If a code does not work, it may be retired. To avoid error messages, enter the codes manually don’t copy/paste from this document electronically. Tape these codes to the inside of your ATI folder or books for easy retrieval.
Assessment ID / Assessment Password / Name of Assessment589270 / 21L6821F50 / Focused Medical-Surgical 2007: Cardiovascular
593634 / 21L5741F69 / Focused Medical-Surgical 2007: Endocrine
587943 / 21L4831F66 / Focused Medical-Surgical 2007: Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Imbalances
593457 / 21L6851F68 / Focused Medical-Surgical 2007: Gastrointestinal
590978 / 21L6881F50 / Focused Medical-Surgical 2007: Immune
588348 / 21L5271F52 / Focused Medical-Surgical 2007: Neurosensory and Musculoskeletal
593952 / 21L6761F52 / Focused Medical-Surgical 2007: Perioperative
588818 / 21L5621F52 / Focused Medical-Surgical 2007: Renal and Urinary
587850 / 21L5311F70 / Focused Medical-Surgical 2007: Respiratory
468159 / 21L4821R65 / RN Adult Medical-Surgical Online Practice 2007 A
628041 / 30L5431R48 / RN Adult Medical-Surgical Online Practice 2007 B
736710 / 18L5231R55 / RN Community Health Nursing Online Practice 2007 A
736711 / 18L6641R70 / RN Community Health Nursing Online Practice 2007 B
628038 / 30L5441R67 / RN Fundamentals Online Practice 2007 A
628039 / 30L5751R66 / RN Fundamentals Online Practice 2007 B
468162 / 21L6681R52 / RN Leadership Online Practice 2007 A
627914 / 30L4891R50 / RN Leadership Online Practice 2007 B
468163 / 21L5621R69 / RN Maternal Newborn Online Practice 2007 A
736692 / 18L5431R65 / RN Maternal Newborn Online Practice 2007 B
736693 / 18L5661R56 / RN Mental Health Online Practice 2007 A
736694 / 18L4871R50 / RN Mental Health Online Practice 2007 B
736716 / 18L5681R65 / RN Nursing Care of Children Online Practice 2007 A
736696 / 18L4991R68 / RN Nursing Care of Children Online Practice 2007 B
628057 / 30L6741R54 / RN Nutrition Online Practice 2007 A
627919 / 30L5121R66 / RN Nutrition Online Practice 2007 B
736718 / 18L5501R57 / RN Pharmacology Online Practice 2007 A
627910 / 30L7011R70 / RN Pharmacology Online Practice 2007 B
368122 / 20L7051R66 / RN Comprehensive Assessment: Online Practice
303109 / 26L6641R65 / RN Comprehensive Online Practice: No Rationales 2007B
468157 / 21L6631R53 / RN Comprehensive Online Practice: Rationales 2007A
627890 / 30L6741F66 / Focused Medical-Surgical 2007: Cardiovascular
627891 / 30L5181F68 / Focused Medical-Surgical 2007: Endocrine
587943 / 21L4831F66 / Focused Medical-Surgical 2007: Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Imbalances
628045 / 30L4901F53 / Focused Medical-Surgical 2007: Gastrointestinal
627894 / 30L4911F70 / Focused Medical-Surgical 2007: Immune
588348 / 21L5271F52 / Focused Medical-Surgical 2007: Neurosensory and Musculoskeletal
593952 / 21L6761F52 / Focused Medical-Surgical 2007: Perioperative REPLACED WITH CODE BELOW
419580 / 06L5561F50 / Focused RN Medical Surgical: Perioperative
588818 / 21L5621F52 / Focused Medical-Surgical 2007: Renal and Urinary
587850 / 21L5311F70 / Focused Medical-Surgical 2007: Respiratory
468161 / 21L7041R54 / RN Fundamentals Online Practice 2007 A
628039 / 30L5751R66 / RN Fundamentals Online Practice 2007 B
468162 / 21L6681R52 / RN Leadership Online Practice 2007 A
628062 / 30L5391R53 / RN Leadership Online Practice 2007 B
627903 / 30L5121R55 / RN Maternal Newborn Online Practice 2007 A
627904 / 30L5731R69 / RN Maternal Newborn Online Practice 2007 B
468164 / 21L5561R66 / RN Mental Health Online Practice 2007 A
628056 / 30L6771R53 / RN Mental Health Online Practice 2007 B
