February 18-21, 2016

Westin Nova Scotian, Halifax, NS


Jeannie Baldwin, REVP Atlantic

Katie Murphy-Langille, EA to the REVP

SébastienBezeau, Political Communications Officer

Gaby Levesque, Atlantic Regional Coordinator

Angela Decker, Director for Women – NL

Steve Johnson, Provincial Director – NL

Chris Lansdell, Provincial Director – NL

Mike LeBlanc, Provincial Director – NB

Chris Di Liberatore, Provincial Director – NS

Brian Oldford, Director for Non-Treasury Board/Separate Employer – Maritimes

ShannyDoucet, Director for Francophone Members

Rhonda Doyle–LeBlanc, Director for Women – Maritimes

Joey Dunphy, Director for Aboriginal Members

Neville David, Director for Racially Visible Members

Wayne Kelley, Director for GLBT Members

Allyson Garrison, Director for Young Workers

Jody LaPierre, Provincial Director – PE

Debi Buell, Provincial Director – PE


Nathalie Paulin, Director for Members with Disabilities

Darlene Bembridge, Provincial Director – NB

Bill Bennett, Director for Non-Treasury Board/Separate Employer – NL


Terry Kiley, UNDE – NVP NS

Dan Frost, UNDE – NVP NL & NB

Kelly Bush – Bargaining Team Member, PA Table

Mark Butler – Ecology Action Centre

Imam Zia Khan – Director for the Centre of Islamic Development[SB1][KM2][KM3]

1. Bargaining Team Update

Guest Speaker, Kelly Bush from the PA group provided an overview of what happeneds at the latest round of bargaining with Treasury Board..

When the teamy met with employer, they employer brought the same short term disability to the table. – .

Liberals took away C-377, C-525 and525 anddivision 20 of Bill C-59 which gave power to reach into Collective Agreement andAgreement and pull out sick leave. The Liberalsy have put forward Bbill C-4 that has that information in it but it is likely the Conservatives will block it.

We haven’t yet discussed an economic package.

BargainingIt takes so long because/c the employer has only one mandate, which is sick leave. Now bargaining frequency is increasing from about every 8 weeks to every 5 weeks.

They areT talking about extending long term disability to 26 weeks.

No banking or carrying over sick days.

2. Hours of the Atlantic Regional Council Meeting

Meeting of the Atlantic Regional Council, February 18-21, 2015

February 18, Committee Meetings 9:00 a.m – 4:45 p.m

February 19, Safe Spaces Training 9:00 a.m – 4:00 p.m

February 20, Council Business 9:00 a.m – 4:30 p.m

February 21, Council Business 9:00 a.m – 12 Noon

3.Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m with the REVP in the chair.

4. Moment of Silence

A moment of silence was held in memory of our union brothers and sisters who passed away since the last Council Meeting. The following names were read in to the minutes:


Brother Patrick Brown, UNE Local 99194

Brother Kevin Kenny

Bill White, brother of Annette Brown, UNE Human Rights Representative and past President of Local SSO Local 99104.

- Kevin Ullman member of Parks Local 80040.

- Ada Myles, mother of Dan Critch, long time Past President & current member of Parks Local 90265.

- Mary Hatcher, mother of Dwayne Hatcher, current Treasurer Parks Local 90265.

5. Statement on Harassment

Sister ShannyDoucet and Brother Wayne Kelley read aloud the PSAC Statement on Harassment.

Gaby Levesque was identified as the harassment coordinator.

6. Adoption of Agenda

The agenda was reviewed and adopted.

Agenda item 19 (Responsibilities of a Council Committee Chairperson) was removed and the following items were added under “other items”:



m/s Brother Lansdell/Brother LeBlanc


7. Review of Previous Minutes

Review of the previous minutes of November 12-15, 2015.

m/s Sister Doucet/Brother Oldford


8. REVP Opening Remarks

Sister Baldwin advised Council that Sister PaulinSister Paulin is still on sick leave. Sister Bembridge has a family commitment and sends her regrets. Lastly, Brother Bill Bennett is recovering from surgery. A card will be circulated and Sister Decker has offered to deliver to Brother Bennett.

Black History Month

Sister Baldwin reminds everyone that February is Black History Month. In the spirit of struggle, PSAC recognizes and celebrates the important past and present contributions of Black people and people of African descent. In Halifax, the Human Rights Committee in partnership with the Halifax Regional Women’s Committee organized an event on February 17 to celebrate Black History Month[SB4].

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day takes place on March 8th. For the first time, PSAC Atlantic Region will be airing radio ads in Halifax and St. John’s to speak on domestic violence in the workplace.

Lobby Campaign

The NBoD made a decision that our main lobby focus would be on Bill C-4 which was introduced by the Conservative Government in 2013. Sister Baldwin advised that the Lobby Kit is included with the Council documents and it has been sent via email.

Brother DiLiberatore met with is MP, Scott Brison after much difficulty in securing an appointment. He also advised that the NS Area Council is attempting to set up a lobby meeting with the MP, Andy Filmore.

