The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Colebrookdale Township was held on the above date at the Township Building. The meeting was called to order by President Todd Gamler at 7:30 pm. with all present joining in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
The following Commissioners were present: Todd Gamler (President), William Spade (Vice President), Thomas Herb and Linwood Bartman. Also present were Township Manager Cindy Conrad, CEO/Zoning Officer Allen Stauffer, Township Secretary Jeannie DiSante, Township Solicitor Jeffrey Karver and Engineer Mary Lou Lowrie. Commissioner Tom Reidnauer and Police Chief Christopher Schott were absent.
Mr. Randy Doaty, representing the Boyertown Church of God Camp, addressed the Board with a time extension request for the property. In the wake of an extreme wind sheer storm that severely damaged two buildings and numerous trees in the camp, Mr. Doaty requested the Board approve an eight (8) year non-conforming use extension to rebuild the same square foot area of space as will be demolished. He is proposing to demolish the damaged and other functionally obsolete buildings that were painted with lead-based paint. The property is ~33 acres and the church will rebuild approximately 9,000 square feet of buildings. He requested immediate relief to begin the demolition of the buildings before winter. Attorney Karver noted that an extension approval must come from the Zoning Board however the Commissioners can agree to not enforce the non-conforming one-year time table from the date of demolition. Motion by Linwood Bartman and seconded by William Spade to authorize Attorney Karver to draft an agreement. Motion carried.
Motion by Linwood Bartman and seconded by Thomas Herb to approve the minutes of the September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners’ meeting. Motion carried.
President Gamler noted the Customer Balance Summary and questioned the amount due from Stewart and Conti Inc. Manager Conrad said that is the amount outstanding on Colebrookdale Woods. President Gamler read the bills list as follows:
General Fund Expenses 9/21-10/5/09 $171,323.79*
Payroll Fund Expenses 10/2/09 $ 32,916.91
Street Light Fund Expenses 10/5/09 $ 1,099.82
Recycling Fund Expenses 10/5/09 $ 8,170.50
President Gamler confirmed the General Fund expenses include budgeted donations totaling $16,450.00, the Foreign Firefighter Relief payment of $35,789.53 and the two pension fund payments totaling $78,200.34.
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October 5, 2009 Minutes
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Motion by William Spade and seconded by Thomas Herb to pay the listed bills from the funds mentioned above. Motion carried. President Gamler noted the submission of the Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual statements. The Statements are available to the public for review.
The September 2009 Police Report was submitted though not read in Chief Schott’s absence. There were no questions on the report from the Commissioners. Commissioner Bartman commented on the teens hanging around Schlegal Alley and being a nuisance. He questioned if the police have jurisdiction in a private alley. Solicitor Karver said they have authority to patrol private property.
Nothing reported at this time.
CEO Stauffer submitted the following building permit applications:
- Marty Kern, 200 Indian Springs Road – renovating three rooms into living a room, bedroom and bathroom. He noted that they are working on a plumbing permit application as well.
- John A. Rambo, 325 Mill Street – construct 15’ x 32’ addition
CEO Stauffer asked permission for the Cavalcade of Bands to have their fireworks event held on October 16th. The original date was cancelled due to rain. The Commissioners were in agreement.
CEO Stauffer informed the Board that Mike Hillegass asked the Township to have signs installed to slow down drivers on Weisstown Road. CEO Stauffer explained to Mr. Hilligass that the Township traditionally asks the property owner to pay for the signs and the Township road crew will install them. The Board agreed.
Commissioner Bartman asked if it is necessary to ticket cars that are parked on Berks Street adjacent to the tennis courts during school sporting events. President Gamler noted that this has been an on-going issue for many years and it is illegal to park in that area.
Nothing to report at this time.
Solicitor Karver noted that he had nothing to report at this time.
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The Township received the September 2009 Engineer’s report for review. Engineer Lowrie informed the Board that Gilmore & Associates received a revised cost estimate from the developer for Grace Independent Baptist Church and it is bring reviewed.
Nothing at this time.
Manager Conrad submitted a letter received from Danny Jake Corp. notifying the Township that they are not actively working on the Moser/Granahan and Moser Active Adult Land Development Plans at this time. However, they reserve the future right to pursue final and unconditional approvals by completing any unfinished items.
