Shrewsbury Town Council
Recreation & Leisure Committee
Meeting held at Guildhall, Frankwell Quay, Shrewsbury
At 6.00pm on Wednesday 11 June 2014
PRESENT – Councillors J Tandy (Chairman), Mrs B Baker, A Bannerman, I Jones, M Kenny, Mrs P Moseley (substituting for K Pardy) and Mrs K Owen.
IN ATTENDANCE – Helen Ball (Town Clerk), Gary Farmer (Operations Manager), Mike Cox (Outdoor Recreation and Asset Manager), one member of the press and Rebecca Oliver (Committee Clerk).
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Councillors K Pardy and K Roberts.
Councillor Tandy having been voted as Chairman of the Committee at the Annual Town Council meeting, chaired the meeting
There were no declarations of interest.
The minutes of the Recreation & Leisure Committee meeting held on 02 April 2014 were submitted as circulated and read.
That the minutes of the Recreation & Leisure Committee meeting held on
02 April 2014 be approved and signed as a correct record.
RE: 73.2 KSLI Memorial Appeal Request
Councillor Jones circulated a picture of the monument to commemorate the County Regiment of the KSLI. This will be erected in the National Arboretum at Alrewas, Staffordshire and purchased using donations including Shrewsbury Town Council’s grant of £1500.
RE: 77.1 Christmas Lights
It was reported that the Christmas Lights Working Group had met Turnock, providers of the Christmas Lights, and chosen all lighting schemes for around the town. The new colour scheme is brighter and following feedback from last year does not contain blue lights. Photo montages of each street have been created by Turnock and will be circulated.
There are still issues to be overcome in the Square. The catenary fixings on the side buildings cannot take any additional weight so if a larger display is required, a pole would have to be constructed in the centre of the Square. Other users of the Square are not happy about having a pole constructed temporarily although Shropshire Council have given their approval. A 3D Christmas tree around the pole is being considered.
4.1 Shillingston Drive Open Space - Fencing
The Town Clerk reported that robust steel fencing has been fitted at the Recreational Open Space on Shillingston Drive, replacing the wooden jockey-rail fencing that was regularly vandalised. Vandalism is no longer an issue and the site is now secure.
4.2 St Giles Wall
Members have previously been informed that the boundary walls surrounding St Giles Closed Churchyard was in need of repair. The Town Clerk reported that this repair work has now been completed.
4.3 BMX Track at Mary Webb Road
The Operations Manager had previously reported problems at this site with youngsters modifying the BMX track making it unsafe to use. The site has recently been inspected by ROSPA and as expected the report highlights the modifications as a problem. On-going maintenance is required to keep the facility safe at a cost to Shrewsbury Town Council.
As requested the Town Clerk had put the matter of future recreational facilities in Western Shrewsbury given (i) the lack of existing facilities and (ii) the number of large, new developments in the area including the redevelopment of Shelton Hospital, the Hanwood Rd/Mytton Pak site and the 8 hectare area for recreational/community use and developments within the Urban Extension (some of which were in Bicton Parish Council area). There was a requirement for open space on all of these sites and an opportunity for recreation facilities. The timeframes for each project was discussed.
The Town Clerk has been invited to a meeting at Shropshire Council to discuss these provisions and wished to take members’ requirements to the meeting.
That the Town Clerk seeks the views from the local ward members about specific sites, attends the meeting and reports back to this committee.
The Town Clerk provided progress updates on the following developments.
6.1 Mytton Oak Road/Hanwood Road
There are two promoters for this site with Barratts and Bovis Homes construction. An application for Reserved Matters is due to be submitted soon and a presentation will be made to the next Planning Committee.
6.2 Shelton Hospital Site
This application has been submitted and validated and will be considered by the Planning Committee on 1st July. The bowling green is to be relocated to just off Racecourse Lane although access arrangements have not been agreed.