468165 / 21L6781R51 / RN Nursing Care of Children Online Practice 2007 A
628054 / 30L6891R54 / RN Nursing Care of Children Online Practice 2007 B
627918 / 30L5641R54 / RN Nutrition Online Practice 2007 A
628058 / 30L5021R49 / RN Nutrition Online Practice 2007 B
468166 / 21L6501R49 / RN Pharmacology Online Practice 2007 A
628060 / 30L6811R52 / RN Pharmacology Online Practice 2007 B
468159 / 21L4821R65 / RN Adult Medical-Surgical Online Practice 2007 A
628041 / 30L5431R48 / RN Adult Medical-Surgical Online Practice 2007 B
468160 / 21L5331R66 / RN Community Health Nursing Online Practice 2007 A
628064 / 30L7041R70 / RN Community Health Nursing Online Practice 2007 B
For Senior Students:
184260 / 01L6961N54 / NCLEX Alternate Item Test (NAIT)
55561 / 14L6651R65 / RN Comprehensive Assessment: Online Practice
419573 / 06L5741R57 / RN Comprehensive Online Practice: No Rationales 2007B
368123 / 20L5331R70 / RN Comprehensive Online Practice: Rationales 2007A
214033 30L6871R68 RN Fundamentals for Nursing
55565 14L6991R52 RN Adult Medical-Surgical Nursing
214042 30L5231R49 RN Maternal-Newborn Nursing
175603 22L7071R55 RN Pharmacology 2.0: Online Practice
70474 23L5351R67 RN Nursing Care of Children
175600 22L5711R54 RN Mental Health Nursing
55565 14L6991R52 RN Adult Medical-Surgical
70489 23L4991R65 RN Community Health Nursing
175639 22L6611R70 RN Leadership 2.0
Additional unlimited practice codes for seniors:
303119 26L5521F50 Focused RN Medical Surgical: Cardiovascular
303111 26L5041F70 Focused RN Medical Surgical: Endocrine
303112 26L6731F51 Focused RN Medical Surgical:
303113 26L5551F49 Focused RN Medical Surgical: Gastrointestinal
303114 26L6781F51 Focused RN Medical Surgical: Immune
303115 26L5671F50 Focused RN Medical Surgical: Neuro &
303116 26L4961F55 Focused RN Medical Surgical: Perioperative
303117 26L5321F50 Focused RN Medical Surgical: Renal and
303118 26L6811F68 Focused RN Medical Surgical: Respiratory
Submit proof of practice (90% or above) for the No Rationales practice test:
303109 26L6641R65 RN Comprehensive Practice: No Rationales
303108 26L5131R68 RN Comprehensive Practice: Rationales 2007A
184324 01L5161N51 NCLEX Alternate Item Test (NAIT)
Assessment IDAssessment NamePassword
368094Focused RN Medical Surgical: Cardiovascular20L5121F67
368086Focused RN Medical Surgical: Endocrine20L5541F48
368087Focused RN Medical Surgical: Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base20L5331F51
368088Focused RN Medical Surgical: Gastrointestinal20L5051F50
368089Focused RN Medical Surgical: Immune20L5081F66
368090Focused RN Medical Surgical: Neurosensory and Musculoskeletal20L6671F52
368091Focused RN Medical Surgical: Perioperative20L6961F70
368092Focused RN Medical Surgical: Renal and Urinary20L5021F49
368093Focused RN Medical Surgical: Respiratory20L5511F48
368061RN Adult Medical-Surgical Nursing 1.0: Online Practice20L5071R57
368076RN Community Health Nursing 1.0: Online Practice20L6951R65
368082RN Comprehensive Assessment: Online Practice20L6651R52
368084RN Comprehensive Online Practice: No Rationales 2007B20L7041R53
368083RN Comprehensive Online Practice: Rationales 2007A20L6631R50
368058RN Fundamentals for Nursing 1.0: Online Practice20L4941R67
368079RN Leadership 1.0: Online Practice20L5031R50
368067RN Maternal-Newborn Nursing 1.0: Online Practice20L6521R70
368070RN Mental Health Nursing 1.0: Online Practice20L6841R67
368064RN Nursing Care of Children 1.0: Online Practice20L4851R69
368073RN Pharmacology 1.0: Online Practice20L6581R67
Important Study guide!
