Meeting: ILN Board and Committee Chairs Meeting

Tuesday, September 1, 2015 Zoom/Conference call

Called to order at 5:05 pm by V. Wangerin, President

Present: Connie Booth; Virginia Wangerin, Maggie. Bleakly, Cathy Black, Jana Pownell, Tonya Holian

General Update from Virginia: Annual Report went to Constituent League first part of year – was reviewed in March, and we are OK’ed approved through June of JUNE next year. One recommendation was to bring new blood into board and committees vsvs. “recycling” people through many positions.

Not much activity over the summer with participation down. We now need to pull back together and re-energize the organization.

Cathy Black willto takebecome over as President January 1, 2016. We need to start thinking of nominations for President-Elect and Directors for fall election.

Some other positions are open also.

Treasurer’s Report: C. Booth – IRS issues have been resolved and non-profit status granted. (I missed a lot of this).Bank balance is $8131.36. .

Scholarship Committee: All Scholarships are paid out; waiting for $500 from Nurse Tim. Letter sent to him in July, with recipient’s name

Connie will upload financial spreadsheet to the share site when Ginny gets the Dropbox set up. organized..

Membership: Total Membership as of 9/1/15 = 52

  • All postcards have been sent and will be kept up to date by Connie, until someone takes over the Membership Committee role. - Thank you Connie!
  • One Lifetime membership was received.
  • Cathy B., Maggie B and Connie B. to work on letter and membership drive proposal; as well as a “Get Involved” letter for current members.

Communication:No Report

Nominations:From Connie – we need to think about the nominations by October; President Elect and some board member positions will be open. Be thinking of who we can nominate. Connie will look back at Membership forms to find who has indicated a willingness to serve..

Upcoming events:

  • Faculty Development/Department of Education, Des Moines – Virginia is working with Pat Stevens Thieben about speaker and/or workshop. Idea: Better Test Writing and Item Analysis– something that appeals to all health educators. Pat will take care of all the planning. Discussed setting up membership drive in conjunction with this. Possibly a breakfast ILN meeting with a speaker – Judy Halstead or Beverly Malone – with a welcome or Hot Topics Q/A session. Possibly Friday, Nov 13th. One day 9-4pm. Minimal fee for lunch and space. Speaker fee is covered by gGrant, except travel and accommodations. Virginia will continue to update us on this event.

NLN Summit – September 29th in Las Vegas. Ginny Wangerin and Cathy Black will be attending. Connie will be attending the Constituent League meeting on Sept. 30, as she serves on the NLN ConsituentConstituent League Advisory Committee.

Next meeting:September 14th (Monday) at 5pm, via Zoom.

Respectfully submitted,

Maggie Bleakly, Secretary