WORKGROUP: / Learning/Training
MEETING LOCATION: / 7545 N Del Mar Ave, St 105, Fresno, CA 93711
MEETING DATE: / July 20, 2017 / MEETING TIME: / 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
☐Carlos Flores / ☒Chris Roup / ☒David Lopez / ☐Kelli Orender / ☐Kristin Lynch
☐Melanie Heyl / ☐Noah Whitaker / ☒DeQuincy Lezine / ☒Earliana Vang / ☐
☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
MEETING GOAL:Continue discussion on goals, objectives, and activities.
AGENDA ITEMS: / DISCUSSION / ACTIONI. Recap of last meetings /
- Carlos provided a power point of his Youth Ministries training on suicide prevention.
- David asked County for ASIST Training funds,but was able to get training for Kings View Central Valley Suicide Prevention Hotline staff sponsored through National Lifeline.
- The group discussedmarketing materials, a distribution plan to the community, and the need for a list of existing resources and gaps.
II. Open Discussion /
- Discussion of level and depth of training
- It may not be appropriate to train everyone with ASIST.
- In the school setting, consider if kids interact with bus drivers andwho would they refer to.
- Training on skill-sets to be aware, recognize signs, and link to resources. Know the Signs – training to let people recognize signs and notify appropriate people from a resource list about the specific signs. Resource person confirms that linkage occurred.
- Examples include - Know the Signs, QPR, MHFA for broader range, Youth MHFA, ASIST, Carlos’ Youth Ministries training
- You do not need to be clinician to prevent suicide. It is important to know that someone noticed and cared. Key words are hope and care.
- Discussion on how to get message out to the community
- The Collaborative website should have a page for trainings that lists the recommended audience, time frame, and cost.
- Can County provide waiver for resource fee and stipends if more community members want to be trained?
- Learning and training should have an outreach component in order to create awareness of trainings.
- Suicide Prevention Hotline - individuals who want to be involved can volunteer
- This marketing for trainings to include in-reach to businesses.
- How to work with communications subgroup? Can we handle request and response for demand? Training needs to be able to meet the demand.
- Known and up-to-date training resources
- Mental Health First Aid (MHFA): Jim Ritchie, DBH WET Coordinator, maintains master list of MHFA trainers
- QPR: Kelli provides QPR training for DBH
- Know the Signs: Kings View
- ASIST training can fit 40 people; need two trainers
- Ending the Silence – NAMI Program
- On website, provide a schedule of local classes and offerings that are open to anyone in the community. This will help with trainers who don’t want to market
- Consider if there is a training needed, but not currently offered?
- Online resources – need to explore more (QPR, Cognito, Trevor Project)
- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) – video series (More than Sad), College population on depression and suicide (college may have link for students)
- Carlos – Youth Ministries training that presents suicide data, the signs, faith-based (Catholic).
- David to send the powerpoint to the group and provide the next training date for observation. Training is approved through Valley Children’s Hospital.
- Discussion on how and if the group can assist with professional level trainings
- Clinical committee will need when doing Zero Suicide as a clinical approach to care
- AMSTAR, RRTOS, KAMS, Cognito trainings online and is not delivered by a specific trainer
- Directed specifically to clinicians
- Find the availability, contact info and list
III. Goals/Priorities /
- Based on discussion, the following were established:
- Goal – To provide guidance and support regarding training resources to the community at large
- Objective – Maintain website and master list of trainings
- Activity – Identify available programs/trainings for learning and education
- Activity – Curate list and add new trainers when available
- Objective – Provide outreach to community
IV. Next meeting date, time and location /
- Participants decided to meet the 3rd Friday of every month from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM.
- Location for next meeting on August 18thwas assigned to Kelli at Hinds Hospice.
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