MARCH 12TH, 2009


Meeting called to order by President Anthony V. Esposito at 10:02 AM

ATTENDENCE: Voting Members: Melissa J. Russell, Mary Clark-Wilson, Lorraine Elliott, Anthony V. Esposito, Donald Paul Smith, Pamela Rapacz, Michael Wyman, Kevin McCarthy, Karen Cheyney, Barbara Brenneman, Susan Luginbuhl and Anne-Marie Mastroianni. NON-VOTING: Robert Sherman, George Cody, Urania Petit, Judith Beaudreau, Peg Byrnes and Marie Greene. Guests: Mary Mourey and Audrey Wasik.

Motion to accept minutes from February 12th 2009 as presented made by Pamela Rapacz seconded by Barbara Brenneman. MOTION PASSES with 4 abstentions due to absence.

TREAURERS REPORT: Judith Beaudreau: Monita Hebert, as Deputy Treasurer, has been working diligently to prepare for an audit by our auditing committee. ROVAC finances are all in order.

Introduction of new chair Of Middlesex County Made by President Anthony V. Esposito. A big welcome to Middlesex County chair: Karen Cheyney of Durham.


FAIRFIELD: Karen Doyle Lyons: George Cody reporting in Karen’s absence. The county had a meeting on February 21st, 2009 where they passed a resolution 21 against and 7 in favor to speak against EDR because of additional cost to municipalities.

HARTFORD: Marie M. Fox: Mary Mourey vice chair reporting in Marie’s absence. They will be holding a county meeting on March 31st, 2009 at 9:30 AM.

LITCHFIELD: Amelia Waldron: Meeting held in Goshen on February 24th, 2009. Lesley Mara, Anthony Esposito and Judith Beaudreau were guest speakers. The next meeting will be on April 21st, 2009 in Washington Depot Bryan Memorial Hall.

MIDDLESEX: Karen Cheyney: Congratulations to the new chair. The meeting was held on February 24th, 2009 in Cromwell. Their next meeting will be in April.

NEW HAVEN: Carmela Apuzzo: Anthony Esposito reported: They will be holding a meeting on March 30th or April 2nd, 2009.

NEW LONDON: Lorraine Elliott: The county met February 19th, 2009. They were not interested in attending ROVAC Day at the Capitol but were for ROVAC legislation regarding EDR

TOLLAND: Sue Luginbuhl: They will be holding a meeting on March 18th, 2009 in Ellington.

WINDHAM: Kevin McCarthy: They had a meeting on January 22nd, 2009.The majority of county members were against EDR legislation. The next meeting will be April 30th, 2009.


AUDITING: Peg Byrnes: Auditing of ROVAC books is to take place April 13th, 2009 in Tolland.

BUDGET: Nancy DePietro: PASS

CONVENTION: Judith Beaudreau: Information is being sent out via E-Mail.


EDUCATION: Judith Beaudreau: Working on ideas from the membership.

HAND BOOK: Marie Greene: PASS

LEGISLATIVE: Pamela Rapacz: ROVAC’S proposals have not come out of the GAE Committee yet. Now is the time for all members to actively lobby their legislators in support of our proposals. There seems to have been a disconnect in selling of ROVAC proposals to the counties and the legislative committee members will be going out to the counties in April to teach members how to lobby and educate with regards to our legislative proposals. At present the problem with EDR Provisional Ballot is the fiscal impact on the municipalities. We agreed to support Provisional Ballot form of EDR so that ROVAC would have a voice in how EDR would be implemented. We need a cost analysis from Fairfield County with regard to EDR. Legislators are more interested in our proposal this year than any other year.

NOMINATING: Bob Sherman: Eight Candidates for the Three Board Positions: Jo-Ann McMasters (Fairfield), Pamela Rapacz (Wethersfield), Sue Larsen (South Windsor), Donald Paul Smith (Darien), Linda Cultrera (Newington), Catherine Ann Palazzi (Andover), Susan J. Burnham (South Windsor) and Darlene Burrell (Suffield). Auditor’s incumbents: Margaret Byrnes (East Hartford), Mary Mourey (East Hartford) and Patricia Byer (Rocky Hill) vote for any three


WAYS AND MEANS: Michael Wyman: Hoping to get some exciting County Gifts to raffle and for the big raffle we are looking at a Lap Top, GPS and a Camera. Suggestion made for a Kindle.


BY-LAWS: Lou DeCillio: PASS



PRESIDENTS REPORT: Anthony V. Esposito: County Representatives should keep county members educated and up to date with the ROVAC agenda. Our goal is to prevent any disconnect between the Board and the wishes of the membership. If ROVAC wishes to be an effective group we have to get our VOICE out there.

OLD BUSINESS: ConnVerse: Newsletter from SOTS went to Town Clerks first and to registrars afterwards. Secretary of the State is pushing for Town Clerks to get on ConnVerse System. Mike Wyman received an E-mail from Ted Bromley (tech small group) to get together on 3/17/09 or 3/19/09 in Hartford to approve upgrades ready for CVRS delivery. (Small group Mike Wyman, Judith Beaudreau Rick Beckieus and Bob Sherman.) Face Book communications about ROVAC news and notes to members via the vr. E-mail addresses.

training of registrars in data clean up regarding birth dates and duplicate voters so that all registrars can do their jobs.

NEW BUSINESS: Motion made by Donald Paul Smith to suggest to the By-Laws Committee and addition to the By-Laws a means by which any member of ROVAC Board not fulfilling the duties of their office may be removed. Seconded by Barbara Brenneman. Subject open for discussion: A future situation disregarding any present example we will determine basic rules by which we all have to live by. We should proceed cautiously in the terms we define. Most often this is a difficult decision to make and we need to protect the dignity of the people involved. Motion amended by Don Smith that we suggest to by-laws committee a means by which the member of the leadership position of ROVAC may be removed for not fulfilling his or her duties. Motion PASSES 6-4 with one abstention

Motion to adjourn Barbara Brenneman seconded by Sue Luginbuhl Motion PASSES

Meeting adjourned by Anthony V. Esposito at 12:04 PM.

Our next meeting will be April 16th, 2009 at 10:00 AM. in Cromwell.

Respectfully submitted by Anne-Marie Mastroianni Secretary

The ROVAC Board meets the second Thursday of the month unless otherwise notified.