Larry G. Pagel, Chair
Vice Chair
Meeting of the Academic Senate
Tuesday, October 9 2012, 3:05 p.m.
Ontario Room, University Center
Draft Minutes
Present: Larry Pagel (Chair), Ron Sundell (AAUP Liaison), Mark Shevy (Member at Large), Tim Hilton, David Boe (Past Chair), Jonathan Allen, Derek Anderson, Randy Appleton, ZacCogley, Dave Donovan, Richard Eathorn, Linda Lawton, Jill Leonard, Donald Marquardt, Marguerite Moore, Rachel Nye, Mitsutoshi Obi, Glenna Pendleton, JoAnnaPerucco, CalePolkinghorne, Dave Prychitko, Robert Quinn, Nancy Redfern, Marty Reinhardt, Bruce Sarjeant, Marge Sklar, Carol Strauss, Mary Jane Tremethick, Darlene Walch, Kevin Waters, Bitsy Wedin, Russell Magnaghi
Absent: Paul Lang (Provost), Mike Broadway, Brian Cherry, Peter Goodrich, Robbie Goodrich, John MacDevitt, Jamal Rashed, Harvey Wallace
Guest: Kim Rotundo (Registrar)
- Call to Order: 3:06
- Additions to/Adoption of Agenda
No Additions. Agenda accepted
- Approval of Draft Minutes of Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Andrea Jordan Senior Secretary’s name should be at the bottom as the person submitting the minutes.
Minutes approved as corrected
- Reports:
- Chair
No report
- Vice Chair
No report
- Secretary
No report
- Provost
No report
No ASNMU members have been appointed. No report
- CEC Report of October 9, 2012 (First Reading)
Motion to accept CECreport by D. Donovan seconded by D.Walsh.
D. Donovan moved to suspend rulesseconded by B. Sarjeant. Motion adopted
- Letter to Academic Senators from Co-Chairs of Liberal Studies Task Force
- Unfinished Business
- Elections (Vice Chair and Secretary)
Nomination for Vice Chair:
D.Boe nominatedT. Hilton seconded by B.Sarjeant.
D.Donovan moved to close nominationsseconded Z.Cogley. Ballot passed unanimously.
Nominations for Secretary:
T.Hilton nominated M.Shevy. D. Donovan made a motion to close nominationsseconded by R.Appleton
Rather than holding nominations in two weeks for members at large, they will be held today.
R. Appleton volunteeredto be member at large
L. Lawton volunteered to be member at large.
D. Donovan motioned to close nominations seconded by M.Sklar
- New Business
Letter from Co-Chairs of Liberal Studies Task Force and its effect on Liberal Studies Committee were discussed.
- Informal Consideration
- Good of the Order
R. Sundell reminded AAUP members to vote. Call AAUP office for ballot or visit 409 Cohodas
R. Sundell informed AAUP members that raises might be in the next paycheck October 25,2012
M. Reinhardt informed everyone that SamMusqua’s presentation has been cancelled. M. Reinhardt also shared that there will be a cooking demonstration at Jacobetti on Saturday, October 27. The times of these events are 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Reservations are limited to 30 and can be made through CNAS.
Adjournment: 3:21
Respectfully submitted,
Andrea K. Jordan
Secretary to the Academic Senate/AAUP