study4 Final exam study guide Spring 2012
Overall study guide for last test. Ch 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24, 25
Most of the questions will come from 16, 17, 18, 23 and 25
Wow, that is a lot of chapters. Lets start at the beginning:
16) What are the nonspecific host defenses?
What is a specific defense
What types of cells do you find in blood?
Which type of granulocyte releases histamine and what does it do?
What are the 4 stages of phagocytosis?
Where do T cells mature?
What does the spleen do?
What are toll like receptors?
What do neutrophils do?
Name 2 types of phagocytes:
What is a defensin?
Besides allowing for circulation of cellular defenses, what does the lymphatic system do?
What occurs in a lymph node?
What is edema?
What is pus?
What does interferon do?
What is a granuloma?
17) What type of immunoglobulins are typically found in colostrum
What is an antigen or epitopic determinant?
What are the immunoglobulins called that are produced in response to an antigen in adaptive response
What are the types of T-cells
Where do stem cells develop into B cells?
What is referred to by the name humoral immunity.
Why does humoral immunity have a memory?
How does a body recognize self?
What is clonal deletion?
Which class of immunoglobulins consists of five units and is connected by a J chain?
Which immunoglobulin is produced first in a adapted response?
What can be used to make a vaccine?
18) Hypersensitivity or allergy refers to the immune system responding ______
What are autoimmune diseases
What is Asthma?
To treat generalized anaphylaxis, ______must be administered immediately
What is rhogam?
Why are recipient human leukocyte antigens assayed before a transplant match can be made?
Why is immunosuppression used in transplants and what are some of the agents that do this?
HIV has an affinity for cells that bear the ______antigen(s) on their surface.
People with HIV are susceptible to many infections because which 2 sets of cells are destroyed?
19) The majority of organisms normal to the skin are?
The most common bacteria to cause infections from soaking in a hot tub is______.
The flesh-eating bacteria are:
Genital warts are caused by
Gas gangrene, with gas production leading to tissue necrosis, is due to
20) The acid pH in the vagina is predominantly due to ______fermenting the _____ present in vaginal cells.
Which is the causative agent in 80% of UTIs?
Toxic shock syndrome is associated with ______
Syphilis is caused by ______
In the United States, the most prevalent STD is caused by ______
Which viruses can lead to fever blisters (cold sores) on the mouth and lips?
In which cell type do Herpes viruses stay latent?
21) Middle ear infections are common in children because ______
Which 2 genus’ of bacteria can evade the killing power of macrophages and replicate in them?
Which bacteria is characterized by a pseudomembrane forming in the throat?
Consumption is another name for ______
Influenza exhibits antigenic drift which involves mutations in genes for hemagglutinin and neuraminidase.
Respiratory syncytial virus affects ______.
22) Feces are composed about 50% by weight and volume of bacteria. Most of these are species of ______.
An encounter with a Norwalk virus might leave you doing what ?
Helicobacter pylori survives in the stomach due to ______
Which hepatitis is communicable by mouth?
23) What is the life cycle of schistosomiasis?
What are the symptoms of infectious mononucleosis?
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is characterized by ______
Problems in treating malaria arise because ______
25) What is the role of nitrogen fixing bacteria?
Name a common nitrogen fixing symbiont and its host
What is denitrification
What is bioremediation
The most usable form of sulfur by microorganisms and plants is
Soil contains human pathogens, for instance ______
What results from the biological oxygen demand (BOD) being high and the water becoming anaerobic?
Eutrophication leads to ______
sample questions
1) The condition that is caused by exogenous and endogenous pyrogens is
a) edema
b) pain
c) swelling
d) fever
2) A pocket of tissue that surrounds and walls off the inflammatory agent is called a
a) granuloma
b) edema
c) fibroblast
d) pyrogen
3) Interferons are stimulated by viruses and
a) are produced only by macrophages
b) stimulate the production of antiviral proteins in neighboring cells
c) form membrane attack complexes
d) none of the above
4) What is a substance that is recognized by the body as foreign and normally induces an immune response?
a) Fc fragment
b) Fab fragment
c) Fab and Fc fragment
d) epitope or antigenic determinant
5) HIV has an affinity for cells that bear the ______antigen(s) on their surface.
A) CD4, CCR5
B) HLA-B27
C) CD8
D) CDC14, AM550
6) The majority of organisms normal to the skin are
A) Gram-negative
B) Gram-positive
C) fungi
D) viruses