In response to Danny Jake’s request for a return of the submitted escrows, Manager Conrad sent copies of all statements since 2005 showing the escrows have been depleted. Solicitor Karver informed the Board that he sent a letter to Danny Jake Corp. explaining the Township’s position in wanting to move these plans off the books. There has not been a reply from the company.
Manager Conrad submitted a request for approval of payments of the 2009 budgeted donations. The approval was given in the payment of bills above.
Manager Conrad submitted a letter from the Berks County Commissioners stating the first meeting of the Earned Income Tax Collection Committee will be held November 4th, 6:00 PM at the Berks County Agricultural Center. Manager Conrad will attend.
Manager Conrad reminded the Board the next Joint Zoning Ordinance Committee Meeting will be October 22nd at 7:00 PM at the Township building. She also reminded the Commissioners Charlie Schmehl will meet with the Board at 7:00 p.m. prior to the scheduled Commissioner’s meeting on October 19, 2009 to discuss the Ordinance revisions.
Manager Conrad submitted the latest draft of revisions received from Charlie Schmehl at the September 24th committee meeting. She informed the Board that the original SALDO has been scanned into an editable document format and she entered the revisions into the document without deleting any original text. Manager Conrad asked for permission to email the document to Engineer Lowrie for her review. The Commissioners agreed.
Manager Conrad informed the Board that Boyertown Borough’s Fall Festival will be November 7th at Boyertown Park. Barry Baus has agreed to do a hayride. The Boyertown Recreation Committee has asked for a donation for the pony rides.
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The cost is estimated at $300.00. Motion by William Spade and seconded by Thomas Herb to approve payment for the pony rides from the Township Recreation Committee funds. Motion carried.
Manager Conrad noted there is an advertised meeting of the Transportation Committee October 27th. The committee will review the Spring Creek Commons plan.
The September 2009 Recycling Report from Allied Waste Services was submitted. There were no comments.
President Gamler informed the Board he and Commissioner Bartman attended the County Wide Regional Police meeting. He noted that he cost for the study is estimated to be $100,000.00.
Spring Creek Commons Subdivision – Preliminary – Spring Garden Drive
The review period for the plan is to expire on October 14, 2009. September 18, 2009 Township received a Waiver of Time to Review request from All-County & Associates until January 12, 2010. Motion by William Spade and seconded by Thomas Herb to approve the waiver of time for review until January 12, 2010. Motion carried.
Colebrookdale Woods Development – State Route 73
September 10, 2009 Township sent letter to owner and developer requesting payment of invoices and notification that reviews are discontinued until payment received. October 1, 2009 Township received letter from BMMA releasing two Surety Bonds. Construction is not expected to resume for at lease one year at which time the bonds will be renewed. No action was taken by the Board.
Westwood’s Subdivision – Preliminary Plan – Route 562.
September 10th the Township requested confirmation of an active plan from Douglass Township. No communications received; the review period for the plan is to expire on December 29, 2009. No action was taken by the Board.
Mest Subdivision – Preliminary – Township Line Road.
The review period for the plan is continuous. The plan was tabled by the Planning Commission on 5/18/07. September 14th, 2009 Solicitor Karver sent notification to the owner and developer that the plan must be completed then approved by the Commissioners by December 31, 2009 or it will be formally rejected by the Township. No communication received; no action was taken by the Board.
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Mildred Frey Minor Annexation – Final – 436 & 516 N. Reading Avenue
No communication received; no action was taken by the Board.
Boyertown Foundry Building Expansion – Final Plan
No communication received; no action was taken by the Board.
Reitnauer/Staton Annexation Final - #614 & #618 North Reading Avenue
September 15, 2009 Aston Surveyors submitted a minor subdivision plan. On September 21st the Commissioners approved a waiver of a formal engineering review with conditions. No communication received; no action was taken by the Board.
Nothing submitted at this time.
All communications received since September 21, 2009 is included in the Commissioner’s books. All correspondence was available for review by the public.
Three items submitted to the Commissioners. There were no comments.
No one at this time.
President Gamler announced the Board will go into an executive session to discuss a personnel matter. The Board will not reconvene.
There being no other business to come before the Board there was a motion by Linwood Bartman and seconded by William Spade that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous unless stated otherwise. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeannie DiSante
Township Secretary