6.3 Oak Street
At the head of Oak Street, in the centre of the Shropshire Homes development is a small village green which Shrewsbury Town Council has agreed in principle to adopt subject to an appropriate developer contribution and meeting certain standards. Currently the site does not meet those standards required for adoption.
6.4 Longden Road
Pre-application discussions regarding open play have been held but the application has yet to go through the planning process.
6.5 Ellesmere Grange
Pre-application discussions regarding open space and play have been held but currently the application has been deferred pending more information on the Sustainable Drainage System on the site.
6.6 Shillingston Drive
This has been promoted by Persimmon with an opportunity for open space adoption. The developer has been sent a copy of the Town Council’s Land Adoption Policy.
6.7 Shrewsbury South Sustainable Urban Development
Shrewsbury Town Council has sent the Land Adoption Policy to the developers of land south of Oteley Road.
There was a general discussion about recreational facilities being accessible to all residents across the town and members expressed their desire to provide play equipment for the disabled too. It was reported that Greenfields are consulting over obtaining one piece of equipment suitable for the disabled.
Sites identified for development have been put into the Place Plan which will be revisited including outdoor sporting facilities, indoor sporting facilities and play facilities.
Councillor Bannerman asked if Allotments were being considered, especially with the increase in housing. The Town Clerk confirmed these were regularly reviewed in the PPG17 Audit and are featured in the Land Adoption Policy.
The Town Clerk explained how developer negotiations are very labour intensive and takes a number of Officers off their day jobs.
The Outdoor Recreation & Assets Manager circulated a list of the events due to be held in the Quarry. He reported that minor ruts were left by the circus which will be repaired at a cost to the organisers.
Members noted the following:
· The success of the River Festival event attended by a number of families.
· The number of events in the Bandstand compared to previous years; it was reported there are more this year than in previous years
It was reported there had been a request to hold a bonfire and fireworks display in the Quarry; this had been declined due to the potential reinstatement costs.
Councillor Bannerman congratulated the Council for organising a large selection of events that are mostly environmentally friendly and asked where events were advertised. It was reported that Events were being advertised on the website and noticeboards and will be added to the events website too.
Members were pleased with the success of events in the Quarry and said no matter what event is put on, if the weather is good, crowds are guaranteed to flock to the Quarry. However, members felt strongly that parking charges on a Sunday put some off visiting.
The Outdoor Recreation & Assets Manager talked about getting the balance right between people enjoying the Quarry for their own leisure activities and having organised events too. He explained how Shrewsbury Town Council is restricted to ten big events a year as limited by the premises licence. This also restricts how many days the fair and circus can be set up. Additional events for 2015 are being considered.
Members made suggestions of new, free events but it was explained free events are already in place, such as an art exhibition, busking festival, and said there is not a lack of events planned. It was stressed that the Council are hosts for events, not organisers of them.
Members felt strongly that the Bligny Event for the troops which has always been held at Copthorne Barracks but would move to the football ground would be better placed in the Town Centre on the County Ground. The Town Clerk agreed to write to the Light Infantry to request that the event be held more centrally in the town.
That the Town Clerk write to the Light Infantry to request if the Bligny event could be held at the County Ground.
Councillor Mrs Moseley joined the meeting.
The Operations Manager provided an update on the summer planting that is on schedule and in progress. The regional judges will be visiting Shrewsbury on 22 July and the Champion of Champions competition will be judged on 30 July.
There have now been 289 hanging basket orders taken which is an improvement on last years 252.
The floral theme this year is Growing for Gold to celebrate 50th Anniversary of Britain In Bloom as well as keeping the Incredible Edibles scheme and introducing Urban Pollinators which involves works to encourage bees and butterflies. The British Ironworks Centre have offered their help.
That the minutes of the Shrewsbury in Bloom Committee Meeting held on 5 June 2014 be accepted.
