Asbury PTA
Meeting: Monthly PTA Meeting
Date: Tuesday, 12/15/2009
Time: 6:05-7:15 PM
Kim Kastrul (Co-President); Heather Gerson (Vice President); Andrew Trexler (Treasurer); Jonathan Schmauder (Parlimentarian); Colleen Nyhus; Melissa McClung; Molly Withers; Kim Magoffin; Anita Theriot; Corby Wise; Annie Weber
Review of Previous Minutes
- Please add Anita Theriot and Kim Magoffin to the minutes distribution list (they did not receive the November minutes).
- Minutes approved with the following corrections:
- Page 4, Treasurer’s Report – there is not $20,000 in the PTA checking account. Andrew suggested we include his monthly profit and loss document with the meeting minutes.
- Page 4, Craft Fair Update – the Denver Post advertisement cost $74, not $60.
- Page 4, Craft Fair Update - Colleen Nyhus’ first name is misspelled ( it has two ”l”’s)
- Page 4, New Business – the Kindergarten Round-Up is January 8, 2010, not January 18th.
Principal Report
- Asbury had their mid-year budget review and is right on track
- Budget planning for the 2010/2011 school year will begin in January. She expects the next two years to be fiscally difficult.
- Asbury night at the DU basketball game went very well. The event was featured in the Denver Post Hub.
- Molly Withers asked about the new learning landscape. Planning will start in the summer of 2010 and should be completed in 2011. The website details the projects planned using the bond money.
Committee Reports -
Parent Liaison (Collen Nyhus)
- Room parent volunteers are working on holiday parties.
- A volunteer request was sent out with gym and music opportunities added.
- Art (Ms. Werner) still needs help.
- Anita Theriot requested a list of room parent contact information for herself and the office staff. Heather Gerson will also provide the literacy group list.
- Heather is working on a volunteer board to be posted near the office. Parents can check the board to identify volunteer opportunities.
- Parent/guardian volunteers need to be approved. Parents can obtain a form from Roseanne.
Hospitality (Vicki Mobus)
- Not present
Membership (Molly Withers)
- Membership cards will be distributed in January.
- Each class’ membership level will be displayed on a thermometer chart in January.
- Heather suggested putting PTA information pamphlets in the office for distribution to prospective parents.
- Colleen suggested that a special request be extended to kindergarten parents to become involved with the PTA since parents with younger children are needed to keep the PTA going. Possibly the February PTA meeting could be directed towards kindergarten parents.
- Heather suggested that the September PTA meeting be a kindergarten parent open house.
Dining Out (Kim Kastrul)
- Annie Weber volunteered to chair this committee!
- Plan to have a pancake breakfast at Applebees in March. Parents and 5th graders can serve food.
- Noodles and Company is working with Anita and Ms. Kluver to do a Dining Out event to fund the Homework Club (including snacks, Ms. Kluver’s time, etc.).
- It was suggested that Asbury do a Dining Out lunch on an early release day. Slavens did one at Pei Wei on a recent early release day.
Box Tops (Kristin Dorighi)
- Not present
- It was noted that there is a box top collection box at Safeway.
Enrichment (Shelley Popke)
- Destination Imagination
- Shelley was not present.
- Asbury has three teams that will participate in Destination Imagination. The 3rd grade team is funded, registered and meeting regularly; there was no information on the second team.
- Spring enrichment activities will include:
- Art workshops (Ms. Werner)
- Band (7:30AM – 8:15AM)
- Baseball (with Harvard Gulch staff)
- Club Amigos
- History Club
- Homework Club (Ms. Kluver, Miss Vieau, Nina Dougherty)
- Jump Rope
- Piano (provided by Tempo)
- Shakespeare Club
- Other possibilities:
- Aviation Class
- Book Club
- Dance
- Running Club
- Science Club
- Spelling Bee (John Dunegan)
- Yoga
Parent Education (Kim Miner)
- Not present
- The “Electronics and Your Kids” presentation will be held on January 19, 2010.
Treasurer’s Report (Andrew Trexler)
- Andrew provided a profit and loss report for 11/18/09 – 12/15/09.
- The craft fair grossed approximately $1500 which should result in about a $950 profit.
- Kim, Heather and Andrew met to develop a committee/PTA activity budget proposal. Andrew disseminated the proposal to the group for review; it will be discussed and voted on at the January meeting.
Unfinished Business
Craft Fair Update (Heather Gerson)
- The craft fair was successful and is planned again for next year. It succeeded in one of its main objectives to bring the community into Asbury. The coffee lady even waived her fee!
- The following changes have been suggested:
- Need more volunteers – especially for the tear down
- Hold it in November
- Allow entrance through the front door
- Add additional entertainment
- Have a “kids’ craft corner”
Kindergarten Round-Up
- Will be held on January 8, 2010 from 7:30 AM – 10:00 AM.
- An announcement form has been created.
- Need parent volunteers to give tours (will be trained by office staff), serve refreshments and answer questions. Molly Withers, Annie Weber and Melissa McClung offered to help.
- Need PTA to provide doughnuts and coffee.
- Colleen will create a poster.
- Balloons and signage will help guide prospective parents to the south entrance. Mrs. Magoffin’s class will also do sidewalk arrows and art.
- Molly suggested that 5th graders help with tours; Anita suggested waiting until the following year to involve them.
- Not addressed on 12/15 - Asbury has full-time paras for 1st through 5th grades, but non for kindergarten. Principal Theriot visited the kindergarten classrooms and felt they could use more help. She is considering asking for more money from the PTA to pay for a kindergarten para, but it is still too premature. Will talk about this more at next month’s meeting
- Not addressed on 12/15 – Need to have a nominating committee for next year because now have two-year terms on PTA officer positions
New Business
- Colleen made a motion to give $50 each to John (custodian), Terri (office) and Roseanne (office) as a holiday bonus. Everyone was in favor and this motion was approved. Andrew is going to withdraw cash and give it to Kim who will get cards and present the gifts.
- A fundraising opportunity with Shriner’s Circus was presented by Kim. The Shriner’s Circus will be at the Denver Coliseum on April 16th – 18th, 2010. They will give 20% or 25% (to be determined) of ticket sales ($12 tickets) to Asbury. Tickets can be bought online and Shriner’s will send posters and clowns to promote the show. Asbury can also pick one show and have an Asbury section. PTA may provide transportation – this will be addressed at the January meeting.
- Chili Cook-Off – Winter Wonderland theme suggested for February, 2010.
- Annie suggested an Asbury garage sale. Everyone liked this idea but agreed that it would require a lot of work.
- Annie suggested a photographer for Asbury events. Parents could then purchase photographs of their children. This idea was supported, but no action was put in place at this time.
- Heather would like to have an Asbury historian.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15pm.
PTA meetings will be held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. The next PTA meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 19that 6pm.
Minutes recorded by Melissa McClung.