Present / Councillors: / R. J. Hancock OBE, Town Mayor/Chair
J. Butcher.
D. J. John BEM
J. McCarthy,
Mrs. J. McCarthy
Mrs. J. Butcher
R. Williams,
Mrs M. Jones
Mrs J. Ryan
T. Thomas
In attendance: Geraint Thomas, Town Clerk and one member of the Public
6988 / Apologies for absence and dispensation.
Apology was received from Cllr M. Gregory
6989 / Declarations of Interest (written).
Declarations of interest were recorded as indicated below:
Cllr R. Williams Item 12 on the Agenda – Land at Heol Ystad Waun
Cllr J. McCarthy. Item 12 on the Agenda – Land at Heol Ystad Waun
6990 / To receive the Police Report.
In attendance at the meeting was PCSO M. Coleman. who presented the police reports and statistical information for the months of September 2015.
DrugsPentwyn RoadCannabis Warning
Drugs Pentwyn RoadCannabis Warning
1 AsbPentwyn RoadNeighbours dispute
Violence against the personCoychurch Road1 person arrested
Violence against the personPen y bont roadVictim withdrew Violence against the person Coychurch Road On going
Violence against the personHeol PlousaneDomestic
Violence against the personHeol y GroesNo police action
Violence against the personHafod Lasdomestic
Robbery A473As discussed last meeting
Theft and handlingPen y bont RoadTheft from motor vehicle
Theft and HandlingCoychurch RoadAttempted theft from van
Theft and HandlingCoychurch Road1 male arrested
Theft and Handling Pen y bont roadTheft from insecure vehicle
Damage Coychurch RoadDamage to parked vehicle
DrugsFelindre road1 male arrested
1 asb call. Underage drinking
Violence against the personWoodlands Parkharassment from ex-partner
Violence against the personHafen degDomestic. 1 Arrested
Violence against the personPen gwernNFA
Burglary Hafen degDomestic. 1 arrested
Burglary Glyn y melTheft from shed
Theft and Handling Heol y GeifrTheft of number plates
Damage Deri AvenueVehicle Keyed.
6 Asb calls. Youth annoyance.
It was resolved to accept the report and thanks were extended to PCSO M. Coleman for his attendance.
6991 / To receive the minutes of the Full Council 9th September 2015(Appendix 1).
The minutes of the above meeting were approved and accepted.
6992 / To receive the minutes of the Planning Committees held on 14th September 2015 ( Appendix 2 )
The minutes of the above meeting were approved and accepted together with the recommendation(s) therein.
6993 / .To receive the minutes of the Employment Sub-Cttee held on 15th September 2015 ( Appendix 3 )
The minutes of the above meeting were approved and accepted together with the recommendation(s) therein.
6994 / To receive the minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Cttee held on 15th September 2015 ( Appendix 4 )
The minutes of the above meeting were approved and accepted together with the recommendation(s) therein.
6995 / To receive the minutes of the Business Admin and Policy Sub-Cttee held on 15th September 2015 ( Appendix 5 )
The minutes of the above meeting were approved and accepted together with the recommendation(s) therein.
6996 / To consider a motion received
The Mayor vacated the Chair at this juncture and the Deputy Mayor replaced him.
The Deputy Mayor read out the motion that had been received. The Mayor spoke in support of the motion and formally proposed that said motion.
An amendment to the motion was proposed by Cllr R. Williams which wasduly accepted by the Mayor . The amended motion became the substantive motion and having been seconded it was put to the vote.
The substantive motion being:
“This Town Council believes that the proposals contained in the document 'The 70% Council' are ill considered and detrimental to the Council Tax payers of Pencoed. Yet again three areas have been designated for infrastructure improvements, whilst the fact that this Community is divided by poor and potentially dangerous highway infrastructure continues to be ignored. As a Town, substantial amounts of income are provided by way of Council Tax and services are being seriously eroded despite the continuous requests from this Council for a fair distribution of resources
We call upon Bridgend County Borough Council in referring this proposal to them to consider diverting funds for infrastructure improvements in Pencoed by way of funding, if necessary, the widening of the bridge at Penprysg, and equally to funding the provision of a traffic light controlled pedestrian crossing at Coychurch Road, adjacent to Croesty/Pencoed Comprehensive Schools."
The vote indicated a unanimously positive outcome in favour.
It was resolved that BCBC be formally notified of the decision of the Town Council.
