Course: MYP 7th Grade Science

Teacher: Sandra Lany

Year: 2011/2012

Welcome to PWMS 7th Grade Science! The first day of class tends to be a chaotic blast of information for students, therefore I have written some key information down for you to read and use as a resource.

Who is Mrs. Lany? This is my 6th year teaching, and my 4th year at PWMS. I graduated college from CSU-Pueblo with a bachelor’s degree in Biology and a minor in Secondary Science Education. I currently live in Pueblo West with my husband of 17 years and my two kids. Both of my children attend Pueblo West schools and participate in a number of activities and sports. I was born and raised near Seattle, WA and I love to travel. I also love; to read, to hang out with my family and friends, my two dogs, and Colorado where I can enjoy the beautiful outdoors all year round.

Course Description:

This 7th grade science program covers a basic introduction to the Scientific Process, Physical Science, Earth Science, and Life Science. Specifically this includes: measurement and conversions, properties of matter, diversity of living organisms, organization of living organisms, cell structure and function, photosynthesis and cellular respiration, evolution of organisms over geologic time, and the Earth’s historical geologic changes and evidence that supports those changes. This is all developed through a sequence of varied instructional strategies emphasizing experimentation, observation, generalization, application, and discussion. Students apply their understanding of developed ideas and skills to everyday experiences in their school, community, and world.

Class Expectations: I like to have fun and enjoy interactions with students in class; but also realize we have a lot to do, we need to get along with each other, and we must be safe. To facilitate this, I have five main classroom expectations:

  1. Be courteous and respectful to all of your classmates and staff.
  2. Be prepared and on time to class.
  3. Follow directions the first time they are given.
  4. Be responsible and safe with materials and equipment.
  5. Leave the materials/equipment alone until directed to use them, and take care of our supplies.

* If a student is having difficulty with these five simple rules, our building has a uniform behavior matrix that will be followed by our Dean of Students, Mr. Bergles. A student who participates in a severe disruption such as fighting, insubordination, intentional dangerous use of equipment, etc…will go directly to the office.

Our Aims Are:

  • develop inquiring minds and curiosity about science and the natural world
  • acquire knowledge, conceptual understanding and skills to solve problems and makeinformed decisions in science and other contexts
  • develop skills of scientific inquiry to design and carry out scientific investigations andevaluate scientific evidence to draw conclusions
  • communicate scientific ideas, arguments and practical experiences accurately in a variety ofways
  • think analytically, critically and creatively to solve problems, judge arguments and makedecisions in science and other contexts
  • appreciate the benefits and limitations of science and its application in technologicaldevelopments
  • understand the international nature of science and the interdependence of science, technologyand society, including the benefits, limitations and implications imposed by social, economic,political, environmental, cultural and ethical factors
  • demonstrate attitudes and develop values of honesty and respect for themselves, others, andthe shared community.

You will begin to embody the IB Learner Profile as you display the following qualities: inquirer, knowledgeable, thinker, communicator, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-taker, balanced, and reflective.

At the core of the MYP program is the unit/guiding question and the ‘areas of interaction’(AOIs): There are five AOIs: (1) approaches to learning, (2) community and service, (3) health and socialeducation, (4) human ingenuity, and (5) environments. For every unit, there will be aguiding/unitquestion and an area of interaction that will provide a framework and give our classroom acontext. The areas of interaction are the fuel that fires our intellectual pursuit.

Throughout the 2011/2012 school year, we will focus on integrated content standards as directed by the Colorado Department of Education. The content includes the scientific process, physical science, earth science, and life science.

The methodology or the “how” we will learn:


  • A learner-centered, active learning approach focusing on problemsolving.
  • Follow the principle that ‘involving’ learners will help them betterunderstand the lessons.


  • Focuses on the process of problem solving, critical thinking andacquiring knowledge.
  • Emphasis is based on using communication, cooperation andresources to formulate ideas and develop reasoning skills.


  • Learners work together in small groups on a structured activity.
  • Students are individually accountable for their work and are responsiblefor helping teammates learn.
  • Cooperative groups work face to face and learn to work as a team.


  • Learners actively engage in multiple resources.
  • They become active learners as they use a wide range of materials toinvestigate subject material prescribed within the classroom context.

