

Notes of the Parish Council meeting held in Digby War Memorial Hall on Wednesday 19th April 2017 at 7pm.

PRESENTParish Cllrs Gerald Garton (GG) Vice-Chairman, Tracy Bourne (TB), C Harvey (CH), John Fry (JF), Robert Rogers (RR) Roger Wyness (RW)

In Attendance: Angie McDonald, Clerk and Proper Officer

PUBLIC SESSION - There were no members of the public present


a)As the Chairman was away, GG took the meeting and welcomed everyone and thanked those who attended the Annual Parish Meeting and stated it was a shame that not more of the residents attended.

As there were no members of the public present GG proposed to commence with the meeting. All the council RESOLVED to continue.



Apologies were received from J Bourne (JB) and District Councillors Steve Clegg (SC) and Sarah Pearse (SP)and the meeting RESOLVED to accept the reasons for absence.


a)There were no declarations of interest.


a)It was proposed by JF, seconded by TB and RESOLVED to accept the Clerk’s notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 15th March 2017as a true and accurate record of that meeting.

b)It was proposed by JF, seconded by TB and RESOLVED to accept the Clerk’s notes of the Closed Session of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 15th March 2017 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.


a)County Councillor Tweedale.

Councillor Tweedale was not present.

His April report had been distributed to the members on 12.4.17.

b)District CouncillorPearse & District Councillor Clegg.

No report.

c)PCSO Nicole Page.

During March and April there have been 2 reports of anti-social behaviour, a shed break in and graffiti at the Bowls Club.


a)Planning Applications Received

Nil to date

b)Decision Notice

Applications approved by NKDC - Nil

c)Station Yard buildings

Last update received was 22nd March which stated NKDC Planning Enforcement Officer could see nothing to report on.


a)Street light for North Street


The Police cannot offer any further support regarding the road safety of the area as there is a footpath and some footway lighting. They recommend security lighting on individual properties if individuals are felling vulnerable. Highways have not yet sent a response regarding the road safety question.

It was agreed the parish council should still put forward the request for the street light.

ACTION: Clerk to formally request the street light

The new light near the school entrance is still waiting for the power to be connected.

b)The Lock-up.

The Clerk contacted the contractors by e-mailon 20th March and followed up with phone call on18th April to report the condition of the repaired stonework. To date there has been no response.

ACTION: GG to contact Carre Heritage

c)Annual Parish Meeting.

There were no items raised at the meeting that needed the attention of the Parish Council. Messages of thanks to those who took part in the presentations have been sent by the Clerk. The PCSO explained about LincsAlert, and how any individual can sign up to it and does not require a co-ordinator, this has replaced the Neighbourhood Watch scheme. If anyone requires more information she can send out packs.

Members of the council felt the turnout was disappointing even after all the effort of distributing notices door to door, publishing the meeting on notice boards & the website and in the parish magazine

d)War Memorial information for website.

RR has supplied photograph of the memorial, a list of the names will be made and entered on the website.

ACTION: Clerk to complete list and enter on website


a)Public Footpaths.

The letter was sent recorded delivery to Mr Key, with a copy to the countryside officer, there has not been any response.

GG stated that potatoeshave now been planted in the field where the footpath route crosses.

b)Date for the Village Walk-about.

It was agreed that instead of the whole council walking around the whole of the village on a set date, each councillor will inspect their area of responsibility and forward any work needed to the clerk to collate. This will then be sent to the Highways Officer.

ACTION: Councillors to forward reports to the Clerk before the next meeting


a)Minutes of the Latest Meeting.

The minutes have not yet been circulated. The first treatment of the lawn has been completed. It was agreed to compliment Greensleeves on their work. The council also wished to congratulate the Village Hall Committee on the redecoration of the hall.

ACTION: CH to pass on the message to the committee.

b)Update on Broadband connection for the Village Hall.

The Village Hall Committee are still looking into how to best manage the system should it be installed.

CH will inform the committee that there is up to £750 available from the council to help with the installation of broadband if needed. This money is from the budget that was set aside to empty the dog waste bins that is now no longer required by NKDC.


a)Update on any Information.

There has been no update since the last meeting.

b) Consider request for contribution to drainage improvements.

A request asking the parish council to consider making a contribution to the proposed drainage works around Digby has been received from Charlotte Hughes, Technical Services Partnership, LCC. It was agreed more information is required before considering the request.


ACTION: Invite Charlotte to the next meeting.


a)Update on Play Area Improvements

CHhas requested JF to assist him to meet with play equipment companies with the aim to draw up proposed designs for the play area to be considered by the council. JF agreed.

b)Playing Field Litter Bins

The black bags are not remaining in the litterbins. It was agreed to make a formal request to J Bailey, Environmental Health, NKDC to meet on site and discuss the problem.