6997 / To receive a report from the Chair of the Planning Cttee
The Chairman of the Planning Cttee,Cllr J. Butcher referred to the document relating to Planning Policy Wales Chapter 10 and Technical Advice note 4; Retail Centre Development.
Cllr Butcher indicated that he had not had an opportunity to consider the contents of the document in sufficient depth to fully advise the Town Council, albeit he was of the opinion that the document could be acceptable to the Town Council
It was resolved to place this matter on the Agenda for the next meeting of the Town Council
6998 / To Receive reports from representatives to outside bodies
The following reports were delivered as indicated below, couple with the actionrequired therefrom
Organisation Delivered by
Board of Coity Walia Cllr J. McCarthy and Cllr Mrs J. McCarthy
Contents of report noted with thanks with specific reference to the following:
a)St . Mary Hill Fair – consideration be given to the date of the fair being moved – Action -- Coity Walia Board
b)Alms Houses Site— Acquisition of land at this location be instigated—Action – Pencoed Town Council
Pencoed and District Twinning Association Cllr Mrs J. Butcher
Contents of report noted with thanks with reference to the following:
a)Proposed date of visit to Plouzane in 2016 is yet to be agreed as it is the 20th Anniversary of the Twinning Charter being signed
6999 / To review the Regeneration Strategy
The Town Clerk reported that the next Projects Cttee will be held on 21st October 2015 at which matters relating to the Regeneration Strategy would be discussed.
The Town Clerk suggested that Mrs Satwant Pryce ,Head of Regenerationwithin BCBC be invited to attend the meeting.
It was suggested that the Projects Cttee consider the appointment of a consultant to
Advise/access grants as necessary.
It was resolved to endorse the recommendation of the Town Clerk and that the suggestion of employing a consultant to advise/access grants be referred to the Projects Cttee
7000 / To consider the Town Clerk’s – General Report
The Town Clerk’s report was accepted with thanks subject to the following:
Monument /Cenotaph
Resolved that plenary powers be granted to the Finance and General Purposes Cttee to enter into a long term agreement for the annual maintenance of the cenotaph as indicated by the Town Clerk.
Meeting with BCBC Officers
Matters for consideration at the meeting to be held on the 20th October 2015 to be received by the Town Clerk by Friday 9th October 2015 in order that an Agenda could be put forward
Representatives on Council Standing Committees etc;
The report by the Town Clerk was accepted as detailed.
The Following having been resolved:
Cllr Mrs J. Butcher – move from Projects Cttee to Finance and GP Cttee
Cllr Mrs J. Ryan - to take up vacancy on Planning Cttee
Cllrs T. Thomas and A Williams take up positions on the Projects Cttee
It was noted that the Finance and GP Cttee and Projects Cttee would now have eight representatives.
The Town Clerk reported that the closing date for receipt of articles had now passed and that a draft version of the Hyphen would be emailed to members of the Hyphen Sub Cttee for the consideration.
7001 / To receive a list of creditors from 1st July 2015 to the 31st August 2015
PAYEE Method Amount
£. P.
Aw Salary / bacs / ****
BCBC / dd / 55.00
BCBC / dd / 108.00
Allstar / dd / 13.98
Lex Autolease / dd / 384.18
Hmrc / bacs / 966.23
GLT salary / bacs / ****
Sol in Tech / dd / 19.99
GLT Expenses (Tender Ad) Bacs / 166.48
BCBC Election / bacs / 5705.8
Dean Martin Nursery / 103355 / 2753.9
Crystal Craft / 103356 / 91.92
Pencoed RFC / 103357 / 500.00
Pencoed Indoor Bowls / 103358 / 250.00
Investec / Bacs / 90.43
GLT Exps / Bacs / 119.00
Pencoed Builders / Bacs / 38.06
Expenditure marked **** £2883.50
Total Expenditure £ 14146.47
The creditors list was accepted
7002 / Correspondence
The Town Clerk referred to the following items
- Framed Picture received from former Town Clerk –John Dilworth regarding the two army personnel that lost their lives in Afghanistan.
- Several grant applications had been received which are to be referred to Finance and General Purposes Committee for consideration
7003 / If appropriate, to receive items for future agendas.
The following items be the subject of consideration at future meetings ,
!. Update on proposed collaboration with Coychurch Higher Community Council
2. Update on the RAOB Club in Pencoed
3. Commercial Rents within the Town and provision of Arcade
4. Scams—request attendance of Fire Officer at next meeting
5. Election Fees—Subject of Motion to next meting
7004 / To consider passing the following resolution:
That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.
The resolution was not passed
Meeting ended at 8.15 pm.