Work and Grading: Each semester is a separate grading period and each student earns a grade depending on their overall percentage of points earned. You can access grades via PowerSchool which is linked through the school’s website at Please make it a point to obtain your login early so that you are off to a good start in tracking student progress. I will try to update grades at least once a week.

Please note: Students will not be assigned a text book to take home this year. About 90% of what we will be doing will be in the form of worksheets, notes, labs, technology, and other activities.

Make-up Work: Generally, I would like students to make up work from when they are absent within a couple days, however, due to the hands-on nature of some of the material, making up the assignment might consist of copying information or data and then discussing key points with a partner. I understand that there might be an emergency, a crisis, an unexpected event, or too full of a schedule which could prevent work completion. Please send me a quick email and I will gladly make accommodations. I believe teachers, parents, and students should work together as a team to make sure learning objectives are met.

Homework: I rarely assign specific homework, but it is possible that classroom activities may need to be finished up at home.PWMS will be utilizing planners in all classes to encourage students to write down their daily classroom tasks and to keep organized. This is a life skill that proves to be very beneficial in many aspects of their life.

Parents: You are always welcome to stop by my class without an appointment after checking in at the office, but please realize that I may not have a great deal of time to speak with you during the teaching day. I am usually at school by 7:00 a.m. and stay until around 4:30 p.m. Feel free to call me at 719-547-3752 before or after school.I prefer to communicate by email at .I find it easy for your records and mine to have electronic copies of messages to refer back to. If your child has specific accommodations, or you have unique concerns, then an email in the beginning of the year would greatly be appreciated. I also have a webpage where you can obtain all of my classroom activities and expectations at You can access my webpage via the Panther website.

Students: If you need extra help, please let me know. It is my mission to assist you in your success, and I know that the middle school life can be a taxing transition. I understand it is the nature of young people to struggle with this transition so please allow me to help make your experience at PWMS positive and productive. I look forward to us having a great year!

* Parents and Students…please sign and return the attached acknowledgement

page during the first week of school which informs me that you read this information letter as well as our safety policy and expectation form.


Sandra L. Lany

7th Grade Science

Pueblo West Middle School

Participating in lab-based science classes can be very fun and exciting. Your teachers spend time preparing interesting, hands-on activities to help you learn the principles of science. As a lab-based science student, you have a responsibility to play an appropriate, active, and safe role in what we do in class. Many of the following safety guidelines will apply in your science class:

1. / Perform no unauthorized experiments, and mix chemicals only according to instructions. Study the procedures! If you have questions, ask!
2. / Familiarize yourself with the safety equipment in the room that the teacher will point out to you: fire extinguishers, fire blankets, showers, eyewash fountains, fire exits, spill control materials, etc.
3. / Use safety equipment provided for you. Safety goggles must be worn when dealing with flame, irritating or caustic chemicals, and moving objects that may hit the face or eye.
4. / Handle all chemicals carefully and in the proper manner (chemical spoon, glassware, paper towel, etc.). Equipment and chemicals should be used only in the classroom and only when the teacher is present.
5. / Keep all materials away from an open flame. Tie back hair and loose clothing.
6. / Always replace caps, covers, and stoppers on chemical containers.
7. / Keep all chemicals away from your eyes, ears, nose and mouth.
8. / No eating of any kind in the laboratory, and never use lab glassware as food or drink containers. Do not taste any substance.
9. / Your work area should be left clean at the end of each period. Clean up according to your teacher’s instructions.
10 / Immediately report any accidents or spills, no matter how small, to the teacher.
11. / Deposit waste materials in the proper containers. Sinks and drains are not wastebaskets; don't put any solid material in them.
12. / When heating chemicals in a container, keep the open end pointed away from you and away from others near you. Never heat a stoppered test tube or any closed container (FYI, a thermometer is a closed container).

------Please Return ONLYthis page to Mrs. Lany------

By Monday, August 15

Mrs. Lany’s Classroom Information Signature form

Student Name (printed): ______

We have read, and understand,Mrs. Lany’s course syllabus &

expectations form and the PWM Science department’s safety information

sheet. By signing this document we recognize our responsibility in this

process and pledge to observe these expectations.


Student SignatureDate


Parent/Guardian SignatureDate

In the space provided below please write any specific questions or concerns you may have regarding the information provided or specific concerns you may have regarding your child.
