Year 12 Jazz Harmony Steps

1.  Chords in the key

2.  Place these chords in the circle

3.  Extend the chords to their full extensions without using accidentals

4.  Look for the accidentals that create modulations (ignore chromatics)

a.  A sharp will normally change the 3rd or 6th chord from Em7 to E7 or Am7 to A7 (this is the V of a II V I)

b.  A sharp could also be used as an altered 5th or 9th of a dominant chord

c.  A flat usually changes a dominant 7th to a minor 7th (this is the II of a II V I)

d.  A flat can change a Major 7th to a Dominant 7th (this is the V od a II V I)

e.  A flat could also be used as an altered 5th or 9th of a dominant chord

5.  Remember to keep both sides of the changed chord in the circle progression

6.  Once you have finished with all the accidentals start at the end using the circle in reverse

7.  Try and fit the circle around the modulations you have already completed

8.  If you strike a problem work from the beginning using the 1st or 6th chord to start with. I prefer the 6th chord (relative minor) as it confuses the listener and it seems to work in exams.

9.  Write out all possible options for problem spots including extensions to choose the best solution and complete the chordal part

10.  Write the note names under each chord marking accidentals you need to include and only write the necessary notes for extensions - G13 = G B D F D (1 3 5 7 13)

11.  Working backwards, write the root notes for all chords in the bass part. (X it off)

12.  Write the tenor part on or near the top line of the bass clef (X it off)

13.  Fill in all the other necessary note in the treble (don’t go over the middle line)

14.  Use extensions to make all the voices smooth and give at least 3 notes in the treble clef (don’t go over the middle line)

15.  Find a dominant chord that you can change the 5th or 9th to create an altered chord (remember the altered note can not be in the melody) Add the #5, b5, #9, b9 to the chord symbol

16.  Check you have not used a major 7th if the melody note is the root not. If so change the chord to a 6/9 (1 3 6 9)

17.  Create another modulation by changing a 3 or 6 chord from a minor 7th to a dominant 7th

18.  Check all chords are complete (a diminished chord must have a 5th, other chords can miss the 5th if they are in root position)

Make it “look good” by placing the top and bottom note of a cluster on the same side of the stick.