St Joseph’s Primary School – Year 2014-16

PE and Sport Premium

Our vision at St Joseph’s is for every child to experience a variety of sports and physical activities that inspire and motivate so that physical activity is enjoyed and embedded in their healthy lifestyle.

In 2014-15 the PESP funding is £9850.00

In 2015 –16 the PESP funding is: £9835.00

The school will measure the impact of the funding at the end of 2014-15 through:Pupil Surveys, Staff Skills Audits, Analysis of attendance at clubs, observation of PE lessons in KS1 and EYFS.

Success Criteria

Increase the numbers of children participating in sport across a school week.

Improve the playground environment with more children involved in structured sports activities resulting in fewer lunchtime incidents.

The school is able to participate in more locally organised competitions.

Target / Actions to be taken / Monitoring Arrangements / Time-scales / Lead staff / Impact2014-15
2015 - 16 / PESP funding
Teaching and Learning
Develop the quality of teaching and learning in PE across the school
Provide enriching PE experiences within a progressive, broad and balanced curriculum
Ensure all children have access to an array of suitable equipment and opportunities to explore how different pieces of equipment might be used for example in creating own skill activities
Children to be given opportunity to develop leadership skills, creative skills, officiating skills as part of intra competitions / New curriculum map to be introduced and embedded reflecting progression of skills
Each year group to benefit from a specialist coach delivering unit of work or support from Sports Technician for at least half a term during the academic year 14-15
CPD teaching and learning in PE
Raising awareness of being inclusive when planning and delivering PE lessons. Build panathlon activities into curriculum planning
Purchase high quality equipment to enhance the current provision in PE lessons
Format for intra competitions to be in PE Planning folder / Observation of lessons
Pupil voice
Staff voice
Working with Harrow consultants and other Harrow Schools to offer a package of in school support, audit, challenge and ensure best value for money.
PE Lead to work closely with providers
Formal observation of coaches and or sports technician supporting the delivery of PE
Audit staff skills
Provide CPD to reflect needs of staff
Release PE co-ordinator to support PE planning and delivery.
Re-audit staff skills
Pupils voice
Staff voice
Lesson observation
Data analysis / Developed Summer 15
Introduced Autumn 15
Embedded Summer 16
On going 14-15
To be continued in 15-16 / PE LeaderSarahDundon / Summer 15 – new map developed and ready to be introduced to all year groups at start of new academic year
Teachers skills and ideas on delivery developed through observing qualified coach
Teachers confidence in teaching and learning in PE raised
More challenge in lessons
Clearer understanding of strengths and areas to develop
All children have access to suitable equipment
100% of children are involved in intra school competition via our school games system. / Support from external PE Consultant
CPD: 2014 - 15
Gymnastics conference
Athletics officiating
New PE curriculum
PE Lead meetings
Targeted children
Continue to develop other physical activity opportunities for targeted children e.g those not yet engaged in physical activity
For 50% of children to be involved in C4L club
20 children to be trained as C4L ambassadors
10 children each week on rolling programme for each term – an additional 80 children to be targeted / Develop Change4life club
Train and establish C4L
Ambassadors / Data collection
Identifying children not physically active
Reflect on changes in targeted children using teacher voice / Summer 15
Summer 16 / Teachers & PE Leaders & SLT / C4L: 42% of children are actively engaged in C4L clubs from EYFS to Y6
C4L Ambassadors:
12 children newly trained as ambassadors
10 children from each year group [3 – 6] targeted / Sports Technician
C4L ambassador training
Skills2Play training
To increase pupil participation in extra-curricular PE clubs from 30% to 40% by the end of 2016
Sports Leader opportunities for targeted children – roles to be developed in 15/16 Build up profile of young sports leader and ambassadors to represent our school. / Survey to find out clubs that pupils would like the school to offer.
Find facilitators to match requests
Attend Sports Leaders conference run by HSIP / Data collection and analysis
SIMS data to monitor the impact of clubs on pupil progress in Reading, Writing and Numeracy over time
PE Lead / Summer 15
Summer 16
Summer 16 / Children attending enrichment clubs [not including C4L/sports leaders/Skills2Play]clubs
Boys have positive role models in coaches. Staff voice reflects impact physical activity and positive role models have had on 4 boys. / Coaches
Inter competitions run by borough – increasing participation to B and C teams [C team in 15-16] / Pupils to participate in a variety of inter and intra school tournaments/performances. / Data analysis / Summer 15
Spr 16 / 14 competitions entered 14-15
A & B teams
26% of the children were involved in inter school Level 2 competition.
Hire of specialist facilities eg the Hive / HSIP support package