At Salem Chapel Vestry, Pencoed.
Present / Councillors: / R. Williams – Town Mayor/Chair
D. John BEM
R. J. Hancock OBE
J. Butcher.
A. Williams
Mrs M. Evans
Mrs J. Williams
Mrs T. Lyddon
B. Sedgebeer
J. Wallis
In attendance: Geraint Thomas, Town Clerk, and 5 members of the Public.
The Mayor welcomed Mr Matthew Gilbert from BCBC and requested that a make his presentation in respect of the Active Networks Consultation being undertaken and handed out copies of a prepared map.
Members noted that there is going to be a roadshow on this subject in the Welfare Hall, Pencoed, between 10am and 2pm on the 25th July 2017.
Mr Gilbert was thanked for his informative presentation
7308 / Apologies for absence and dispensation.
Apologies from Cllrs A. Owen and Mrs. M. Jones
7309 / Declarations of Interest (written).
Declarations were received from the following:
Cllr D. John BEM Agenda Item 12 relating to Draft Lease from Friends of Salem
Cllr R. J. Hancock Agenda Item 12 relating to Draft Lease from Friends of Salem
Cllr J. Butcher Agenda Item 9
Cllr J. McCarthy Agenda Item 12 relating to Draft Lease from Friends of Salem
7310 / To receive the Police Report.
.There was no Police presence at the meeting.
The following report was circulated for members in respect of statistical information for
June 2017
Damage to property on Penprysg Road, believed to have been caused by vehicle losing control.(RTC)
Fail to pay for Taxi, Maerdy Park to Cardiff.
Theft of fuel from Texaco Crossroads Services.
ASB: Cars racing at Pencoed Ind Est x2
Theft of Brushes from Pencoed Hand Car Wash.
Theft of meat from Co Op x3 by same male. Male now in custody.
Domestic assault/ Violence against partner. x2 ( different persons)
Dog attack on sheep and lambs at Pencoed College, possible dog known.
Theft of money from safe at Texaco Crossroads Services.
Dog bit child on ankle outside Swimming Pool.
Domestic: 14 year old female smashing up home.
ASB: Persons have put up banners at their address causing offence.
ASB: Youth party at address.
Drugs: 16 year old female given MDMA.
It was agreed to note the information circulated
7311 / To receive duly notified questions from the Public
The letter received from Mrs L. Davies was circulated as per her request for members to consider.
The contents of the letter were duly noted as the questions posed therein were in line with the resolution of the Council to consult with the residents of Pencoed.
All future letters received prior to the Town Council will be issued in accordance with S/O 2
Furthermore copies of all information which supplements the Items on the Agenda to be sent out to All Councillors via email, subject to those without ICT provisions receiving relevant hard copies.
7312 / To Receive Mayoral messages
The Mayor made reference to the following:
1.  Attended 100th Birthday celebration of Mrs L. Powell of Tan y Groes
2.  Attended the Bridgend County Show on Saturday 8th July 2017
3.  Acceptance of gift from Waldsassen following the recent visit.
Resolved to note the comments from the Mayor
7313 / To receive the minutes of the Full Council meeting held on the12th June 2017
The above minutes were approved and accepted along with the recommendations therein subject to the following amendments be substituted
Para 3 -- Cllr Hancock OBE indicated that he had prepared a written script as to the reasons why he considered that the Town Council should consider the matter of their arrangements with Town Twinning and suggested that an opportunity be given to the residents of Pencoed to seek their views on the subject via a consultation exercise.
Para 5 --The motion put forward by Cllr Hancock OBE was seconded in some detail by Cllr Mrs M. Evans, where she indicated that the current level of financial commitment to the Twinning association could be better utilised for the benefit of less fortunate residents of Pencoed who in particular had to use the “Foodbank”. Mrs Evans also made it known that there had been a reduction in members of the Twinning Association.
Para 12 --That a consultation exercise be undertaken with the residents of Pencoed as to whether or not they are in support of the Town Council continuing with Town Twinning arrangements and financial implications thereof.Included in the consultation are to be the Educational Establishments of Pencoed.
7314 / To receive the minutes of the Transport Sub-Cttee held on 4th July 2017
The above minutes were noted.
7315 / To receive the minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting held on the 4th July 2017
The above minutes were approved and accepted along with the recommendations therein subject to Minute 3(i)(ii) regarding the matter of grant application from the Mid Glamorgan Mixed Choir being referred back to the Committee with plenary powers to resolve
7316 / To receive reports from representatives to outside bodies
Verbal reports were received as indicated
Organisation Presented by
OVW Cllr J. McCarthy
Pencoed and District Twinning Association Cllr J. Butcher was permitted to deliver the report in his capacity as Chairman of the Twinning Association on the recent visit to Waldsassen. Cllr Hancock OBE mentioned that the value of the hospitality received
needed to recorded as per Standing Orders
The reports were accepted with thanks
7317 / To review the Regeneration Strategy
There were no points to raise on this matter
7318 / To consider the provision of additional Dog Waste Bins
Cllr A. Williams introduced this matter referring to the lack of dog bins within the Pencoed area and requested whether or not the Town Council would consider providing additional bins.