Brother LaPierre advised that he and Sister Buell met with MP, Sean Casey who was very obliging.

Brother Lansdell is meeting with MP, SeamusO’Regan February 27th and is also hoping to meet with MPs Judy Foote and Nick Whalen very soon as well.

Brother Oldford and Brother Gaetz met with MP, Darren Fisher of Dartmouth last week.

Pre-Budget Consultation

Sister Baldwin requested that Council Directors attend any pre-budget consultation meetings that are taking place in their area.

Sister Baldwin advised that she was invited to provide a 5 minute presentation to the Finance Committee of Parliament.

Brother Steve Johnson advised that he, along with four other members attended the pre-budget consultation forum in the riding of MP, Scott Simms.

9. Ecology Action Centre

Guest speaker Mark Butler, Director for the Ecology Action Centre spoke on the environment.

The Ecology Action Centre is an environmental organization that deals with fracking, protection of nature, oceans and thinking of nature and people as co-habitating. One of their themes is environmental justice, working with African NS communities and First Nation Communities, etc. around certain environmental issues.

The Centre does not receive any gov’t funding per say but they do apply thru funding programs at the federal level (eco-action). During the reign of the Conservative government, many of their funding applications were turned down simply because of the name on the proposal.

They are a membership based organization, with approximately 4500 members which serve as their source of funding.The Centre does a lot of work on energy and climate change, transition to renewable energy, food poverty, fisheries; transportation work around active and public transport.

In NS we have the highest amount of protected land in Canada which is 12%.

At the Centre, Mark is responsible for genetically modified organisms. Recently, a company in Prince Edward Island have come up with genetically modified salmon. It is the first approval for a genetically modified animal. There are other fish species that are being worked on as well.

Q&A’s for Mark Butler:

Q: Salmon Farming, do you have comments on that?

A: Basic approach is to keep it out of the bays and inlets of our province because of the waste potential escape of the salmon. Future of industry is not open net it is closed containment on land.

Q: Regarding fracking. The waste water that is produced, where it is stored and what are they doing with the Brine? A rumor is that the Brine (salty water) is being used in on the roads to de-ice.

A: Mark wasn’t aware but will certainly look into it.

Q: Do you assist with First Nations communities’ in providing safe drinking water?

A: Yes, we do assist with community projects.

Q: Does the Centre lobby or create your own research?

A: We do on the ground community work as well like research reports, assisting in local projects, we also lobby MPs.

Q: What are your thoughts on Bay of Fundy tidal power?

A: It is a god idea, however, getting power from turbine to shore could be troublesome and as long as impact to marine life is low it would be amazing.

10. Committee Reports

Human Rights Committee

Brother Wayne Kelley read aloud the report of the committee. Recommendations were voted on separately.

m/sBrothers Kelley/LaPierre


Recommendations, as per the committee:

  1. Recommendation has costing associated and is referred to finance for costing. Carried
  2. Recommendation is out of order.
  • At the last AEC, a decision was made that equity directors and young workers can attend the “CLC Rise Up Conference” and that PSAC nationally will cover 50% but regional budgets must cover other 50%.
  1. Referred to Education Committee.

Political Action Committee

Brother Chris Di Liberatore read aloud the report of the committee. The 2016 Budget was voted on separately.

m/sBrothers Di Liberatore/Lansdell


Brother Di Liberatoreprovided an overview of the 2016 Political Action Budget.

m/sBrothers Di Liberatore/LeBlanc


Women’s Committee Report

Sister Angela Decker read aloud the report of the committee. The committee had made no recommendations.

m/s Sisters Decker/Doyle-LeBlanc


Health, Safety & Environment Committee Report

Brother Brian Oldford read aloud the report of the committee.

Brother Lansdellraised point that education on domestic violence should be also provided to men as they can and are victims of domestic violence as well. Sister Baldwin advised she would bring this point forward to the education program.

m/sBrother Oldford/LaPierre


Education Committee Report

Brother Jody LaPierre read loud the report of the committee. Recommendations were voted on separately.

m/s Brother LaPierre/Sister Doucet


Recommendations, as per the committee:

3a) Carried

3b) Carried

3c) Carried

3d) Carried[SB5]

3e) No recommendation

3f) Carried

3g) Carried

Three Year Education Plan 2016-2018

The proposed 3 year education plan was distributed to Council and discussion ensued.

m/s Brother LaPierre/Sister Doucet


11. Guest Speaker from Centre for Islamic DevelopmentMuslim Community[SB6]

Guest speaker, Imam Zia Khan is the Director from the Islamic Centre in Halifax. He educated every individual in the room about the Muslim community. He is from Pakistan, originates from Afghanistan and grew up in Halifax.

Zia prepared a quiz which tested knowledge around Muslim culture, people, and religion. This quiz provided a great learning experience.

Zia welcomes anyone who would like to learn more about the Islamic community to visit the Islamic Centre.

