approval” will require an override for graduate students to enroll.
  • The deadline for dissertation submission is April 25th.
  • The College of Education is piloting an online data collection system for selected programs’ graduate students. Students will enter their publications, presentations, grants, and awards. This will assist with documenting student productivity for learning outcomes and COE reports. It is in addition to the vitae upload requirement.

B. Office of Advising and Recruiting – Jane Ann Dimitt
  • The first schedule run was last night and except for a few glitches, everything went pretty well.
  • Jane Ann thanked everyone who presented at Scholars Day and Purdue’s For Me.
  • Volunteers are needed to assist with 4-H Roundup. Please let Jane Ann Know if you are interested in helping.

C. Office of Professional Preparation & Licensure – T.J. Oakes, C. Hofmeyer reporting
  • Please encourage students to complete the Student Teacher Survey. The deadline for completion is May 31st.
  • A teacher license informational meeting was held on Wednesday, March 19th for students graduating in May.
  • Teacher Recruitment Day is April 29th.
  • Preliminary audits for Gate D are now being conducted.

D. Office of Field Experience – Linda Austin
  • No new business to report.

E. Office of Diversity Initiatives - Lynette Flagge
  • No new business to report.

04:08.5 / A motion was made and seconded to accept all reports. The motion carried.
04:08.6 / Old Business
  • None

04:08.7 / New Business
  • Prof. Newby requested approval of the following Form 40s:
  • EDCI 210, College of Education DeVito Scholarship Program I
  • EDCI 242, Principles and Philosophy of Vocational and Technical Education
  • EDCI 244, Seminar in Leadership for Vocational Youth Organizations
  • EDCI 250, Professional Development in Family and Consumer Science Education
  • EDCI 271, Classroom Applications of Educational Technology
  • EDCI 350, Community Issues & Applications for Educators
  • EDCI 356, Education for Careers in Family and Consumer Sciences
  • EDCI 360, Program Development in Family & Consumer Sciences Education
  • EDCI 422, The Teaching of English in Secondary Schools
  • EDCI 425, Teaching of Mathematics in Secondary Schools
  • EDCI 426, Teaching Mathematics in the Middle and Junior High School
  • EDCI 428, Teaching Science in the Middle and Junior High School
  • EDCI 433, The Teaching of Social Studies in Junior High/Middle School
  • EDCI 434, The Teaching of English in Junior High/Middle School
  • EDCI 444, Methods for Teaching Family and Consumer Sciences
  • EDCI 498, Supervised Teaching
  • EDCI 500, Foundation of Literacy
  • EDCI 501, Problems in Literacy Acquisition: Evaluation and Instruction
  • EDCI 503, Children’s Book Artists
  • EDCI 504, Children’s Literature
  • EDCI 506, Environmental Education
  • EDCI 508, Computer Applications in Reading and Writing Instruction
  • EDCI 509, The Process Approach to Writing: Teaching and Assessment
  • EDCI 516, Seminar in Environmental Education
  • EDCI 518, The Nature of Science in Science Teaching
  • EDCI 519, Teaching Learners of English as a New Language
  • EDCI 524, Bilingual/Bicultural Education
  • EDCI 526, Language Study for Educators
  • EDCI 561, Computer-Assisted Instruction
  • EDCI 565, Principles of Adult Education
  • EDCI 567, Action Research in Science Education
  • EDCI 568, Educational Applications of the Internet
  • EDCI 600, Seminar and Practicum in the Supervision of Reading Instruction
  • EDCI 605, Teaching Science in the Elementary School
  • EDCI 608, Individualizing Instruction in the Elementary and Secondary Schools
  • EDCI 609, Earth Science Teaching in the Elementary and Secondary School
  • EDCI 611, Advanced Studies I Children’s Literature
  • EDCI 612, Seminar in Literacy
  • EDCI 613, Seminar in the English Language Arts
  • EDCI 619, Learning Science
  • EDCI 623, Seminar in Genre Studies
  • EDCI 626, Intertextuality
  • EDCI 645, Organization and Administration of Career and Technical Education
  • EDCI 646, Supervision in Career and Technical Education
  • EDCI 647, Research in Career and Technical Education
  • EDCI 648, Curriculum in Career and Technical Education
  • EDCI 649, Assessment in Career and Technical Education
  • EDCI 650, Program Evaluation in Career and Technical Education
  • EDCI 653, Seminar in Career and Technical Education
  • EDCI 664, Courseware Design for Computer-Based Instruction
  • EDCI 671, Materials Design for Distributed Learning Systems
  • EDCI 673, Issues and Methods in Educational Technology Research
  • EDCI 674, Foundations of Instructional Design Theory
  • EDCI 675, Instructional Strategies
A motion to approve was made and seconded. Prof. Fox offered two friendly amendments:
  • EDCI 444 – a phrase should be added to the last sentence of the course description to say “content requirements for the CFS Education program should be...”
  • EDCI 360, Change the course abbreviation to Cur Instr FACS Mid Sch.
Kathy Dietz added that EDCI 498 needed approval from both Purdue North Central and Purdue Calumet. EDCI 509 needs approval from Purdue North Central. Prof. Fox thanked Deb for all of her hard work on preparing the documents. The motion was voted on and carried.
04:08.8 / Department Head’s Comments and Announcements
  • Search Update:
  • Jill Newton has accepted the position in Mathematics Education.
  • Rachael Kenney has accepted the joint C&I and Mathematics position.
  • Todd Kelley was hired in the sTEm search. He will be appointed 100% in Technology but he has a strong interest in teacher education.
  • The COE Dean search is ongoing.
  • The PSEC Spring Forum is next Tuesday at 6:00 pm. Please try to attend if at all possible.
  • Discussion continued on the results of the Graduate External Reviewbrainstorming session held at the last faculty meeting. A half-day retreat for further discussions and planning is set for Monday, May 5, from 9:00a.m. - noon in BRNG 3276. A small "tiger team" is being formed to develop specific recommendations over the summer to bring to the fall retreat. If you would be willing to serve on that "tiger team," please send an
    e-mail to .

04:08.9 / Adjournment
The business meeting adjourned at 2:33 p.m.