Get Approved Before You Proceed
Welcome from the ACC Chair, Ed Anderson. I hope you are ready for some warm weather. With spring right around the corner, you have had all winter to ponder those projects that you want to do when the weather is nicer. Our governing documents require that the Association’s Architectural Control Committee (ACC) review and approve all proposed architectural changes before any work is started. The importance of this requirement cannot be overstated when you consider the reason for such a restriction.
Membership in a community association requires compliance to pre-existing conditions and regulations. One of the biggest advantages of these conditions is the protection of our property values. The value of your home is directly related to the condition, appearances and aesthetics of our community as a whole. By regulating the kind and types of architectural changes that can be done, our Association is better able to maintain our property values.
Getting the ACC’s approval is not just a good idea, it is a requirement.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact MaredithManagement or the Board of Directors at . You can also find the application at our website,
Management Company
All residents should be aware, at this point, that we have a new management company, Maredith Management. Our management company works on behalf of our Board of Directors to oversee the operational issues that our Association must deal with on a daily basis. One of the most important role that our management company has is to act as the communication liaison between you, the homeowner, and the Board. If you have any association related questions or have an issue that you would like the Board to address, please take advantage of Maredith’s desire to assist you and contact them. It isalways more effective if your concerns are communicated in writing and not submitted anonymously. That way there is a written record of your concern and you can be updated on the progress in resolving or addressing your concern.
NOTE: If you only paid half of your annual assessment, the second portion is due June 2014. Thank you, to all who have paid in full.
I have never had anyone say to me “I wish the county would raise the speed limit on our streets!” Actually, one of the chief complaints, especially when the weather is nice, is that people are excessively speeding through the streets of White Oak Village.
“I feel the need … The need for speed!” exclaimed Top Gun flyboys Maverick and Goose during a famous, and oft quoted, scene in this classic action flick. Disturbingly, our infatuation with high speed leads many motorists to forget that their Toyota is not an F-14 Tomcat and that our roadways are far less forgiving than the friendly skies! In addition to the tens of thousands of drivers and vehicle occupants who die in traffic crashes each year, more than 4,000 pedestrians are killed by motor vehicles.
A 2011 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) report revealed that pedestrian deaths accounted for 12 percent (4,092) of all traffic fatalities and 3 percent (59,000) of all people injured in traffic crashes in 2009.
Many residence of WOV enjoy leisurely walks through our streets. Unfortunately, almost as a daily occurrence, we see motorist exceeding the speed limit at an alarming rate through our subdivision. Motorist are more distracted nowadays than ever (cell phones/loud music etc…). Adistracted, speeding motorist is an accident waiting to happen. STAND UP TO THIS BEHAVIOR WOV RESIDENTS!! Let the speeders know that their behavior will not be tolerated on our streets!!! Call the Charles County Sheriff’s officeimmediately when you see a vehicle or motorcyclist screaming through our streets. You can do this anonymously and your call will help to minimize the threat to our safety.
Remember the speed limit in White Oak is 25 mph.
We Need You!
The success of our association depends upon getting our members involved in the various committees that the Board of Directors depends upon for support and guidance.
Volunteering to serve on one of the associations committees is a great way to become involved and contribute to our community.
As owners in a community association we tend to allow the group known as, “them” or “they” to operate the association, attend meetings and make important community decisions. However, we need to realize that “them” and “they” are always made up of “I”, “We”, “You” and “Us”. There is no “I” in team, we are all in this together. We are White Oak Village Homeowners. Change the way you see the Board and watch how perspectives change on the work being done, an increase in volunteers, more participation and socialization among all in the community.
The Board of Directors is looking for homeowners who are interested in volunteering to serve on a committee. Contact our association manager or send an email to .
Stormwater Ponds
White Oak Village Board of Directors entered into an agreement with Stormwater Maintenance, LLC to complete the first phase of cleaning the stormwater pond off of Charter Oak Drive. We are now planning to start on the second phase very soon. If you work with an environmentalists, grant specialist, grant maker, or even know of any available grants, please let us know. This project is very expensive and requires specialized work. We would like to save as much of our residents’ money for other projects in the future. Stay tuned for updates to come.
Are You Picking Up After Your Pet?
Besides being unsightly and smelly, animal waste can be hazardous to the health of our children who play in the community and to other pets. One of the most common forms of disease transmission between dogs is through fecal matter. It is important to remember to immediately clean up after your pet. When walking your dog, take along a baggie to pick up any waste and then dispose of it properly. Also, when walking your dog in our community, remember that it must be leashed. Thank you for your cooperation!
Interested in Saving Money?
Did you know that using the same trash refuge service for the community could save each of us $10 - $15 a quarter ($40-$60/annually)? If you are interested in participating in a community-wide trash refuge service with one of the reputable companies in the area, please send us an e-mail at . If there is enough interest, we will move forward to make it happen.
Neighborhood Watch
Spring has sprung and summer will be right on its’ back, which means increased travel and more activity in the neighborhood. Please be mindful of your surroundings.
The Charles County Sheriff’s Office offers a Neighborhood Watch program, in which residents work with the CCSO to prevent and detect crime in their respective neighborhoods. Before an entire neighborhood can be recognized as an official Neighborhood Crime Watch Organization, at least 60 percent of the homes in the neighborhood must take part in a free CCSO home security survey. Neighborhood Watch participants are also eligible to join Citizens on Patrol. For more information, please contact the CCSO Community Organizer at 301-932-3080.
Maredith Management, LLC, AAMC
3352 Old Washington Road
Waldorf, MD 20602