IASFAA Executive Council Teleconference Minutes
October 23, 2014

Members present: Julie Haack, Jen Sassman, Kristi Fuller, Tristan Lynn, Mindi Bucklin, Todd Brown, Carolyn Schwendeman, Mary Jo Smith, Lisa Croat, Mary Jacobsen, Chris Ditter, Julie Dunn, Chad Olson, Brittany Peterson, Michele Dunne, Sara Harrington, Brian Eben, Karen Snyder

Meeting called to order by President Julie Haack at 10:30

Approve minutes from April 9th 2014 Business Meeting: hold until meeting on November 4, 2014

Treasurer’s Report –Bethany Rinderknecht/Molly Weber
None at this time

Past President – Jen Sassman

The NASFAA Training arrangements have been made as a pre-conference event. I sent a registration reminder through the listserv a few weeks ago. And thanks to the help of electronic services I also directed members to the participant’s handouts on the website. Currently there are 29 participants registered for NASFAA Training.

President – Julie Haack

I got Julie Dunn the paperwork and bio stuff for the ergonomics speaker. I also would like a schedule of when I have to speak at the conference and so I can help coordinate the cheerleaders.

President Elect – Kristi Fuller
I have been helping Brian and the Professional Development committee get things organized for the fall conference since they unfortunately got off to a late start. Please encourage any newer staff members in your offices to apply for a conference scholarship. I am also currently working on filling the ballot for elections so please encourage staff members that are asked to say yes to serving IASFAA!

Vice President – Tristan Lynn

1.  Setting up conference calls for various committees.

a.  Had a minor issue with the call in line, looking into an alternative for future years. This Telenet is good for the remainder of this year.

Secretary – Mindi Bucklin
Please send me your reports if you haven’t already and let me know if you need anything.

Delegates – Todd Brown, Pam Perry, Carolyn Schwendeman

Nothing conference related, just working on policy and procedures manual

Awards Committee –Mary Jo Smith/Brittany Peterson
Awards are good to go. Recipients have been selected and the presentation is ready. MASFAA awards will be incorporated into Aaron’s speech. Will be doing the MASFAA talent production.

By-Laws Committee – Delegates
No report.

Community Outreach Committee –Lisa Croat/Gary Adams

Nothing conference related. Real Life Zone was yesterday and will fill everyone in later.

Exhibitor Relations –Kathie Aswegan/Michele Dunn

There are 8 exhibitors as of right now. Discover is questioning whether or not they have to be a member to exhibit. There is a situation where the normal IASFAA exhibitor is going to Missouri’s conference and they are sending someone else. Can they just pay for the conference registration or do they have to be a member as well? They can do the daily rate for Wednesday or Thursday or the full rate. We will want to look into clarifying this in the policies and procedures and get input from other exhibitors. We may have some additional vendors before conference. We are also looking at creating permanent signage.

Electronic Services Committee – Chris Ditter/Mary Jacobsen
The following updates have been made to the website for conference:

·  Conference registration with tentative agenda

·  NASFAA Training registration

·  Exhibitor registration

·  Hotel reservation info

·  Conference scholarship application

·  Awards application

Handouts will be posted next week

Federal and State Issues Committee –Brandi Stone-Miller/Sara Harrington

The website is getting updated and they hope to have it ready by conference.

Finance Committee – Julie Haack
Morgan Stanley has not responded about the investments, so I am going to follow up with Bethany and them so we can have it for the November meeting.

Newsletter Committee –Amy Norton/Renee Armentrout
No Report

Professional Development Committee -Brian Eben

NASFAA Training is organized and scheduled for Wednesday, November 5th. Tim Kremer and Steve Lovan are presenting on Needs Analysis

We currently have 8 new comers signed up for the Fall Conference. All have been assigned mentors

The Fall Conference Scholarship form is live on the IASFAA website.

Program Committee –Julie Dunn/Karen Snyder
Conference planning is coming along well.

·  Registration for both hotel and conference went live on schedule, hotel registration has been extended to 10/24/14.

·  As of 10/21/14 we have 76 registrants for the Fall 2014 conference, 8 newcomers and 20 for NASFAA Training.

·  Thanks to Jen and Julie, we have our NASFAA Trainers, Tim Kremer and Steve Loven.

·  Member photos are going to be done and Jen Sassman is going to facilitate this and take candid pictures.

Site Coordinating Committee –Chad Olson/ Joan Meyer
Chad is working with the hotel for a room for our Tuesday meeting-Rock Island room. Room will be ready at 2. May need help with set up Tuesday night. Julie is finding a place for Tuesday evening dinner.

Approval of Officer and Committee Reports

·  Motion –Kristi Fuller made a motion to approve the reports

·  Second –Tristan Lynn seconded the motion

·  Motion carries

Old Business

New Business



·  Motion –Julie Haack made a motion to adjourn at 11:15

·  Second –Tristan Lynn seconded the motion

·  Motion carries

Respectfully submitted by Mindi Bucklin, Secretary