Pathophysiology/Pharmacology ATI
Unit 2
Cephalosporins (Cephalexin/Keflex): recognizing allergic rxn- urticaria, rash,
hypotension, &/or dyspnea (stop & notify)
PCN: teaching client to recognize anaphylaxis- laryngeal edema, bronchoconstriction,
Antimybacterial (isoniaxid/INH): evaluating effectiveness of tx- improvement in TB
symptoms (clear breath sounds, no night sweats, ↑ appetite, no afternoon rises of
temp, 2 negative sputum cultures), usually 3-6 months to achieve
Sulfonamides (trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole/TMP-SMZ, Bacterium): identify
contraindications- pts w/folic acid deficiency, avoid use in pregnancy
& lactation, w/renal dysfunction, do not use if creatinine clearance <15mL/min
Bacteriostatic inhibitors (erythromycin/E-Mycin): client ed regarding self adm- on empty
stomach (1hr before meals & 2hrs after) w/full glass of water
Tetracyclines (tetracycline hydrochloride/Sumycin): med interactions- milk products, Ca
& iron supplements, Mg containing laxatives, most antacids, oral contraceptives
(↓ effectiveness of BC)
Unit 3
Chemo: formulating nursing dx-
Immunosuppressants (cyclosporine/Sandimmune): med therapy to prevent organ
rejection- lifelong therapy necessary
contraindications- cyclosporine: pregnancy, recent vaccines w/live virus, recent contact/active infection of chickenpox/herpes zoster; glucocorticoids: systemic fungal infections, recurring live virus vaccines
Unit 4
Ergot Alkaloids (ergotamine/Ergostat): client ed regarding adverse effects- GI, ergotism
(muscle pain, paresthesias in fingers/toes, cold pain extremities- stop, immediately notify), physical dependence (do not exceed prescribed dose, inform pt symptoms of withdrawal (headache, nausea, vomiting, restlessness), notify), abortion (avoid using during pregnancy, use adequate contraception during therapy)
Antigout med (cholchicine): contraindications- during pregnancy (C if PO, D if IV),
cautiously in older adults, debilitated pts, & pts w/renal, cardiac, GI dysfunction
Nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs (aspirin, celecoxib/Celebrex): ID
contraindications- aspirin (peptic ulcer disease, bleeding d/o, hypersensitivity, pregnancy D, children w/chickenpox/influenza), NSAIDs (older adults, smokers, pts w/H. pylori infection, hypovolemia, hay fever, chronic urticaria, &/or hx of alcoholism)
Opioid agonist (Morphine sulfate): interventions for pain management- assess level of
pain, baseline vitals, check dose w/another nurse, IV slowly (4-5min), pts w/cancer on fixed schedule around the clock & supplemental dose PRN
Transdermal fentanyl- w/1st adm will take numerous hrs to achieve desired
therapeutic effects, adm short-acting opioids prior to onset & for breakthrough pain
Evaluating PCA use- monitor dose, lockout, interval, & 4hr limit; reassure
pt of safety measures protecting against excessive dose; encourage use prophylactically prior to activities likely to augment pain levels; make sure pt receives adequate PCA dosing until onset of PO med takes place if switching
Documenting assessment findings- document pain level on regular basis
Adverse effects of codeine- resp. depression (stop if <12), sedation (avoid
hazardous activities- driving), overdose (coma, resp. depression, pinpoint pupils); (constipation, orthostatic hypotension, urinary retention, cough suppression, biliary colic, emesis)
Morphine adm-
Risk for resp. depression- pts w/asthma, emphysema, &/or head injuries,
infants/premature infants & older adults; CNS depressants (barbituates, benxos,
Recognizing side effects- above
Agonists-antagonists opioids (pentazocine/Talwin): eval med order- use cautiously in pts
w/hx of MI (↑ cardiac workload) & pts who are physically dependent on opioids; for mild to moderate pain
Unit 5
Anti-Parkinsons med dopamine-levadopa/Dopar: adverse rxns- nausea & vomiting,
drowsiness (adm in small doses @ start & w/food), dyskinesias (head bobbing, tics, grimacing, tremors- ↓ dose, but may result in resumption of PD symptoms), orthostatic hypotension (monitor BP, educate pt of signs & ways to reduce)
Antidepressants: Tricyclic (TCA) (amitriptyline/Elavil)- blocks reuptake of NE &
serotonin & intensifies their effects; for depression & bipolar d/o; side effects- orthostatic hypotension, anticholinergic effects, cardiac toxicity; interactions- MAOIs = hypertension, antihystamines = added anticholinergic effects, ephedrine & amphetamines = ↓ med response
Antipsychotics (chlorpromazine/Thorazine, haloperidol/Haldol): recognizing side effects
to report- neuroendocrine effects (gynecomastia- breast enlargement, galatorrhea, menstrual irregularities), seizures, agranulocytosis (signs of infection), inflammation of heart muscle (dyspnea, ↑rr, lethargy, chest pain, palpitations), loss of glucose/new onset of diabetes (polyuria, polyphagia, polydipsia)
Atypical: (clozapine/Clozaril) recognizing contraindications- pregnancy B, pts
