Carla called the meeting to order at 7 PM. We had several guests: Cricket Brooks, Cory Stahl and Adam, and Carole Kropscot, and Max.
Each visitor introduced themselves and told us a little bit about their photo experience and what equipment they use.
Ashley, the Volunteer Coordinator brought in a few friends as well: a ball python, a chinchilla and a blue and gold macaw.
We had a good photo session with the animals.
Max and Marie updated us on new arrivals at the Zoo. A new male orangutan was brought in a couple of weeks ago. He will be in quarantine for 60 days. He is here for breeding purposes.
The baby Zebra is less than a month old, but on display.
There is a baby eland in the African area. There are some new birds and a new Kookaburra.
Our condor was sent to another Zoo where he has more room to fly. They have a ten foot wing span.
Max thanked the club for playing paparazzi at the Jazzoo Event. It was very successful.
Max said the Tropics Building would be ready in 2009. It has been delayed some because of budget cuts. Some of the tropics animals are ready to go in the building.
The Polar Bear exhibit will open in 2010. It has also been delayed because of funds. It
will be in the old stroller barn instead of the valley, which was found to be made of solid rock.
Max said they need a good picture of the new entrance. Linda Hanley said she thinks she has one.
The Zoo likes to use our photos for various purposes, so we need to keep shooting. There is plenty of space on the web site, so send your 480 X 640 images to Carla at:
On September 13th, the Kid’s Conservation Club will be learning about photography. Photo Club members are needed to help.
We will donate some inexpensive digital cameras to the project.
Photo sharing included hundreds of pictures of the Jazoo event. Our members were dressed in black, and were flashing pictures as fast as they could. Max said three quarters of a million was raised.
Other photos included those of the Flint Hills Rodeo at Strong City, Kansas. Peggy, Carla, Terry and Dan went and all had shots from different angles.
The Longview Art and World Music Festival will be at historic Longview Farm on October 3,4,and5, 2008. August 15th is the postmark deadline for entries.
Next month Linda Hanley will show pictures of her trip to Miranmar and Cambodia in 2005.
July’s photo competition will be images taken at the June meeting.
Barbara Chase