9.1 Springfield Recreation Ground – Roof Soffits
The Operations Manager reported that the soffits around the pavilion need replacing and the roof tiles may need removing to allow a breather membrane to be fitted underneath. Quotations were being sought for both plastic and wooden replacements soffits and will report back to the committee.
9.2 County Ground – Water-tank pump
A water drainage tank is located underneath the recreation ground which recently blocked and overflowed. The problem was resolved by cleaning it out but to avoid it happening again, a routine annual clean is required. This will have a cost implication to Shrewsbury Town Council.
9.3 County Ground – Installation of CCTV
The pavilion is a very well used asset with multi sport facilities and a very successful young cricket club which in four weeks has expanded from 6 to 30 participants. However, unwanted behaviour is attracted to the site and despite regular police patrolling, more needs to be done. The issue has been discussed with the Bronze Level Tasking Group and it was proposed that CCTV cameras be installed. The Town Clerk has received a quote for four infra red cameras, recording for 30 days for £500. If agreed, this would be paid from the general reserves.
Members raised initial concerns but decided the cameras would act as a deterrent and the evidence caught on camera would support the incidents reported by club users.
Members discussed the unauthorised encampment in close proximity to the County Ground and the recent increase in beggars and homelessness in the town centre. The Mayor reported on the work of The Ark and their efforts to provide night shelter. Councillor Kenny suggested the re-introduction of the begging boxes where secure donations can be made. The Town Clerk reported that this is currently on the radar of the Town Centre Bronze Level Tasking Group.
That the Town Council looks to procuring a CCTV system as outlined by the Town Clerk.
9.4 Kynaston Road Recreation Ground – Unauthorised Caravan
The matter of the unauthorised caravan on this recreation ground was taken to court as a last resort and Shrewsbury Town Council was successful in seeking an Eviction Order. The caravan has now been removed and the site secured.
9.5 Frankwell Bowling Club – Installation of Floodlighting
The Town Clerk reported that since previous discussions the Bowling Club were informed that floodlighting could not be provided, the club had looked to undertaking the works themselves through a member who is a registered electrician. The quotes were nearer the original £7k sum but the club wished to access a power supply from the nearby footway lights owned by the Town Council. Members reiterated their previous requirement that any power supply should come from a metered supply independent of the Town Council’s supply and that the club be responsible for funding electricity consumption.
Councillor Jones reported that plans are progressing well. The poppy templates are being decorated by the schools and will be sent in by 1st July. These will be displayed in a flowerbed in the Dingle. A bugler has been requested from the Barracks and plans included events up to 2018 including the possibility of hosting a Freedom Parade for the Rifles (100th Anniversary) and requesting the presence of a royal representative. This is to be confirmed.
The Operations Manager explained that the planting out of the carpet bed was near completion. He was disappointed that no entries were received for the competition to design a flower bed in the Dingle but a theme of red, white and blue will be planted out instead with a noticeboard as a memorial to flanders field.
The Town Clerk detailed the proposed visual themes for the forthcoming five years:
1. CALL TO ACTION – your country needs you
2. WAR HORSE – Role of animals in the war
3. WHO WAS LEFT BEHIND – the role of women in the war
4. THE TRAUMA – the atrocities in the trenches
5. REFLECTIONS – we will remember them, the poppy
On Saturday 2 August 2014, a Dedication Ceremony will be held and The Town Clerk circulated a draft booklet containing poems from the period with appropriate illustrations. Councillor Baker asked if more personal readings could be incorporated by asking the military to choose something pertinent to them.
(i) That work continues on the leaflet as in concept, members support the idea.
(ii) That Councillor Jones and the Town Clerk look into personal letters from the museum with the view to including some into the leaflet.
The Outdoor Recreation & Assets Manager reported that there is currently 97% utilisation of the market with it full at weekends. The Food Festival on 28th/29th June is expected to bring trade in and traders have reported a decline in income of less than 1%. This is thought to be due to some traders taking early holidays. The figures are expected to go back up as the year progresses.