It was duly noted that the responsibility for the bins and the emptying thereof was the responsibility of BCBC.
RESOLVED to re-consider this matter at a future meeting of the Council following Borough Councillors establishing the intent of BCBC in relation to what is a significant problem throughout the borough.
7319 / To consider aspects of the Lease of Salem Vestry to the Town Council
Cllrs R.J. Hancock OBE and D.John BEM left the meeting whilst this matter was discussed.
The Town Clerk in his capacity as Secretary to the Friends of Salem (FOS) indicated the reasons as to why the Draft Lease was before the Town Council at this meeting. He stated that the FOS wished to make certain amendments to the Lease but the opportunity was to be given to the Town Council to consider any aspects they would wish to be included prior to re-submission to the relevant Solicitor acting for FOS.
Following detailed and concerns being expressed the following was RESOLVED
1.  All eligible members of the Town Council consider the contents of the Draft Lease and that any comments thereon to be emailed to the Town Clerk within 7 days of the 12th July 2017 i.e. the date of this meeting
2.  The Town Clerk to acquire a copy of the Head Lease referred to and send to all eligible members of the Town Council and copies of plans
3.  A Detailed analysis of utility bills and any other costs that have been paid by the Town Council following the move to the be also circulated
4.  Item to be placed on next Council Agenda on this matter
Cllrs R.J. Hancock OBE and D.John BEM were recalled into the meeting
7320 / To Accept revised Standing Orders
The Town Clerk indicated the revised provisions within the Standing Orders as circulated
RESOLVED to accept the revised Standing Orders
7321 / To consider the Town Clerk’s General report
The Town Clerk presented his general report points of note are given below:
Staffing Matters
It was RESOLVED to note and the confirmation of Mr D. Lewis as Part Time Toilet Attendant from 19th June 2017.
Friends of Salem
Noted that this matter was dealt with Item 12 on the Agenda
Quarterly Meeting with BCBC
It was RESOLVED to note the position. Contact be made with Neath Port Talbot CBC in relation to the Skateboard Park provision at Aberavon Seafront
Hyphen Sub Cttee
Agreed that the following Councillors comprise the Hyphen Sub Cttee
J. McCarthy
D. John BEM
A. Williams
Mrs Tracy Lyddon
An early meeting to be arranged.
Members Declarations of Interest.
Agreed that all Councillors would inform the Town Clerk of any changes in their respective circumstances in order that the details on the Council’s Website could kept up to date in accordance with provisions required under Section 55 of The Local Government( Democracy) Wales Act 2013 ( commencement order No. 2) Order 2015
7322 / To receive a list of creditors from 1st June 2017 to the 30th June 2017
Payee Method Amount £. p
AW Salary / bacs / ****
GLT Salary / bacs / ****
G. Griffiths Salary / bacs / ****
BCBC (Rates) / dd / 55
BCBC (Rates) / dd / 112
Lex Autolease / dd / 718.2
Elite Signs (GLT) / bacs / 90
Sol in Tech (Phone) / dd / 38.46
Sol in Tech (Photo) / dd / 34.39
Allstar / Bacs / 67.83
Standard Life(Pension) / dd / 100
HMRC( Paye) / bacs / 1153.93
R. Williams
(M/Allowance) / bacs / 1200
S&T Tyres( Battery) / 103418 / 64.74
P. Morgan (Audit) / 103419 / 210
Corporate Finance(Photo) / dd / 363.6
Days Rental(Lease) / dd / 373.63
GLT Expes (Pest) / bacs / 75
Pencoed AFC ( Grant) / 103421 / 500
Credit Union / bacs / 30
GLT Exps (PPE etc) / bacs / 41.3
ABMAmbro (PPE) / bacs / 27.04
ABM Amro ( PPE) / bacs / 72.76
LaserRus ( Twin Gift) / bacs / 30.6
Awen Trust(Grant) / bacs / 250
Expenditure marked **** £3876.52
Total Expenditure £9485.00
The creditors list was accepted subject
7323 / Correspondence
The Town Clerk reported on the following correspondence :
1.  BCBC training event on CAT Transfers-- NOTED – to inform relevant organisations and to supply nominees to attend the event to be held on 26th July 2017 at The Court House,4 Station Road, Maesteg CF34 9 AL , to the Town Clerk
2.  Email from Town Twinning --Request from Plousanne.
Agreed to invite the Mayor of Plousanne as part of the delegation visiting Pencoed in September 2017, at no cost to Pencoed Town Council. .
3.  Resignation from Cllr B Sedgebeer from the Finance and General Purposes Cttee
Following nominations received and vote taken thereon. Cllr A. Owen was appointed to replace Cllr .Sedgebeer on the Finance and General Purposes Cttee.
7324 / If appropriate, to receive items for future agendas.
The following Items be included on future Agendas in addition to any other matters referred to in these minutes.
1.  Details of numbers using Pencoed Food Bank and invitation for the Trussell Trust
to attend.
2.  Consideration be given to a Training Event for all Councillors on Standing Orders and Code of Conduct to be provided by One Voice Wales
7325 / To consider passing the following resolution:
That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.
The resolution was not passed

Meeting ended at 8.40pm.