Meeting Minutes 20/01/16 Bridgewater Surgery 7pm


Morven Jones – Practice ManagerHayley Roberts - Patient

Ron Lewis – PatientRachel Ellis Jones - Patient

Karen Higgins – CCGRosemary Hopwood - Patient

James Muir – GP Practice

Robert Ellison – Patient

Barbara Ellison – Patient

Peter James – Patient

Ruth Hughes – Practice

Michael Goodwin – Patient

Graham Stockton - Patient

Welcome & Apologies

Welcomes & apologies were made by Morven

Group introductions made.

Power point presentation:

What is a PPG?

Patient Survey

Public Engagement – Move & Merger

Other local PPGs

Local Hot topics – Out of hour’s service

Morven, Dr Muir and Karen talked the group through the PowerPoint sections of what is a PPG, last year’s patient survey and public engagement for the proposed merger and move.

Much discussion ensued:

Peter provided interesting information and advice on using branding and back links to raise awareness of our website, using online surveys to give instant feedback and capturing contact details. Peter also put his name forward to stand as chair.

Dr Muir talked about why we wanted to merge and move, Richmond house surgery had to move out of their premises and this has given an opportunity for us to combine forces. We feel this will provide more safety and security for us as a practice as well as a purpose built facility joined to the hospital.

Concern about the loss of Beech ward as a ward was raised by Robert as well as the limitations of the hospital site for a combined practice. Morven and Karen explained that other potential sites have been looked at by Richmond (the old fire station) as they need to find a new site ASAP but nothing has been backed by NHS England. There was not enough scope for expansion etc. Karen also talked about the various different parties that were involved in a merge and build of this size and agreed she would put together some information to explain the NHS set up locally.

It was pointed out that infighting about detail for the build/merger was potentially dangerous as happened with Shifnal when NHS England withdrew funding due to the delay in decisions.

The parking situation at the hospital is causing a large degree of anxiety as was reflected by our survey. Dr Muir confirmed that a large amount of money was proposed to invest in this issue; a separate staff car park will be created for all on site staff.

Seeing your own GP was a concern raised, that will not change, you can choose to see the GP of your choice but patients will have the advantage of a wider choice of GPs.

Barbara asked about the number of patients that we have no contact with and how do we know if they are still registered with us. Morven explained that yes we do have patients that move on or out of the country who do not inform us but we usually find out. Morven agreed to find the number of patients who have not had contact in the last 5 years.

Everyone agreed that before we move any further with the patient group we should meet with Richmond’s group and look to forming a joint group.

Date / Time next meeting – to be arranged


Arrange next meeting date – Morven

Provide information re the NHS set up locally – Karen

Patient non-contact figures - Morven