12.Directors Reports

Reports of the Council Directors were adopted as a whole.

m/s Brother Johnson/Sister Decker


13. Meeting of the Next Atlantic Regional Council / Convention

Sister Baldwin advised that the next meeting of the Atlantic Regional Council will take place in Saint John, NB at either the Hilton or Delta Brunswick September 29 – October 2, 2016.

14. Role of the Regional Education Officer

Regional Coordinator, Gaby Levesque explained that there are two National Education Officers that develop core education programming. The program is then filtered through the regions for consistency. The importance of the Regional Education Officer is to develop programs that are region specific; particularly new and or advanced programs. Without an REO, we would be hard pressed to write courses or deliver advanced programs. The REO is also responsible for UDP Atlantic School. Anything outside of core weekend programs is the REO’s responsibility.

15. Role of the Regional Coordinator

The Regional Coordinator, Gaby Levesque explained that her job as the coordinator is to ensure the regional reps deliver programs and are providing member representation. The coordinator also supportsthe work of REVP and Council by ensuring staff know what they are doing, acting as a bridge between the political office and operational side.

16. Lobby Kit

Political Communications Officer, Sebastien Bezeau provided an overview of the lobby kit as well as providing the necessary documents.Any member/Director attending a lobby meeting will be provided with background information on the particular MP they are lobbying prior to the meeting. Brother Bezeau also mentioned it is also a good idea to look at the parliamentary website and view the MP you are lobbying to see what they have recently spoke on in the House, in media or through tweets.

17. De-Brief on Forum of Committee Chairpersons

An overview of the forum was provided along with a copy of the forum agenda.

18. PSAC Videos

Chairpersons Forum Videos (2) re: Chronicle Herald Labour Dispute

19. Municipal Elections

General overview of the CLC Municipalities Matter Campaign.

20. Duties of Council Director’s in the Region and Cost Efficiency

Brother Oldford asked how to ensure visibility in their roles as Directors and explained there is a cost associated which make it hard to attend different events.

Sister Baldwin explained that Directors have access to their full allotted budget and it is important to attend events in close proximity but if there is an event you would like to attend than a request can be made.

21. Other Items


Easier to delete email than to not receive any.Brother LaPierre asked Was if there was any promotion of Council at the chairpersonschairperson’s forum and if not it would be a god idea to do so going forward. might have been a good idea.Sister Baldwin explained that T the meeting was strictly on roles and responsibilities of the RegionalthecCommittees roles and responsibilities and discussing their bylaws, financials etc. No, Council wasn’t discussed as a topic. there Jeannie advised there were several as a majority of Council Council directorsmembers at the forum and they were able to inform those attendeesd informed others of their role on Council.

A suggestion was put forth that Perhaps in Educationwhen providing education courses i.e TUB, when doing TUB etc. anthat information on the role of Regional Council be included. Sister Baldwin note this. info role could be included.

Brother Lansdell spoke to the Chris L – AEC’s decision to fund 50% of Regional Council directors to attend go to the CLC Rise Up Conference. Brother Lansdell felt this should have been communicated to the HR Committee prior to their committee meeting. Chris advises this info should have been shared with HR committee and they could have discussed this during their committee meeting.

Lastly, a request was made that Also, Wwhen REVP is going to events in the Region, that as a it would be a nice courtesy, the for Directors be advised so to know when Jeannie is going to be in the area and ccan also show their presence or meet with the REVP.


Brother LaPierreBrother LaPierrerequested an explanation with regards to the staffing situation in the Charlottetown RO.

Sister Baldwin advised that the Executive Assistants are indeterminate and as such Katie will remain in the REVP’s office. Sister Levesque explained that Beth Bennett was the second successful applicant on the Charlottetown Admin board. The Coordinator in the Toronto officeallowed a trip to PEI to assist Beth in making a decision whether to accept the job, which she has and will begin in her role as administrative assistant on March 14th.

Sister Levesque advised that with Debbie McLaughlin’s temporary move to the North, it was important to fill her Halifax position. As staff have transfer rights which are based on seniority, Mary MacNeil, from the Charlottetown Office requested and was approved the transfer. Alex Stuit, from the St. John’s Office transferred to the Charlottetown office. Sister Levesque advised that the Charlottetown office has never been unstaffed during the period Colleen MacKay has retired or when Mary MacNeil was on leave or when she transferred to Halifax.

Brother LaPierre thanked Sister Levesque for her explanation and requested that when there is change and fluctuation with staffing that Council be informed.

22. Roundtable

Roundtable discussion was held.

Sister Hodder announced that she will be offering for REVP at the PSAC Atlantic Triennial Convention next year.

Sister Baldwin asks Directors to meet with their MP’s and keep their feet to the fireas it looks like this Liberal government will also attack sick leave.

Sister Baldwin thanked Directors, translators, technician, guests and staff.

Meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m


[SB1]Director for the centre of Islamic development, Halifax, NS



[SB4]Wasen’t the Area Council also involved?

[SB5]Where did E go?

[SB6]Title and organization above