Name of Organization: Nevada Assistive Technology Council Subcommittee on Statewide Website Accessibility Taskforce (SWAT)

Date and Time of Meeting: August 5, 2015

Time: 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

This meeting will both teleconference and can be joined in person at the following location:

Aging and Disability Services Division

3416 Goni Rd Bldg I

Carson City, NV 89706


To join this meeting by phone, dial 1-888-251-2909 then enter Access Code 8985078 when prompted.

Meeting Materials Available at:

Draft Minutes

Members present: Thomas Kearns, Scott Youngs, Frida Aizenman

Guests: Mark Tadder, George McKinley, Daran Grissom,

Staff: Rique Robb, Vicki Kemp, Desiree Bennett and Nanita Moore

I.  Welcome, Roll Call and Introductions

Thomas Kearns, Chairperson

II.  Public Comment (No action may be taken upon a matter raised under public comment period unless the matter itself has been specifically included on an agenda as an action item.)

No comments were made.

III.  Last Minutes Meeting were approved and second

IV.  Sub-Committee is charged to make Recommendations to start Nevada down the goal of State Website Accessibility. What does that look like? (discussion) Thomas Kearns, Chairperson

·  Discuss the purpose and vision is of the sub-committee

·  Need a full council to discuss everything that we need to address

·  There is a problem with all the website throughout the state regarding accessibility; EXAMPLE: Food or Sec of State

·  We need a statement for website accessibility ---John Rosenlund pulled up a statement - John read from a Statement Line four ”Creation of an accessibility website base system for education through the per disposure to technologies training opportunities”. George McKinley said the statement could be “This committee seeks to insure we have full and equal accessibility to all information and communication technology offered by the State of Nevada.”

·  We can’t do polices ourselves. We need to get in a room with people who set polices

·  Discuss the idea of a newsletter

·  Use of the website software

·  EIR –Electronic Information Resources

·  Creating a report and who receives the reports

·  Start working on a Mission Statement

·  What is our end goal is?

·  All state Websites need to be accessibility

V.  Is our sub-committee well represented? (Discussion and possible action)

Thomas Kearns, Chairperson

·  Need other members with disability to join the membership committee

·  Better representative

·  Jesse Leaman is a person to think about

·  Accessibility vs. usability

VI.  Discussion of Recommended Steps to get Nevada’s Statewide Websites up to accessible standards (discussion and possible action)

Thomas Kearns, Chairperson

·  Need a grievance procedure and file a grievance

o  Recommend someone ASAP

o  What are the grievance procedure and who handles grievances

·  Establish an administrative structure of an office or a person that has authorization for information to ensure full information and communication for the state.

·  Advisor committee that takes in information and works toward a broad way

·  Go to the Attorney General office with a formal notice to the governor

o  Formal Correspondence laying out the issue

o  Put them on notice stating the problem

o  In the letter laying out the problems and the issues are real.

o  Citizen cannot use the website

o  Make recommendation that the state come up with some competence

1.) History or background of the issue 2.) Recommendation

·  Language-you will comply

·  3 components in the letter: Training, Education, Accessibility

·  Needs a full committee and not a sub-committee.

·  Culture Shift and there is a Jeff Kline in Texas and has volunteered for free to come here with a power point. All he is asking is for us to fly him out and a place to stay.

·  Scott will bring the Governor’s proclamation and the response to it

·  Scott will contact Jack Mayes

·  Strategic IT Accessibility: Enabling the Organization


·  Knowbility


·  Strategic IT Accessibility: Jeff Kline interviewed


·  Scheduling meetings. August is a horrible month for Thomas Kearns. Friday mornings at 10 am would work for everyone.

VI. Public Comment (No action may be taken upon a matter raised under public comment period unless the matter itself has been specifically included on an agenda as an action item)

VII. Adjournment (For Possible Action)

Thomas Kearns, Chairperson

NOTE: Items may be considered out of order. The public body may combine two or more agenda items for consideration. The public body may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time. The public body may place reasonable restrictions on the time, place, and manner of public comments but may not restrict comments based upon viewpoint.