Present / Councillors: / R. J. Hancock OBE, Town Mayor/Chair
J. Butcher.
D. J. John BEM
John McCarthy,
Mrs J. McCarthy
Mrs. J. Butcher
R. Williams,
Mrs M. Jones
In attendance: Geraint Thomas, Town Clerk
It was with great pleasure that the Mayor offered congratulations to Cllr D. John for him being honoured with the BEM in the Queens’ Birthday Honours List 2015. All those present applauded Cllr John appropriately.
Cllr John responded accordingly.
6959 / Apologies for absence and dispensation.
No apologies were received
6960 / Declarations of Interest (written).
No Declarations of interest were recorded .
6961 / To receive the Police Report.
The following reports were received from the Police. PCSO Sam Dance
was in attendance to present the reports for June 2015:
Vehicle nuisance Bryngarn road, Rhiwceiliog
Youths in school grounds, Penprysg Road.
Noisy neighbour Ty Penprysg
Fire works being set off after 10pm, Pant Glas
Drugs: Nothing reported
Harassing emails, Heol las
Children arguing, parents got involved , verbal only, Woodstock Gardens.
Wimborne Road, Tools taken from shed
Theft and handling: Nothing reported
Youths drinking alcohol off Coychurch Road, referrals submitted, alcohol confiscated
Vehicle nuisance at Bocam park
Penybont Road, 2 males arrested with intent to supply
Cannabis street check, Mercedes house
Stop check, Penybont Road, cocaine found
Ton Teg, Domestic related murder
Pencoed Comp, school children in fight
Penybont Road, Domestic Argument
Burglary: Nothing reported
Theft and handling:
I phone taken from insecure locker at Pencoed Library
Theft of works van whilst parked doing job on Felindre Road.
Coychurch Road, theft of van – recovered.
Vehicles around commercial area at Min Y Nant
Youths kicking football around Min Y nant area
Youth annoyance around Harveys Chip Shop
Person arrested for intent to supply
Female assaulted by her boyfriend, wrists held
Threats from ex- partner
Male persons in fight, one cut with broken bottle.
Burglary: Nothing reported
Theft and handling: Nothing reported.
It was resolved to accept the reports and thanks were extended to PCSO Sam Dance for her attendance and delivery of a detailed report.
It was further resolved that :
i)Future reports be produced in similar format to that presented at this meeting
ii)Concerns about 101 communications and response be raised directly with the Police
6962 / To receive the minutes of the Full Council 10th June 2015(Appendix 1).
The minutes of the above meeting were approved and accepted.
6963 / To receive the minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee held on 7th July 2015
The minutes of the above meeting were approved and accepted together with the recommendation(s) therein.
6964 / To receive reports from representatives to outside bodies
There were no reports presented as there had been no meetings convened of the outside bodies concerned
6965 / To review the Regeneration Strategy (Standing Item).
The Town Clerk made reference to aspects of the regeneration strategy would be covered in his general report.
Resolved that further consideration / referral be given to the Sensory Garden and Town and the availability of Grants from Town and Communities Fund by the Projects Committee at its meeting to be held on 16th September 2015
6966 / To consider the Town Clerk’s General Report
The Town Clerk presented his report which was circulated at the meeting.
It was resolved to note the report and to make the following resolutions in respect of specific items referred to therein:
Item 2.- Resolved to accept and record the Council’s appreciation for the creditable work currently being undertaken by Mr Andrew Walters (CSO)
Item 3 (b). Toilets Project- Resolved to accept and endorse the actions of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor in dealing with this matter and to await the outcome of the meeting to be held on Monday 13th July 2015.
Item 3. ( c ) & (d) Youth Shelter and Mini Muga- Resolvedto note the current position and that the matters be pursued through the Cabinet Member for regeneration within BCBC
Item 3( e) Sensory Garden -- Resolved that this matter be referred to the Projects Committee in September
Item 3 (f) Monument/Cenotaph—Resolved to accept the position and quotation as indicated in the Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes of the 7th July 2015
Item 3 (g) Collaborative Working – Resolved to write to the Clerk of Coychurch Higher Community Council thanking her for the work she undertook during the period of the Town Clerk’s holiday.
6967 / To consider list of creditors from 11th June 2015 to 8th July 2015
The following list of creditors was distributed together with a list of electronic payments made which are to signed by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor on a monthly basis:
PAYEE Method Amount
GBR / bacs / 16.50
AW Salary / bacs / ****
BCBC / dd / 55.00
BCBC / dd / 108.00
Allstar / dd / 73.70
BT / dd / 125.73
Lex Autolease / dd / 384.18
Sol in Technology / bacs / 367.92
GT Salary / bacs / ****
RJH Mayoral Allowance / 103342 / 1200.00
Celtic Mowers / bacs / 75.00
HMRC / bacs / 897.10
GBR Workforce / bacs / 20.26
Twinning Grant / 103345 / 500.00
Friends of Comp Grant / 103344 / 500.00
Mixed Choir Grant / 103343 / 500.00
Total **** = £ 2864.52 Total Expenditure = £ 7687.91
Members agreed the creditors lists
6968 / Correspondence
The Town Clerk made reference to the fact that correspondence is regularly being circulated to members and matters requiring a response were being dealt with by him.
Two specific items were however, brought to the attention of members;
i)Local Government Ombudsman’s Annual report 2014/15 – This to be noted and available for perusal in the Office
ii)Letter received regarding School admissions from concerned residents/parents.
In respect of (ii) above the matter was the subject of a joint meeting with the Cabinet Member Responsible for Education within BCBC. The meeting was held on the 7th July 2015 at which the background of the case was presented by the Mayor Cllr Jim Hancock OBE.
Cllr Hancock OBE gave a verbatim report to the Town Council as to the outcome from the meeting and situation that currently prevailed.
Following discussion it was unanimously agreed that there was a lack of a common sense approach by BCBC in resolving this matter to obviate any probable repercussions.
It was Resolved that the Town Clerk write to both the Director of Education and Cabinet Member for Education expressing the Town Council’s concerns regarding the lack of a common sense approach in dealing the matter and requesting that prevailing situation be reconsidered and remedied to the satisfaction of all concerned.
6969 / If appropriate, to receive items for future agendas.
It was resolved to consider the following at the next meeting of the Council.
Community Asset Transfers—Development of a Pencoed Sports Board
Update on Electrification of Railway
6970 / To consider passing the following resolution:
That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.
Resolution was passed
6971 / To receive an update on matter addressed to the Mayor- Conduct of Councillor(s)
.The Town Clerk reported that a communication had been received addressed to the Mayor .
The Mayor indicated that the conduct of all members would be a matter that would be dealt with by him and the Town Clerk , irrespective of political affiliations ,as and when the need arises in accordance with the internal informal resolution procedure allowed under the Code of Conduct.
It was resolved to note the statement made by the Mayor
Meeting ended at 8.00pm.