ACTION: Clerk to arrange meeting.

c)Annual review of rents

It was proposed the fee for gate access to the field for the Bowls Club and Pigeon Club should be increased. It had been static for 2 years. It was proposed by GG, seconded by RW and RESOLVED the access fees will be £60 for the Bowls and £35.00 for the Pigeon Club.

The fee for the Football Club was discussed and felt it should be set at £110.00 for the year. Before this fee is implemented discussions need to take place regarding the renovation of the football club as a concession may be considered for this year.

ACTION: Agenda item next month

d)Separate meters for Bowls and Football club

There is currently a meter for the water supply which serves the Bowling Club. The Bowls Club have asked a separate meter be installed to serve the football cabin. It was noted that there is currently a water leak between the existing meter and the Bowls Club and the council would want this repaired before considering any changes to the water supply. It was proposed by RR seconded byCH and all agreed this needed to be repaired by the Bowls Club. In the meantime the Football Club will need to negotiate with Bowls Club for use of water.

ACTION: Clerk to notify Bowls Club of the decision.

e)Lease for the Senior Football Team

It was agreed the lease for the Football Club would need to be delayed until the following information had been confirmed. Check to see if any additional grass cutting of the pitch carried out by the football club at their expense would be covered by their public liability insurance, and confirm that it is accordance to the council’s insurance cover.Any work carried out on the cabin must be covered by the relevant certificates, and confirm our insurance company is in agreement with this.

Also Clerk to check what the council’s responsibility would be if the cabin was purchased by the Football Club.

ACTION: Clerk to work through the list of requirements

f)Service of Strimmer.

The parish council owned stimmerhas not been used for 18months. Once it has been serviced, Mr Whittle has agreed to use it to cut the grass around the parish as required. He has agreed to take it to be serviced. Concerns about safety equipment and a training course were discussed.

ACTION: GG to check if it is cost effective to have it serviced and the cost of safety equipment and a training course.

g)Next Stage of Playing Field Tree Works.

The Clerk informed the council that the next stage of the tree works within the playing field should commence. This work is general maintenance of crown lifting to allow access for the grass cutting mower and removal of a section of ivy from certain trees to permit easier inspection in the future. GG proposedthe council contact the contractor used for the previous work. JF seconded and it was RESOLVED.

ACTION: Clerk to contact contractor for a quotation.



As JB was not at the meeting to report on any update from the allotments last meeting, the item will be discussed at the next meeting.

b)Annual Review of Ground Rents.


Some councillors believed the ground rent is set for so many years at a time. It was agreed to check the lease and discuss at the next meeting.

ACTION: Clerk to check rental agreement of the lease.


a)Bank Balances and Approval of Bank Reconciliation.

The bank balances were reported as:-

PC Account25,383.27

Allotment Acc 2,520.42

Mary Gresswell 865.41

The council approved the reconciliation.

b)Income Received.


NKDC Community Grant 140.12

These amount are included in the reported bank balances.

c)Approval of the Following Payments.

It was proposed by GG, seconded by TB and RESOLVED that the following accounts be paid.

Invoice VATTotal

Apr Salaries/admin expenses582.71582.71

IDB 44.35 44.35

LALC training sub 65.00 65.00

LALC Annual Subs160.1832.04192.22

Greensleeves (Lawn treatment)200.8340.17241.00

d)External Audit.

The notification ofthe completed Annual Return,that is to be sent Grant Thornton by 12th June, has been received. The Annual Governance Statement and the Accounting Statement will be signed at the May meeting.


a)LCC Election of Councillors – Notice of Election, displayed in the noticeboards 27.3.17

b)Funding Portal – latest information. Distributed to all councillors 19.3.17, 10.4.17, 18.4.17

c)Spires and Steeples Challenge 2017 poster – Distributed to the councillors and will be displayed on the noticeboard.

d)LALC – Charge of £1.25 for new Glossy LALC news (£5 per year). All were in agreement not to have a hard copy of the LALC News except CH, he abstained.

e)Came & Company Newsletter. Distributed to all councillors 18.4.17


17th May, 21st Jun, 19th Jul, 16th Aug, 20th Sep, 18th Oct, 15th Nov, 13th Dec.


Land on North Street

CH sends his apologies for the May meeting

17.CLOSED SESSION (for confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960)

There were no items for the closed session

21.20hrs - There being no further business the Vice Chairman declared the meeting closed.

April 2017Chairmans Signature