w/hx of agranulocytosis & bone marrow depression, on anticancer meds, pts
w/seizure d/o & diabetes
SSRI (fluoxetine/Prozac): recognizing adverse effects- sexual dysfunction (no orgasm,
impotence, ↓ libido), weight gain, serotonin syndrome (2-72hr after starting tx; mental confusion, agitation, anxiety, hallucinations, hyperreflexia, tremors), withdrawal syndrome (headache, nausea, visual disturbances, anxiety), hyponatremia, rash, sleepiness, faintness, lightheadedness
Mood stabilizer (lithium carbonate): analyzing data- Lithium carbonate: check Q2-3 days
then Q1-3 months; norms are 0.4-1.0; during manic phase levels can be between 0.8-1.4; >1.5 = toxic; maintain adequate Na levels
Atypical antidepressants (bupropion HCl/Wellbutrin): recognizing contraindications-
pregnancy B, pts w/seizure d/o, pts taking MAOIs
MAOI (phenelzine/Nardil): dietary teaching- avoid tyramine (aged cheese, salami,
avocados, bananas, protein, dietary supplement, red wine)
Antiepileptics (AEDs): interventions for adverse rxns- p.178-180
Cholinesterase inhibitors (neostigmine/Prostigmin): cholinergic crisis- excessive
muscarinic stimulation & resp. depression from neuromuscular blockade; tx w/atropine, provide resp. support through mechanical ventilation & O2
Unit 6
Cardiac glycosides (digoxin/Lanoxin:) recognizing side effects- dysryhthmias,
cardiotoxicity leading to bradycardia (monitor serum K levels, hypokalemia = nausea, vomiting, general weakness; monitor digoxin levels & maintain 0.5-0.8)
Beta blockers (metroprolol/Lopressor, propranolol/Inderal): documenting adverse effects-
Antipsychotics- atypical (clozapine/Clozaril): evaluating therapeutic effects-
improvement of symptoms (prevention of acute psychotic symptoms, absence of hallucinations, delusions, anxiety, hostility), improvement in ability to perform ADLs, interact socially w/peers, sleeping & eating habits
Ca Channel blockers (nifedipine/Procardia): monitoring med effects- p.259-262
Recognizing pharm action- vasodilation, ↓ force of contraction, heart rate, & slowing of rate through AV node
Organic nitrates (nitroglycerine/Nitrol): self adm- don’t swallow, let dissolve under
tongue (if mouth dry, nitrospray instead), can take up to 3 doses @ 5min apart
Adrenergic agonist (epinephrine/Adrenaline): titrating dose- continuous IV infusion,
titrated based on blood pressure response
Antilipemics (ezetimibe/Zetia, cholestyramine/Questran): monitoring side effects-
hepatotoxicity (liver function tests after 12wks then @6months), myopathy (baseline CK & monitor, symptoms of muscle aches, pain & tenderness), peripheral neuropathy (weakness, numbness, tingling, & pain in hand/feet)
Client teaching- lovastatin w/evening meal (other statins can be taken
w/out food); obtain baseline cholesterol levels, HDL, LDL, & triglycerides & monitor periodically; obtain baseline liver, renal function tests & monitor
Unit 7
Hemopoietic growth factor: side effects of erythropoietin- hypertension (due to ↑ Hct), ↑
risk for cardiovascular event (MI, stoke, cardiac arrest) w/↑ in Hgb
evaluating pt response- Hgb levels of 10-12g/dL, Hct of 40%, ↑ reticulocyte ct
Antiplatelets: client education- prevention of strokes, MI, & reinfarction can be
accomplished w/low dose aspirin (81mg); aspirin 325mg should be taken during
initial acute episode of MI; notify provider regarding aspirin use; use EC tablets
& take aspirin w/food; observe for signs of weakness, dizziness, & headache, &
notify provider if occur; avoid concurrent use of NSAIDs, heparin, warfarin
(enhance bleeding)
adverse effects- GI (bleeding- use EC & take w/food, proton pump inhibitor may
be used- omeprazole/Prilosec)
Thrombolytics (streptokinase/Streptase): minimizing adverse affects- risk of bleeding
from different sites (limit venipunctures & injections, apply pressure to recent wounds), hypotension (infuse slowly), allergic rxn
Similar to Mental Health ATI
Study Guide
1) Schizophrenia- Power point-typical onset late teens to early 20’s. Early age is 18-25 and more often males but late onset of 25-35 is often females with better outcomes too. The prevent on relapse is more important than the risk of side effects because it is reversible and relapses aren’t. Each relapse has an increase of dysfunction/deterioration.
Phases-Acute-positive and negative symptoms.Maintanence-acute symptoms decrease in severity but last up to 6 months or more. Stable- symptoms in remission. People who have it tend to have abused substances(males), nicotine dependence, depression, anxiety, polydipsia, and drink 4-10 liters of h20 and day. therories. combo-genetic/life style, Biochemical-serotonin, nore,gaba, cause it.genetic-if both parents have it 46% child chance of having it 12% if only 1 parent has it,40-50% chance twins having it. People who have it have lower brain volume/more cerebral spinal fluid too.